@* Copyright (C) 2012 Ittiam Systems Pvt Ltd, Bangalore
@* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
@* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
@* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
@* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
@* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
@* limitations under the License.
@* ,:file
@*  ihevc_sao_edge_offset_class2_chroma.s
@* ,:brief
@*  Contains function definitions for inter prediction  interpolation.
@* Functions are coded using NEON  intrinsics and can be compiled using@ ARM
@* ,:author
@*  Parthiban V
@* ,:par List of Functions:
@* ,:remarks
@*  None
@void ihevc_sao_edge_offset_class2_chroma(UWORD8 *pu1_src,
@                              WORD32 src_strd,
@                              UWORD8 *pu1_src_left,
@                              UWORD8 *pu1_src_top,
@                              UWORD8 *pu1_src_top_left,
@                              UWORD8 *pu1_src_top_right,
@                              UWORD8 *pu1_src_bot_left,
@                              UWORD8 *pu1_avail,
@                              WORD8 *pi1_sao_offset_u,
@                              WORD8 *pi1_sao_offset_v,
@                              WORD32 wd,
@                              WORD32 ht)
@**************Variables Vs Registers*****************************************
@r0 =>  *pu1_src
@r1 =>  src_strd
@r2 =>  *pu1_src_left
@r3 =>  *pu1_src_top
@r4 =>  *pu1_src_top_left
@r5 =>  *pu1_avail
@r6 =>  *pi1_sao_offset_u
@r9 =>  *pi1_sao_offset_v
@r7 =>  wd
@r8=>   ht

.p2align 2

.extern gi1_table_edge_idx
.globl ihevc_sao_edge_offset_class2_chroma_a9q

.long gi1_table_edge_idx - ulbl1 - 8

.long gi1_table_edge_idx - ulbl2 - 8

.long gi1_table_edge_idx - ulbl3 - 8

.long gi1_table_edge_idx - ulbl4 - 8

.long gi1_table_edge_idx - ulbl5 - 8


    STMFD       sp!,{r4-r12,r14}            @stack stores the values of the arguments

    LDR         r7,[sp,#0x40]               @Loads wd
    LDR         r8,[sp,#0x44]               @Loads ht
    SUB         r9,r7,#2                    @wd - 2

    LDR         r4,[sp,#0x28]               @Loads pu1_src_top_left
    LDRH        r10,[r3,r9]                 @pu1_src_top[wd - 2]

    STR         r0,[sp,#0x2C]               @Store pu1_src in sp
    MOV         r9,r7                       @Move width to r9 for loop count

    STR         r2,[sp,#0x30]               @Store pu1_src_left in sp
    LDR         r5,[sp,#0x34]               @Loads pu1_avail
    LDR         r6,[sp,#0x38]               @Loads pi1_sao_offset_u

    STR         r3,[sp,#0x38]               @Store pu1_src_top in sp
    SUB         sp,sp,#0xD4                 @Decrement the stack pointer to store some temp arr values

    STRH        r10,[sp]                    @u1_src_top_left_tmp = pu1_src_top[wd - 2]
    SUB         r10,r8,#1                   @ht-1
    MLA         r11,r10,r1,r0               @pu1_src[(ht - 1) * src_strd + col]
    ADD         r12,sp,#10                  @temp array

    VLD1.8      D0,[r11]!                   @pu1_src[(ht - 1) * src_strd + col]
    SUBS        r9,r9,#8                    @Decrement the loop count by 8
    VST1.8      D0,[r12]!                   @au1_src_top_tmp[col] = pu1_src[(ht - 1) * src_strd + col]
    BNE         AU1_SRC_TOP_LOOP

    LDRB        r9,[r5,#4]                  @pu1_avail[4]
    CMP         r9,#0
    LDRB        r9,[r0]                     @u1_pos_0_0_tmp_u = pu1_src[0]
    LDRB        r10,[r0,#1]                 @u1_pos_0_0_tmp_v = pu1_src[1]
    BEQ         PU1_AVAIL_7_LOOP_U

    LDRB        r11,[r4]                    @pu1_src_top_left[0]
    ADD         r14,r0,r1                   @pu1_src + src_strd

    SUB         r12,r9,r11                  @pu1_src[0] - pu1_src_top_left[0]

    LDRB        r14,[r14,#2]                @pu1_src[2 + src_strd]
    CMP         r12,#0

    MVNLT       r12,#0
    SUB         r11,r9,r14                  @pu1_src[0] - pu1_src[2 + src_strd]

    MOVGT       r12,#1                      @SIGN(pu1_src[0] - pu1_src_top_left[0])

    CMP         r11,#0
    MVNLT       r11,#0
    LDR         r14, gi1_table_edge_idx_addr_1 @table pointer
    add         r14,r14,pc
    MOVGT       r11,#1                      @SIGN(pu1_src[0] - pu1_src[2 + src_strd])

    ADD         r11,r12,r11                 @SIGN(pu1_src[0] - pu1_src_top_left[0]) +  SIGN(pu1_src[0] - pu1_src[2 + src_strd])
    ADD         r11,r11,#2                  @edge_idx

    LDRSB       r12,[r14,r11]               @edge_idx = gi1_table_edge_idx[edge_idx]
    CMP         r12,#0                      @0 != edge_idx
    BEQ         PU1_AVAIL_4_LOOP_V
    LDRSB       r11,[r6,r12]                @pi1_sao_offset_u[edge_idx]
    ADD         r9,r9,r11                   @pu1_src[0] + pi1_sao_offset_u[edge_idx]
    USAT        r9,#8,r9                    @u1_pos_0_0_tmp_u = CLIP3(pu1_src[0] + pi1_sao_offset[edge_idx], 0, (1 << bit_depth) - 1)


    LDRB        r11,[r4,#1]                 @pu1_src_top_left[1]
    ADD         r14,r0,r1                   @pu1_src + src_strd

    SUB         r12,r10,r11                 @pu1_src[1] - pu1_src_top_left[1]
    LDRB        r14,[r14,#3]                @pu1_src[3 + src_strd]

    CMP         r12,#0
    MVNLT       r12,#0
    SUB         r11,r10,r14                 @pu1_src[1] - pu1_src[3 + src_strd]
    MOVGT       r12,#1                      @SIGN(pu1_src[0] - pu1_src_top_left[0])

    CMP         r11,#0
    MVNLT       r11,#0
    LDR         r14, gi1_table_edge_idx_addr_2 @table pointer
    add         r14,r14,pc
    MOVGT       r11,#1                      @SIGN(pu1_src[0] - pu1_src[3 + src_strd])

    ADD         r11,r12,r11                 @SIGN(pu1_src[0] - pu1_src_top_left[0]) +  SIGN(pu1_src[0] - pu1_src[3 + src_strd])
    ADD         r11,r11,#2                  @edge_idx

    LDRSB       r12,[r14,r11]               @edge_idx = gi1_table_edge_idx[edge_idx]
    CMP         r12,#0                      @0 != edge_idx
    BEQ         PU1_AVAIL_7_LOOP_U
    LDR         r11,[sp,#0x110]             @Loads pi1_sao_offset_v
    LDRSB       r11,[r11,r12]               @pi1_sao_offset_v[edge_idx]
    ADD         r10,r10,r11                 @pu1_src[0] + pi1_sao_offset_v[edge_idx]
    USAT        r10,#8,r10                  @u1_pos_0_0_tmp_v = CLIP3(pu1_src[0] + pi1_sao_offset_v[edge_idx], 0, (1 << bit_depth) - 1)

    STRB        r10,[sp,#7]
    STRB        r9,[sp,#6]

    LDRB        r10,[r5,#7]                 @pu1_avail[7]
    CMP         r10,#0
    SUB         r10,r7,#2                   @wd - 2
    SUB         r11,r8,#1                   @ht - 1
    MLA         r12,r11,r1,r10              @wd - 2 + (ht - 1) * src_strd
    ADD         r12,r12,r0                  @pu1_src[wd - 2 + (ht - 1) * src_strd]
    LDRB        r10,[r12]                   @u1_pos_wd_ht_tmp_u = pu1_src[wd - 2 + (ht - 1) * src_strd]
    LDRB        r9,[r12,#1]                 @u1_pos_wd_ht_tmp_v = pu1_src[wd - 2 + (ht - 1) * src_strd]
    BEQ         PU1_AVAIL_3_LOOP

    SUB         r11,r12,r1                  @pu1_src[(wd - 2 + (ht - 1) * src_strd) - src_strd]
    SUB         r11,r11,#2                  @pu1_src[wd - 2 + (ht - 1) * src_strd - 2 - src_strd]
    LDRB        r11,[r11]                   @Load pu1_src[wd - 2 + (ht - 1) * src_strd - 2 - src_strd]
    SUB         r11,r10,r11                 @pu1_src[wd - 2 + (ht - 1) * src_strd] - pu1_src[wd - 2 + (ht - 1) * src_strd- 2 - src_strd]
    CMP         r11,#0
    MVNLT       r11,#0
    MOVGT       r11,#1                      @SIGN(pu1_src[wd - 2 + (ht - 1) * src_strd] - pu1_src[wd - 2 + (ht - 1) * src_strd- 2 - src_strd])

    ADD         r14,r12,r1                  @pu1_src[(wd - 2 + (ht - 1) * src_strd) + src_strd]
    ADD         r14,r14,#2                  @pu1_src[wd - 2 + (ht - 1) * src_strd + 2 + src_strd]
    LDRB        r14,[r14]                   @Load pu1_src[wd - 2 + (ht - 1) * src_strd + 2 + src_strd]
    SUB         r14,r10,r14                 @pu1_src[wd - 2 + (ht - 1) * src_strd] - pu1_src[wd - 1 + (ht - 1) * src_strd + 2 + src_strd]
    CMP         r14,#0
    MVNLT       r14,#0
    MOVGT       r14,#1                      @SIGN(pu1_src[wd - 2 + (ht - 1) * src_strd] - pu1_src[wd - 2 + (ht - 1) * src_strd + 2 + src_strd])

    ADD         r11,r11,r14                 @Add 2 sign value
    ADD         r11,r11,#2                  @edge_idx
    LDR         r14, gi1_table_edge_idx_addr_3 @table pointer
    add         r14,r14,pc

    LDRSB       r14,[r14,r11]               @edge_idx = gi1_table_edge_idx[edge_idx]
    CMP         r14,#0
    BEQ         PU1_AVAIL_7_LOOP_V
    LDRSB       r11,[r6,r14]                @pi1_sao_offset_u[edge_idx]
    ADD         r10,r10,r11                 @pu1_src[wd - 2 + (ht - 1) * src_strd] + pi1_sao_offset[edge_idx]
    USAT        r10,#8,r10                  @u1_pos_wd_ht_tmp = CLIP3(pu1_src[wd - 1 + (ht - 1) * src_strd] + pi1_sao_offset[edge_idx], 0, (1 << bit_depth) - 1)

    ADD         r12,r12,#1
    SUB         r11,r12,r1                  @pu1_src[(wd - 1 + (ht - 1) * src_strd) - src_strd]
    SUB         r11,r11,#2                  @pu1_src[wd - 1 + (ht - 1) * src_strd - 2 - src_strd]
    LDRB        r11,[r11]                   @Load pu1_src[wd - 1 + (ht - 1) * src_strd - 2 - src_strd]
    SUB         r11,r9,r11                  @pu1_src[wd - 1 + (ht - 1) * src_strd] - pu1_src[wd - 1 + (ht - 1) * src_strd- 2 - src_strd]
    CMP         r11,#0
    MVNLT       r11,#0
    MOVGT       r11,#1                      @SIGN(pu1_src[wd - 1 + (ht - 1) * src_strd] - pu1_src[wd - 1 + (ht - 1) * src_strd - 2 - src_strd])

    ADD         r14,r12,r1                  @pu1_src[(wd - 1 + (ht - 1) * src_strd) + src_strd]
    ADD         r14,r14,#2                  @pu1_src[wd - 1 + (ht - 1) * src_strd + 2 + src_strd]
    LDRB        r14,[r14]                   @Load pu1_src[wd - 1 + (ht - 1) * src_strd + 2 + src_strd]
    SUB         r14,r9,r14                  @pu1_src[wd - 1 + (ht - 1) * src_strd] - pu1_src[wd - 1 + (ht - 1) * src_strd + 2 + src_strd]
    CMP         r14,#0
    MVNLT       r14,#0
    MOVGT       r14,#1                      @SIGN(pu1_src[wd - 1 + (ht - 1) * src_strd] - pu1_src[wd - 1 + (ht - 1) * src_strd + 1 + src_strd])

    ADD         r11,r11,r14                 @Add 2 sign value
    ADD         r11,r11,#2                  @edge_idx
    LDR         r14, gi1_table_edge_idx_addr_4 @table pointer
    add         r14,r14,pc

    LDRSB       r12,[r14,r11]               @edge_idx = gi1_table_edge_idx[edge_idx]
    CMP         r12,#0
    BEQ         PU1_AVAIL_3_LOOP
    LDR         r14,[sp,#0x110]             @Loads pi1_sao_offset_v
    LDRSB       r11,[r14,r12]               @pi1_sao_offset_v[edge_idx]
    ADD         r9,r9,r11                   @pu1_src[wd - 1 + (ht - 1) * src_strd] + pi1_sao_offset[edge_idx]
    USAT        r9,#8,r9                    @u1_pos_wd_ht_tmp_v = CLIP3(pu1_src[wd - 1 + (ht - 1) * src_strd] + pi1_sao_offset[edge_idx], 0, (1 << bit_depth) - 1)

    STRB        r10,[sp,#8]
    VMOV.I8     Q0,#2                       @const_2 = vdupq_n_s8(2)
    STRB        r9,[sp,#9]

    MOV         r12,r8                      @Move ht
    VMOV.I16    Q1,#0                       @const_min_clip = vdupq_n_s16(0)
    MOV         r14,r2                      @Move pu1_src_left to pu1_src_left_cpy

    LDRB        r11,[r5,#3]                 @pu1_avail[3]
    VMOV.I16    Q2,#255                     @const_max_clip = vdupq_n_u16((1 << bit_depth) - 1)
    CMP         r11,#0

    SUBEQ       r12,r12,#1                  @ht_tmp--
    LDRB        r5,[r5,#2]                  @pu1_avail[2]

    CMP         r5,#0

    ADDEQ       r0,r0,r1                    @pu1_src += src_strd
    VLD1.8      D6,[r6]                     @offset_tbl_u = vld1_s8(pi1_sao_offset_u)
    SUBEQ       r12,r12,#1                  @ht_tmp--

    LDR         r6,[sp,#0x110]              @Loads pi1_sao_offset_v
    ADDEQ       r14,r14,#2                  @pu1_src_left_cpy += 2

    STR         r0,[sp,#2]                  @Store pu1_src in sp
    VLD1.8      D7,[r6]                     @offset_tbl_v = vld1_s8(pi1_sao_offset_v)
    LDR         r2, gi1_table_edge_idx_addr_5 @table pointer
    add         r2,r2,pc

    MOV         r6,r7                       @move wd to r6 loop_count
    VMOV.S8     Q4,#0XFF                    @au1_mask = vdupq_n_s8(-1)
    CMP         r7,#16                      @Compare wd with 16

    BLT         WIDTH_RESIDUE               @If not jump to WIDTH_RESIDUE where loop is unrolled for 8 case
    CMP         r8,#4                       @Compare ht with 4
    BLE         WD_16_HT_4_LOOP             @If jump to WD_16_HT_4_LOOP

    LDR         r5,[sp,#0x108]              @Loads pu1_avail
    LDR         r7,[sp,#0x114]              @Loads wd
    CMP         r6,r7                       @col == wd
    LDREQB      r8,[r5]                     @pu1_avail[0]

    MOVNE       r8,#-1
    VMOV.8      D8[0],r8                    @au1_mask = vsetq_lane_s8(-1, au1_mask, 0)

    CMP         r6,#16                      @if(col == 16)
    VMOV.8      D8[1],r8                    @au1_mask = vsetq_lane_s8(-1, au1_mask, 0)

    BNE         SKIP_AU1_MASK_VAL
    LDRB        r8,[r5,#1]                  @pu1_avail[1]
    VMOV.8      D9[6],r8                    @au1_mask = vsetq_lane_s8(pu1_avail[1], au1_mask, 15)
    VMOV.8      D9[7],r8                    @au1_mask = vsetq_lane_s8(pu1_avail[1], au1_mask, 15)

    LDRB        r9,[r5,#2]                  @pu1_avail[2]
    VLD1.8      D12,[r0]!                   @pu1_cur_row = vld1q_u8(pu1_src)
    VLD1.8      D13,[r0]                    @pu1_cur_row = vld1q_u8(pu1_src)
    SUB         r0,#8
    CMP         r9,#0

    LDR         r4,[sp,#0x118]              @Loads ht
    SUBEQ       r8,r0,r1                    @pu1_src - src_strd

    LDR         r7,[sp,#0x114]              @Loads wd
    MOVNE       r8,r3                       @pu1_src_top_cpy

    SUB         r8,r8,#2                    @pu1_src - src_strd - 2
    ADD         r3,r3,#16

    ADD         r5,sp,#0x4B                 @*au1_src_left_tmp
    VLD1.8      D10,[r8]!                   @pu1_top_row = vld1q_u8(pu1_src - src_strd - 2) || vld1q_u8(pu1_src_top_cpy - 2)
    VLD1.8      D11,[r8]                    @pu1_top_row = vld1q_u8(pu1_src - src_strd - 2) || vld1q_u8(pu1_src_top_cpy - 2)
    SUB         r8,#8
    SUB         r7,r7,r6                    @(wd - col)

    ADD         r7,r7,#14                   @15 + (wd - col)
    VCGT.U8     Q7,Q6,Q5                    @vcgtq_u8(pu1_cur_row, pu1_top_row)
    LDR         r8,[sp,#0x100]              @Loads *pu1_src

    ADD         r7,r8,r7                    @pu1_src[0 * src_strd + 15 + (wd - col)]
    VCLT.U8     Q8,Q6,Q5                    @vcltq_u8(pu1_cur_row, pu1_top_row)

    LDRH        r8,[r7]                     @load the value and increment by src_strd
    SUBS        r4,r4,#1                    @decrement the loop count

    STRH        r8,[r5],#2                  @store it in the stack pointer
    ADD         r7,r7,r1

    BNE         AU1_SRC_LEFT_LOOP

    ADD         r8,r0,r1                    @I *pu1_src + src_strd
    VSUB.U8     Q7,Q8,Q7                    @sign_up = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vsubq_u8(cmp_lt, cmp_gt))
    MOV         r7,r12                      @row count, move ht_tmp to r7

    VLD1.8      D16,[r8]!                   @I pu1_next_row = vld1q_u8(pu1_src_cpy + src_strd)
    VLD1.8      D17,[r8]                    @I pu1_next_row = vld1q_u8(pu1_src_cpy + src_strd)
    SUB         r8,#8

    ADD         r8,r8,#16                   @I
    VMOV.I8     Q9,#0
    LDRH        r5,[r8]                     @I pu1_src_cpy[src_strd + 16]

    LDR         r10,[sp,#0x108]             @I Loads pu1_avail
    VMOV.16     D18[0],r5                   @I pu1_next_row_tmp = vsetq_lane_u8(pu1_src_cpy[src_strd + 16], pu1_next_row_tmp, 0)
    LDRB        r10,[r10,#2]                @I pu1_avail[2]

    CMP         r10,#0                      @I
    VEXT.8      Q9,Q8,Q9,#2                 @I pu1_next_row_tmp = vextq_u8(pu1_next_row, pu1_next_row_tmp, 2)
    BNE         SIGN_UP_CHANGE_DONE         @I

    LDRB        r11,[r0]                    @I pu1_src_cpy[0]
    SUB         r4,r12,r7                   @I ht_tmp - row

    LDRB        r10,[r0,#1]                 @I pu1_src_cpy[0]
    LSL         r4,r4,#1                    @I (ht_tmp - row) * 2

    ADD         r9,r14,r4                   @I pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - row) * 2]
    LDRB        r5,[r9,#-2]                 @I load the value

    SUB         r8,r11,r5                   @I pu1_src_cpy[0] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2]
    LDRB        r5,[r9,#-1]                 @I load the value

    CMP         r8,#0                       @I
    SUB         r4,r10,r5                   @I pu1_src_cpy[1] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2 + 1]

    MVNLT       r8,#0                       @I
    MOVGT       r8,#1                       @I SIGN(pu1_src_cpy[0] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2])

    CMP         r4,#0                       @I
    VMOV.8      D14[0],r8                   @I sign_up = sign_up = vsetq_lane_s8(SIGN(pu1_src_cpy[0] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2]), sign_up, 0)
    MVNLT       r4,#0                       @I

    MOVGT       r4,#1                       @I SIGN(pu1_src_cpy[1] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2])
    VMOV.8      D14[1],r4                   @I sign_up = vsetq_lane_s8(SIGN(pu1_src_cpy[1] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2 + 1]), sign_up, 1)

    VLD1.8      D30,[r2]                    @edge_idx_tbl = vld1_s8(gi1_table_edge_idx)
    VCGT.U8     Q10,Q6,Q9                   @I vcgtq_u8(pu1_cur_row, pu1_next_row_tmp)

    VCLT.U8     Q11,Q6,Q9                   @I vcltq_u8(pu1_cur_row, pu1_next_row_tmp)
    VSUB.U8     Q11,Q11,Q10                 @I sign_down = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vsubq_u8(cmp_lt, cmp_gt))

    VADD.I8     Q9,Q0,Q7                    @I edge_idx = vaddq_s8(const_2, sign_up)
    VADD.I8     Q9,Q9,Q11                   @I edge_idx = vaddq_s8(edge_idx, sign_down)

    VTBL.8      D18,{D30},D18               @I vtbl1_s8(edge_idx_tbl, vget_low_s8(edge_idx))
    VNEG.S8     Q7,Q11                      @I sign_up = vnegq_s8(sign_down)

    VTBL.8      D19,{D30},D19               @I vtbl1_s8(edge_idx_tbl, vget_high_s8(edge_idx))
    VEXT.8      Q7,Q7,Q7,#14                @I sign_up = vextq_s8(sign_up, sign_up, 14)

    VMOVL.U8    Q10,D12                     @I pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0] = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vmovl_u8(vget_low_u8(pu1_cur_row)))
    VAND        Q11,Q9,Q4                   @I edge_idx = vandq_s8(edge_idx, au1_mask)

    VMOVL.U8    Q9,D13                      @I pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1] = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vmovl_u8(vget_high_u8(pu1_cur_row)))
    VUZP.8      D22,D23                     @I

    VTBL.8      D22,{D6},D22                @I
    VTBL.8      D23,{D7},D23                @I
    VZIP.8      D22,D23                     @I

    VMOV        Q6,Q8                       @I pu1_cur_row = pu1_next_row
    VADDW.S8    Q10,Q10,D22                 @I pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0] = vaddw_s8(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0], offset)

    VMAX.S16    Q10,Q10,Q1                  @I pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0] = vmaxq_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0], const_min_clip)
    VMIN.U16    Q10,Q10,Q2                  @I pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0] = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vminq_u16(vreinterpretq_u16_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0]), const_max_clip))

    VADDW.S8    Q9,Q9,D23                   @I pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1] = vaddw_s8(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1], offset)
    VMAX.S16    Q9,Q9,Q1                    @I pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1] = vmaxq_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1], const_min_clip)

    VMIN.U16    Q9,Q9,Q2                    @I pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1] = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vminq_u16(vreinterpretq_u16_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1]), const_max_clip))
    SUB         r7,r7,#1                    @I Decrement the ht_tmp loop count by 1

    ADD         r8,r0,r1,LSL #1             @II *pu1_src + src_strd
    VMOVN.I16   D20,Q10                     @I vmovn_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0])
    ADD         r11,r8,r1                   @III *pu1_src + src_strd

    VLD1.8      D16,[r8]!                   @II pu1_next_row = vld1q_u8(pu1_src_cpy + src_strd)
    VLD1.8      D17,[r8]                    @II pu1_next_row = vld1q_u8(pu1_src_cpy + src_strd)
    SUB         r8,#8
    VLD1.8      D30,[r11]!                  @III pu1_next_row = vld1q_u8(pu1_src_cpy + src_strd)
    VLD1.8      D31,[r11]                   @III pu1_next_row = vld1q_u8(pu1_src_cpy + src_strd)
    SUB         r11,#8

    ADD         r8,r8,#16                   @II
    VMOVN.I16   D21,Q9                      @I vmovn_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1])
    LDRH        r5,[r8]                     @II pu1_src_cpy[src_strd + 16]

    ADD         r11,r11,#16                 @III
    VMOV.16     D28[0],r5                   @II pu1_next_row_tmp = vsetq_lane_u8(pu1_src_cpy[src_strd + 16], pu1_next_row_tmp, 0)
    LDRH        r4,[r11]                    @III pu1_src_cpy[src_strd + 16]

    LDRB        r8,[r0,r1]                  @II pu1_src_cpy[0]
    VEXT.8      Q14,Q8,Q14,#2               @II pu1_next_row_tmp = vextq_u8(pu1_next_row, pu1_next_row_tmp, 2)
    SUB         r5,r12,r7                   @II ht_tmp - row

    LSL         r5,r5,#1                    @II (ht_tmp - row) * 2
    VMOV.16     D18[0],r4                   @III pu1_next_row_tmp = vsetq_lane_u8(pu1_src_cpy[src_strd + 16], pu1_next_row_tmp, 0)
    ADD         r9,r14,r5                   @II pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - row) * 2]

    LDRB        r11,[r9,#-2]                @II load the value
    VST1.8      {Q10},[r0],r1               @I vst1q_u8(pu1_src_cpy, pu1_cur_row)
    SUB         r8,r8,r11                   @II pu1_src_cpy[0] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2]

    CMP         r8,#0                       @II
    VEXT.8      Q9,Q15,Q9,#2                @III pu1_next_row_tmp = vextq_u8(pu1_next_row, pu1_next_row_tmp, 2)
    LDRB        r11,[r0,#1]                 @II pu1_src_cpy[0]

    MVNLT       r8,#0                       @II
    VCGT.U8     Q11,Q6,Q14                  @II vcgtq_u8(pu1_cur_row, pu1_next_row_tmp)
    MOVGT       r8,#1                       @II SIGN(pu1_src_cpy[0] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2])

    LDRB        r5,[r9,#-1]                 @II load the value
    VMOV.8      D14[0],r8                   @II sign_up = sign_up = vsetq_lane_s8(SIGN(pu1_src_cpy[0] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2]), sign_up, 0)
    SUB         r7,r7,#1                    @II Decrement the ht_tmp loop count by 1

    SUB         r11,r11,r5                  @II pu1_src_cpy[1] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2 + 1]
    VCLT.U8     Q12,Q6,Q14                  @II vcltq_u8(pu1_cur_row, pu1_next_row_tmp)
    CMP         r11,#0                      @II

    MVNLT       r11,#0                      @II
    VSUB.U8     Q12,Q12,Q11                 @II sign_down = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vsubq_u8(cmp_lt, cmp_gt))
    MOVGT       r11,#1                      @II SIGN(pu1_src_cpy[1] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2])

    LDRB        r4,[r0,r1]                  @III pu1_src_cpy[0]
    VLD1.8      D22,[r2]                    @edge_idx_tbl = vld1_s8(gi1_table_edge_idx)
    SUB         r5,r12,r7                   @III ht_tmp - row

    ADD         r10,r0,r1
    VMOV.8      D14[1],r11                  @II sign_up = vsetq_lane_s8(SIGN(pu1_src_cpy[1] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2 + 1]), sign_up, 1)
    LSL         r5,r5,#1                    @III (ht_tmp - row) * 2

    ADD         r9,r14,r5                   @III pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - row) * 2]
    VADD.I8     Q13,Q0,Q7                   @II edge_idx = vaddq_s8(const_2, sign_up)
    LDRB        r10,[r10,#1]                @III pu1_src_cpy[0]

    LDRB        r5,[r9,#-2]                 @III load the value
    VADD.I8     Q13,Q13,Q12                 @II edge_idx = vaddq_s8(edge_idx, sign_down)
    SUB         r4,r4,r5                    @III pu1_src_cpy[0] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2]

    CMP         r4,#0                       @III
    LDRB        r9,[r9,#-1]                 @III load the value
    VTBL.8      D26,{D22},D26               @II vtbl1_s8(edge_idx_tbl, vget_low_s8(edge_idx))
    VNEG.S8     Q7,Q12                      @II sign_up = vnegq_s8(sign_down)

    MVNLT       r4,#0                       @III
    SUB         r10,r10,r9                  @III pu1_src_cpy[1] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2 + 1]
    VTBL.8      D27,{D22},D27               @II vtbl1_s8(edge_idx_tbl, vget_high_s8(edge_idx))
    VEXT.8      Q7,Q7,Q7,#14                @II sign_up = vextq_s8(sign_up, sign_up, 14)

    MOVGT       r4,#1                       @III SIGN(pu1_src_cpy[0] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2])
    VAND        Q13,Q13,Q4                  @II edge_idx = vandq_s8(edge_idx, au1_mask)
    CMP         r10,#0                      @III

    VUZP.8      D26,D27                     @II
    VMOV.8      d14[0],r4                   @III sign_up = sign_up = vsetq_lane_s8(SIGN(pu1_src_cpy[0] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2]), sign_up, 0)

    MVNLT       r10,#0                      @III
    MOVGT       r10,#1                      @III SIGN(pu1_src_cpy[1] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2])
    VTBL.8      D24,{D6},D26                @II
    VCGT.U8     Q10,Q8,Q9                   @III vcgtq_u8(pu1_cur_row, pu1_next_row_tmp)

    VCLT.U8     Q11,Q8,Q9                   @III vcltq_u8(pu1_cur_row, pu1_next_row_tmp)
    VTBL.8      D25,{D7},D27                @II
    VSUB.U8     Q11,Q11,Q10                 @III sign_down = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vsubq_u8(cmp_lt, cmp_gt))

    VMOV.8      D14[1],r10                  @III sign_up = vsetq_lane_s8(SIGN(pu1_src_cpy[1] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2 + 1]), sign_up, 1)
    VZIP.8      D24,D25                     @II

    VMOVL.U8    Q14,D12                     @II pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0] = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vmovl_u8(vget_low_u8(pu1_cur_row)))
    VADD.I8     Q9,Q0,Q7                    @III edge_idx = vaddq_s8(const_2, sign_up)

    VLD1.8      D20,[r2]                    @edge_idx_tbl = vld1_s8(gi1_table_edge_idx)
    VADDW.S8    Q14,Q14,D24                 @II pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0] = vaddw_s8(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0], offset)

    VADD.I8     Q9,Q9,Q11                   @III edge_idx = vaddq_s8(edge_idx, sign_down)
    VMAX.S16    Q14,Q14,Q1                  @II pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0] = vmaxq_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0], const_min_clip)

    VMIN.U16    Q14,Q14,Q2                  @II pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0] = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vminq_u16(vreinterpretq_u16_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0]), const_max_clip))
    VTBL.8      D18,{D20},D18               @III vtbl1_s8(edge_idx_tbl, vget_low_s8(edge_idx))
    VNEG.S8     Q7,Q11                      @III sign_up = vnegq_s8(sign_down)

    VTBL.8      D19,{D20},D19               @III vtbl1_s8(edge_idx_tbl, vget_high_s8(edge_idx))
    VEXT.8      Q7,Q7,Q7,#14                @III sign_up = vextq_s8(sign_up, sign_up, 14)

    VMOVL.U8    Q13,D13                     @II pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1] = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vmovl_u8(vget_high_u8(pu1_cur_row)))
    VAND        Q9,Q9,Q4                    @III edge_idx = vandq_s8(edge_idx, au1_mask)

    VUZP.8      D18,D19                     @III
    VTBL.8      D22,{D6},D18                @III
    VADDW.S8    Q13,Q13,D25                 @II pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1] = vaddw_s8(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1], offset)

    VMOV        Q6,Q15                      @III pu1_cur_row = pu1_next_row
    VTBL.8      D23,{D7},D19                @III
    VMAX.S16    Q13,Q13,Q1                  @II pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1] = vmaxq_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1], const_min_clip)

    VMOVL.U8    Q10,D16                     @III pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0] = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vmovl_u8(vget_low_u8(pu1_cur_row)))
    VMIN.U16    Q13,Q13,Q2                  @II pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1] = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vminq_u16(vreinterpretq_u16_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1]), const_max_clip))

    VZIP.8      D22,D23                     @III
    VMOVN.I16   D28,Q14                     @II vmovn_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0])

    VMOVN.I16   D29,Q13                     @II vmovn_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1])
    VADDW.S8    Q10,Q10,D22                 @III pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0] = vaddw_s8(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0], offset)

    VMOVL.U8    Q9,D17                      @III pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1] = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vmovl_u8(vget_high_u8(pu1_cur_row)))
    VMAX.S16    Q10,Q10,Q1                  @III pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0] = vmaxq_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0], const_min_clip)

    VMIN.U16    Q10,Q10,Q2                  @III pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0] = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vminq_u16(vreinterpretq_u16_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0]), const_max_clip))
    VADDW.S8    Q9,Q9,D23                   @III pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1] = vaddw_s8(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1], offset)

    SUB         r7,r7,#1                    @III Decrement the ht_tmp loop count by 1
    VMAX.S16    Q9,Q9,Q1                    @III pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1] = vmaxq_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1], const_min_clip)
    CMP         r7,#1

    VST1.8      {Q14},[r0],r1               @II vst1q_u8(pu1_src_cpy, pu1_cur_row)
    VMIN.U16    Q9,Q9,Q2                    @III pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1] = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vminq_u16(vreinterpretq_u16_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1]), const_max_clip))

    BGT         PU1_SRC_LOOP                @If not equal jump to PU1_SRC_LOOP

    ADD         r8,r0,r1,LSL #1             @*pu1_src + src_strd
    VMOVN.I16   D20,Q10                     @III vmovn_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0])

    LDRB        r11,[r0,r1]                 @pu1_src_cpy[0]
    VLD1.8      D16,[r8]!                   @pu1_next_row = vld1q_u8(pu1_src_cpy + src_strd)
    VLD1.8      D17,[r8]                    @pu1_next_row = vld1q_u8(pu1_src_cpy + src_strd)
    SUB         r8,#8
    SUB         r4,r12,r7                   @ht_tmp - row

    ADD         r8,r8,#16
    VMOVN.I16   D21,Q9                      @III vmovn_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1])
    LDRH        r5,[r8]                     @pu1_src_cpy[src_strd + 16]

    LSL         r4,r4,#1                    @(ht_tmp - row) * 2
    VMOV.16     D18[0],r5                   @pu1_next_row_tmp = vsetq_lane_u8(pu1_src_cpy[src_strd + 16], pu1_next_row_tmp, 0)
    ADD         r9,r14,r4                   @pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - row) * 2]

    LDRB        r5,[r9,#-2]                 @load the value
    VEXT.8      Q9,Q8,Q9,#2                 @pu1_next_row_tmp = vextq_u8(pu1_next_row, pu1_next_row_tmp, 2)
    SUB         r8,r11,r5                   @pu1_src_cpy[0] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2]

    CMP         r8,#0
    VST1.8      {Q10},[r0],r1               @III vst1q_u8(pu1_src_cpy, pu1_cur_row)
    MVNLT       r8,#0

    MOVGT       r8,#1                       @SIGN(pu1_src_cpy[0] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2])
    VLD1.8      D30,[r2]                    @edge_idx_tbl = vld1_s8(gi1_table_edge_idx)

    LDRB        r11,[r0,#1]                 @pu1_src_cpy[0]
    VMOV.8      D14[0],r8                   @sign_up = sign_up = vsetq_lane_s8(SIGN(pu1_src_cpy[0] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2]), sign_up, 0)
    LDRB        r5,[r9,#-1]                 @load the value

    SUB         r4,r11,r5                   @pu1_src_cpy[1] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2 + 1]
    VCGT.U8     Q11,Q6,Q9                   @vcgtq_u8(pu1_cur_row, pu1_next_row_tmp)
    CMP         r4,#0

    MVNLT       r4,#0
    VCLT.U8     Q12,Q6,Q9                   @vcltq_u8(pu1_cur_row, pu1_next_row_tmp)
    MOVGT       r4,#1                       @SIGN(pu1_src_cpy[1] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2])

    VMOV.8      D14[1],r4                   @sign_up = vsetq_lane_s8(SIGN(pu1_src_cpy[1] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2 + 1]), sign_up, 1)
    VSUB.U8     Q12,Q12,Q11                 @sign_down = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vsubq_u8(cmp_lt, cmp_gt))

    VADD.I8     Q13,Q0,Q7                   @edge_idx = vaddq_s8(const_2, sign_up)
    VADD.I8     Q13,Q13,Q12                 @edge_idx = vaddq_s8(edge_idx, sign_down)

    VTBL.8      D26,{D30},D26               @vtbl1_s8(edge_idx_tbl, vget_low_s8(edge_idx))
    VTBL.8      D27,{D30},D27               @vtbl1_s8(edge_idx_tbl, vget_high_s8(edge_idx))

    VMOVL.U8    Q10,D12                     @pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0] = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vmovl_u8(vget_low_u8(pu1_cur_row)))
    VAND        Q13,Q13,Q4                  @edge_idx = vandq_s8(edge_idx, au1_mask)

    VMOVL.U8    Q9,D13                      @pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1] = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vmovl_u8(vget_high_u8(pu1_cur_row)))
    VUZP.8      D26,D27

    VTBL.8      D24,{D6},D26
    VTBL.8      D25,{D7},D27
    VZIP.8      D24,D25

    VADDW.S8    Q10,Q10,D24                 @pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0] = vaddw_s8(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0], offset)
    VMAX.S16    Q10,Q10,Q1                  @pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0] = vmaxq_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0], const_min_clip)
    VMIN.U16    Q10,Q10,Q2                  @pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0] = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vminq_u16(vreinterpretq_u16_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0]), const_max_clip))

    VADDW.S8    Q9,Q9,D25                   @pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1] = vaddw_s8(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1], offset)
    VMAX.S16    Q9,Q9,Q1                    @pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1] = vmaxq_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1], const_min_clip)
    VMIN.U16    Q9,Q9,Q2                    @pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1] = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vminq_u16(vreinterpretq_u16_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1]), const_max_clip))

    LDR         r8,[sp,#0x118]              @Loads ht
    VMOVN.I16   D20,Q10                     @vmovn_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0])
    ADD         r5,sp,#0x4B                 @*au1_src_left_tmp

    LDR         r11,[sp,#0x104]             @Loads *pu1_src_left
    VMOVN.I16   D21,Q9                      @vmovn_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1])

    LDR         r7,[r5],#4                  @au1_src_left_tmp[row]
    SUBS        r8,r8,#2
    STR         r7,[r11],#4                 @pu1_src_left[row] = au1_src_left_tmp[row]
    BNE         SRC_LEFT_LOOP

    SUBS        r6,r6,#16                   @Decrement the wd loop count by 16
    VST1.8      {Q10},[r0],r1               @vst1q_u8(pu1_src_cpy, pu1_cur_row)
    CMP         r6,#8                       @Check whether residue remains

    BLT         RE_ASSINING_LOOP            @Jump to re-assigning loop
    LDR         r7,[sp,#0x114]              @Loads wd
    LDR         r0,[sp,#0x02]               @Loads *pu1_src
    SUB         r7,r7,r6
    ADD         r0,r0,r7
    BGT         WIDTH_LOOP_16               @If not equal jump to width_loop
    BEQ         WIDTH_RESIDUE               @If residue remains jump to residue loop

    LDR         r5,[sp,#0x108]              @Loads pu1_avail
    LDR         r7,[sp,#0x114]              @Loads wd
    CMP         r6,r7                       @col == wd
    LDREQB      r8,[r5]                     @pu1_avail[0]

    MOVNE       r8,#-1
    VMOV.8      D8[0],r8                    @au1_mask = vsetq_lane_s8(-1, au1_mask, 0)
    VMOV.8      D8[1],r8                    @au1_mask = vsetq_lane_s8(-1, au1_mask, 0)

    CMP         r6,#16                      @if(col == 16)
    BNE         SKIP_AU1_MASK_VAL_WD_16_HT_4
    LDRB        r8,[r5,#1]                  @pu1_avail[1]
    VMOV.8      D9[6],r8                    @au1_mask = vsetq_lane_s8(pu1_avail[1], au1_mask, 15)
    VMOV.8      D9[7],r8                    @au1_mask = vsetq_lane_s8(pu1_avail[1], au1_mask, 15)

    LDRB        r8,[r5,#2]                  @pu1_avail[2]
    CMP         r8,#0

    SUBEQ       r8,r0,r1                    @pu1_src - src_strd
    MOVNE       r8,r3                       @pu1_src_top_cpy
    SUB         r8,r8,#2                    @pu1_src - src_strd - 2
    VLD1.8      D10,[r8]!                   @pu1_top_row = vld1q_u8(pu1_src - src_strd - 2) || vld1q_u8(pu1_src_top_cpy - 2)
    VLD1.8      D11,[r8]                    @pu1_top_row = vld1q_u8(pu1_src - src_strd - 2) || vld1q_u8(pu1_src_top_cpy - 2)
    SUB         r8,#8

    ADD         r3,r3,#16
    ADD         r5,sp,#0x4B                 @*au1_src_left_tmp
    LDR         r4,[sp,#0x118]              @Loads ht
    LDR         r7,[sp,#0x114]              @Loads wd
    SUB         r7,r7,r6                    @(wd - col)
    ADD         r7,r7,#14                   @15 + (wd - col)
    LDR         r8,[sp,#0x100]              @Loads *pu1_src
    ADD         r7,r8,r7                    @pu1_src[0 * src_strd + 15 + (wd - col)]

    LDRH        r8,[r7]                     @load the value and increment by src_strd
    STRH        r8,[r5],#2                  @store it in the stack pointer
    ADD         r7,r7,r1

    SUBS        r4,r4,#1                    @decrement the loop count
    BNE         AU1_SRC_LEFT_LOOP_WD_16_HT_4

    VLD1.8      D12,[r0]!                   @pu1_cur_row = vld1q_u8(pu1_src)
    VLD1.8      D13,[r0]                    @pu1_cur_row = vld1q_u8(pu1_src)
    SUB         r0,#8

    VCGT.U8     Q7,Q6,Q5                    @vcgtq_u8(pu1_cur_row, pu1_top_row)
    VCLT.U8     Q8,Q6,Q5                    @vcltq_u8(pu1_cur_row, pu1_top_row)
    VSUB.U8     Q7,Q8,Q7                    @sign_up = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vsubq_u8(cmp_lt, cmp_gt))
    VMOV.I8     Q9,#0
    MOV         r7,r12                      @row count, move ht_tmp to r7

    VMOV.I8     Q9,#0
    ADD         r8,r0,r1                    @*pu1_src + src_strd
    VLD1.8      D16,[r8]!                   @pu1_next_row = vld1q_u8(pu1_src_cpy + src_strd)
    VLD1.8      D17,[r8]                    @pu1_next_row = vld1q_u8(pu1_src_cpy + src_strd)
    SUB         r8,#8

    ADD         r8,r8,#16
    LDRH        r5,[r8]                     @pu1_src_cpy[src_strd + 16]
    VMOV.16     D18[0],r5                   @pu1_next_row_tmp = vsetq_lane_u8(pu1_src_cpy[src_strd + 16], pu1_next_row_tmp, 0)
    VEXT.8      Q9,Q8,Q9,#2                 @pu1_next_row_tmp = vextq_u8(pu1_next_row, pu1_next_row_tmp, 2)

    CMP         r7,r12
    BLT         SIGN_UP_CHANGE_WD_16_HT_4
    LDR         r5,[sp,#0x108]              @Loads pu1_avail
    LDRB        r5,[r5,#2]                  @pu1_avail[2]
    CMP         r5,#0
    BNE         SIGN_UP_CHANGE_DONE_WD_16_HT_4

    LDRB        r8,[r0]                     @pu1_src_cpy[0]
    SUB         r5,r12,r7                   @ht_tmp - row
    LSL         r5,r5,#1                    @(ht_tmp - row) * 2
    ADD         r9,r14,r5                   @pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - row) * 2]
    LDRB        r5,[r9,#-2]                 @load the value
    SUB         r8,r8,r5                    @pu1_src_cpy[0] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2]
    CMP         r8,#0
    MVNLT       r8,#0
    MOVGT       r8,#1                       @SIGN(pu1_src_cpy[0] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2])
    VMOV.8      d14[0],r8                   @sign_up = sign_up = vsetq_lane_s8(SIGN(pu1_src_cpy[0] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2]), sign_up, 0)

    LDRB        r8,[r0,#1]                  @pu1_src_cpy[0]
    LDRB        r5,[r9,#-1]                 @load the value
    SUB         r8,r8,r5                    @pu1_src_cpy[1] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2 + 1]
    CMP         r8,#0
    MVNLT       r8,#0
    MOVGT       r8,#1                       @SIGN(pu1_src_cpy[1] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2])
    VMOV.8      d14[1],r8                   @sign_up = vsetq_lane_s8(SIGN(pu1_src_cpy[1] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2 + 1]), sign_up, 1)

    VCGT.U8     Q11,Q6,Q9                   @vcgtq_u8(pu1_cur_row, pu1_next_row_tmp)
    VCLT.U8     Q12,Q6,Q9                   @vcltq_u8(pu1_cur_row, pu1_next_row_tmp)
    VSUB.U8     Q12,Q12,Q11                 @sign_down = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vsubq_u8(cmp_lt, cmp_gt))

    VADD.I8     Q13,Q0,Q7                   @edge_idx = vaddq_s8(const_2, sign_up)
    VADD.I8     Q13,Q13,Q12                 @edge_idx = vaddq_s8(edge_idx, sign_down)

    VLD1.8      D22,[r2]                    @edge_idx_tbl = vld1_s8(gi1_table_edge_idx)
    VTBL.8      D26,{D22},D26               @vtbl1_s8(edge_idx_tbl, vget_low_s8(edge_idx))
    VTBL.8      D27,{D22},D27               @vtbl1_s8(edge_idx_tbl, vget_high_s8(edge_idx))

    VAND        Q13,Q13,Q4                  @edge_idx = vandq_s8(edge_idx, au1_mask)

    VNEG.S8     Q7,Q12                      @sign_up = vnegq_s8(sign_down)
    VEXT.8      Q7,Q7,Q7,#14                @sign_up = vextq_s8(sign_up, sign_up, 14)

    VUZP.8      D26,D27
    VTBL.8      D24,{D6},D26
    VTBL.8      D25,{D7},D27
    VZIP.8      D24,D25

    VMOVL.U8    Q14,D12                     @pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0] = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vmovl_u8(vget_low_u8(pu1_cur_row)))
    VADDW.S8    Q14,Q14,D24                 @pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0] = vaddw_s8(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0], offset)
    VMAX.S16    Q14,Q14,Q1                  @pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0] = vmaxq_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0], const_min_clip)
    VMIN.U16    Q14,Q14,Q2                  @pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0] = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vminq_u16(vreinterpretq_u16_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0]), const_max_clip))

    VMOVL.U8    Q13,D13                     @pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1] = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vmovl_u8(vget_high_u8(pu1_cur_row)))
    VADDW.S8    Q13,Q13,D25                 @pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1] = vaddw_s8(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1], offset)
    VMAX.S16    Q13,Q13,Q1                  @pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1] = vmaxq_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1], const_min_clip)
    VMIN.U16    Q13,Q13,Q2                  @pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1] = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vminq_u16(vreinterpretq_u16_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1]), const_max_clip))

    VMOVN.I16   D28,Q14                     @vmovn_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0])
    VMOVN.I16   D29,Q13                     @vmovn_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[1])

    VST1.8      {Q14},[r0],r1               @vst1q_u8(pu1_src_cpy, pu1_cur_row)

    VMOV        Q6,Q8                       @pu1_cur_row = pu1_next_row
    SUBS        r7,r7,#1                    @Decrement the ht_tmp loop count by 1
    BNE         PU1_SRC_LOOP_WD_16_HT_4     @If not equal jump to PU1_SRC_LOOP_WD_16_HT_4

    LDR         r8,[sp,#0x118]              @Loads ht
    ADD         r5,sp,#0x4B                 @*au1_src_left_tmp
    LDR         r11,[sp,#0x104]             @Loads *pu1_src_left

    LDR         r7,[r5],#4                  @au1_src_left_tmp[row]
    STR         r7,[r11],#4                 @pu1_src_left[row] = au1_src_left_tmp[row]

    SUBS        r8,r8,#2
    BNE         SRC_LEFT_LOOP_WD_16_HT_4

    SUBS        r6,r6,#16                   @Decrement the wd loop count by 16
    BLE         RE_ASSINING_LOOP            @Jump to re-assigning loop
    BGT         WD_16_HT_4_LOOP

    LDR         r7,[sp,#0x114]              @Loads wd
    LDR         r5,[sp,#0x108]              @Loads pu1_avail
    CMP         r6,r7                       @wd_residue == wd
    LDREQB      r8,[r5]                     @pu1_avail[0]

    MOVNE       r8,#-1
    VMOV.8      d8[0],r8                    @au1_mask = vsetq_lane_s8(-1, au1_mask, 0)
    VMOV.8      d8[1],r8                    @au1_mask = vsetq_lane_s8(-1, au1_mask, 0)

    LDRB        r8,[r5,#1]                  @pu1_avail[1]
    VMOV.8      d8[6],r8                    @au1_mask = vsetq_lane_s8(pu1_avail[1], au1_mask, 15)
    VMOV.8      d8[7],r8                    @au1_mask = vsetq_lane_s8(pu1_avail[1], au1_mask, 15)

    LDRB        r8,[r5,#2]                  @pu1_avail[2]
    CMP         r8,#0

    SUBEQ       r8,r0,r1                    @pu1_src - src_strd
    MOVNE       r8,r3
    SUB         r8,r8,#2                    @pu1_src - src_strd - 2
    VLD1.8      D10,[r8]!                   @pu1_top_row = vld1q_u8(pu1_src - src_strd - 2)
    VLD1.8      D11,[r8]                    @pu1_top_row = vld1q_u8(pu1_src - src_strd - 2)
    SUB         r8,#8

    ADD         r5,sp,#0x4B                 @*au1_src_left_tmp
    LDR         r4,[sp,#0x118]              @Loads ht
    LDR         r7,[sp,#0x114]              @Loads wd
    LDR         r8,[sp,#0x100]              @Loads *pu1_src
    SUB         r7,r7,#2                    @(wd - 2)
    ADD         r7,r8,r7                    @pu1_src[0 * src_strd + (wd - 2)]

    LDRH        r8,[r7]                     @load the value and increment by src_strd
    STRH        r8,[r5],#2                  @store it in the stack pointer
    ADD         r7,r7,r1
    SUBS        r4,r4,#1                    @decrement the loop count

    VLD1.8      D12,[r0]!                   @pu1_cur_row = vld1q_u8(pu1_src)
    VLD1.8      D13,[r0]                    @pu1_cur_row = vld1q_u8(pu1_src)
    SUB         r0,#8

    VCGT.U8     Q7,Q6,Q5                    @vcgtq_u8(pu1_cur_row, pu1_top_row)
    VCLT.U8     Q8,Q6,Q5                    @vcltq_u8(pu1_cur_row, pu1_top_row)
    VSUB.U8     Q7,Q8,Q7                    @sign_up = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vsubq_u8(cmp_lt, cmp_gt))
    MOV         r7,r12                      @row count, move ht_tmp to r7

    VMOV.I8     Q9,#0
    ADD         r8,r0,r1                    @*pu1_src + src_strd
    VLD1.8      D16,[r8]!                   @pu1_next_row = vld1q_u8(pu1_src_cpy + src_strd)
    VLD1.8      D17,[r8]                    @pu1_next_row = vld1q_u8(pu1_src_cpy + src_strd)
    SUB         r8,#8

    ADD         r8,r8,#16
    LDRH        r5,[r8]                     @pu1_src_cpy[src_strd + 16]
    VMOV.16     D18[0],r5                   @pu1_next_row_tmp = vsetq_lane_u8(pu1_src_cpy[src_strd + 16], pu1_next_row_tmp, 0)
    VEXT.8      Q9,Q8,Q9,#2                 @pu1_next_row_tmp = vextq_u8(pu1_next_row, pu1_next_row_tmp, 2)

    CMP         r7,r12
    LDR         r5,[sp,#0x108]              @Loads pu1_avail
    LDRB        r5,[r5,#2]                  @pu1_avail[2]
    CMP         r5,#0

    LDRB        r8,[r0]                     @pu1_src_cpy[0]
    SUB         r5,r12,r7                   @ht_tmp - row
    LSL         r5,r5,#1                    @(ht_tmp - row) * 2
    ADD         r9,r14,r5                   @pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2]
    LDRB        r5,[r9,#-2]                 @load the value
    SUB         r8,r8,r5                    @pu1_src_cpy[0] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2]
    CMP         r8,#0
    MVNLT       r8,#0
    MOVGT       r8,#1                       @SIGN(pu1_src_cpy[0] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2])
    VMOV.8      d14[0],r8                   @sign_up = vsetq_lane_s8(SIGN(pu1_src_cpy[0] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2]), sign_up, 0)

    LDRB        r8,[r0,#1]                  @pu1_src_cpy[0]
    LDRB        r5,[r9,#-1]                 @load the value
    SUB         r8,r8,r5                    @pu1_src_cpy[1] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2]
    CMP         r8,#0
    MVNLT       r8,#0
    MOVGT       r8,#1                       @SIGN(pu1_src_cpy[1] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2])
    VMOV.8      d14[1],r8                   @sign_up = vsetq_lane_s8(SIGN(pu1_src_cpy[1] - pu1_src_left_cpy[(ht_tmp - 1 - row) * 2 + 1]), sign_up, 1)

    VCGT.U8     Q11,Q6,Q9                   @vcgtq_u8(pu1_cur_row, pu1_next_row_tmp)
    VCLT.U8     Q12,Q6,Q9                   @vcltq_u8(pu1_cur_row, pu1_next_row_tmp)
    VSUB.U8     Q12,Q12,Q11                 @sign_down = vreinterpretq_s8_u8(vsubq_u8(cmp_lt, cmp_gt))

    VADD.I8     Q13,Q0,Q7                   @edge_idx = vaddq_s8(const_2, sign_up)
    VADD.I8     Q13,Q13,Q12                 @edge_idx = vaddq_s8(edge_idx, sign_down)

    VLD1.8      D22,[r2]                    @edge_idx_tbl = vld1_s8(gi1_table_edge_idx)
    VTBL.8      D26,{D22},D26               @vtbl1_s8(edge_idx_tbl, vget_low_s8(edge_idx))
    VTBL.8      D27,{D22},D27               @vtbl1_s8(edge_idx_tbl, vget_high_s8(edge_idx))

    VAND        Q13,Q13,Q4                  @edge_idx = vandq_s8(edge_idx, au1_mask)

    VNEG.S8     Q7,Q12                      @sign_up = vnegq_s8(sign_down)
    VEXT.8      Q7,Q7,Q7,#14                @sign_up = vextq_s8(sign_up, sign_up, 14)

    VUZP.8      D26,D27
    VTBL.8      D24,{D6},D26
    VTBL.8      D25,{D7},D27
    VZIP.8      D24,D25

    VMOVL.U8    Q14,D12                     @pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0] = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vmovl_u8(vget_low_u8(pu1_cur_row)))
    VADDW.S8    Q14,Q14,D24                 @pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0] = vaddw_s8(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0], offset)
    VMAX.S16    Q14,Q14,Q1                  @pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0] = vmaxq_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0], const_min_clip)
    VMIN.U16    Q14,Q14,Q2                  @pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0] = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vminq_u16(vreinterpretq_u16_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0]), const_max_clip))

    VMOVN.I16   D28,Q14                     @vmovn_s16(pi2_tmp_cur_row.val[0])

    VST1.8      {D28},[r0],r1               @vst1q_u8(pu1_src_cpy, pu1_cur_row)

    VMOV        Q6,Q8                       @pu1_cur_row = pu1_next_row
    SUBS        r7,r7,#1                    @Decrement the ht_tmp loop count by 1
    BNE         PU1_SRC_LOOP_RESIDUE        @If not equal jump to PU1_SRC_LOOP

    LDR         r8,[sp,#0x118]              @Loads ht
    LDR         r11,[sp,#0x104]             @Loads *pu1_src_left
    ADD         r5,sp,#0x4B                 @*au1_src_left_tmp

    LDR         r7,[r5],#4                  @au1_src_left_tmp[row]
    SUBS        r8,r8,#2
    STR         r7,[r11],#4                 @pu1_src_left[row] = au1_src_left_tmp[row]


    LDR         r8,[sp,#0x118]              @Loads ht

    LDR         r0,[sp,#0x100]              @Loads *pu1_src
    SUB         r8,r8,#1                    @ht - 1

    LDR         r7,[sp,#0x114]              @Loads wd

    LDRH        r9,[sp,#6]
    MLA         r6,r8,r1,r7                 @wd - 2 + (ht - 1) * src_strd

    STRH        r9,[r0]                     @pu1_src_org[0] = u1_pos_0_0_tmp
    ADD         r6,r0,r6                    @pu1_src[wd - 2 + (ht - 1) * src_strd]

    LDRH        r9,[sp,#8]
    ADD         r12,sp,#10
    STRH        r9,[r6,#-2]                 @pu1_src_org[wd - 1 + (ht - 1) * src_strd] = u1_pos_wd_ht_tmp_u

    LDR         r4,[sp,#0xFC]               @Loads pu1_src_top_left
    LDRH        r10,[sp]                    @load u1_src_top_left_tmp from stack pointer
    STRH        r10,[r4]                    @*pu1_src_top_left = u1_src_top_left_tmp
    LDR         r3,[sp,#0x10C]              @Loads pu1_src_top

    VLD1.8      D0,[r12]!                   @pu1_src_top[col] = au1_src_top_tmp[col]
    SUBS        r7,r7,#8                    @Decrement the width
    VST1.8      D0,[r3]!                    @pu1_src_top[col] = au1_src_top_tmp[col]
    BNE         SRC_TOP_LOOP

    ADD         sp,sp,#0xD4
    LDMFD       sp!,{r4-r12,r15}            @Reload the registers from SP