// label_reachable.h // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // Copyright 2005-2010 Google, Inc. // Author: riley@google.com (Michael Riley) // // \file // Class to determine if a non-epsilon label can be read as the // first non-epsilon symbol along some path from a given state. #ifndef FST_LIB_LABEL_REACHABLE_H__ #define FST_LIB_LABEL_REACHABLE_H__ #include <tr1/unordered_map> using std::tr1::unordered_map; using std::tr1::unordered_multimap; #include <vector> using std::vector; #include <fst/accumulator.h> #include <fst/arcsort.h> #include <fst/interval-set.h> #include <fst/state-reachable.h> #include <fst/vector-fst.h> namespace fst { // Stores shareable data for label reachable class copies. template <typename L> class LabelReachableData { public: typedef L Label; typedef typename IntervalSet<L>::Interval Interval; explicit LabelReachableData(bool reach_input, bool keep_relabel_data = true) : reach_input_(reach_input), keep_relabel_data_(keep_relabel_data), have_relabel_data_(true), final_label_(kNoLabel) {} ~LabelReachableData() {} bool ReachInput() const { return reach_input_; } vector< IntervalSet<L> > *IntervalSets() { return &isets_; } unordered_map<L, L> *Label2Index() { if (!have_relabel_data_) FSTERROR() << "LabelReachableData: no relabeling data"; return &label2index_; } Label FinalLabel() { if (final_label_ == kNoLabel) final_label_ = label2index_[kNoLabel]; return final_label_; } static LabelReachableData<L> *Read(istream &istrm) { LabelReachableData<L> *data = new LabelReachableData<L>(); ReadType(istrm, &data->reach_input_); ReadType(istrm, &data->keep_relabel_data_); data->have_relabel_data_ = data->keep_relabel_data_; if (data->keep_relabel_data_) ReadType(istrm, &data->label2index_); ReadType(istrm, &data->final_label_); ReadType(istrm, &data->isets_); return data; } bool Write(ostream &ostrm) { WriteType(ostrm, reach_input_); WriteType(ostrm, keep_relabel_data_); if (keep_relabel_data_) WriteType(ostrm, label2index_); WriteType(ostrm, FinalLabel()); WriteType(ostrm, isets_); return true; } int RefCount() const { return ref_count_.count(); } int IncrRefCount() { return ref_count_.Incr(); } int DecrRefCount() { return ref_count_.Decr(); } private: LabelReachableData() {} bool reach_input_; // Input or output labels considered? bool keep_relabel_data_; // Save label2index_ to file? bool have_relabel_data_; // Using label2index_? Label final_label_; // Final label RefCounter ref_count_; // Reference count. unordered_map<L, L> label2index_; // Finds index for a label. vector<IntervalSet <L> > isets_; // Interval sets per state. DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(LabelReachableData); }; // Tests reachability of labels from a given state. If reach_input = // true, then input labels are considered, o.w. output labels are // considered. To test for reachability from a state s, first do // SetState(s). Then a label l can be reached from state s of FST f // iff Reach(r) is true where r = Relabel(l). The relabeling is // required to ensure a compact representation of the reachable // labels. // The whole FST can be relabeled instead with Relabel(&f, // reach_input) so that the test Reach(r) applies directly to the // labels of the transformed FST f. The relabeled FST will also be // sorted appropriately for composition. // // Reachablity of a final state from state s (via an epsilon path) // can be tested with ReachFinal(); // // Reachability can also be tested on the set of labels specified by // an arc iterator, useful for FST composition. In particular, // Reach(aiter, ...) is true if labels on the input (output) side of // the transitions of the arc iterator, when iter_input is true // (false), can be reached from the state s. The iterator labels must // have already been relabeled. // // With the arc iterator test of reachability, the begin position, end // position and accumulated arc weight of the matches can be // returned. The optional template argument controls how reachable arc // weights are accumulated. The default uses the semiring // Plus(). Alternative ones can be used to distribute the weights in // composition in various ways. template <class A, class S = DefaultAccumulator<A> > class LabelReachable { public: typedef A Arc; typedef typename A::StateId StateId; typedef typename A::Label Label; typedef typename A::Weight Weight; typedef typename IntervalSet<Label>::Interval Interval; LabelReachable(const Fst<A> &fst, bool reach_input, S *s = 0, bool keep_relabel_data = true) : fst_(new VectorFst<Arc>(fst)), s_(kNoStateId), data_(new LabelReachableData<Label>(reach_input, keep_relabel_data)), accumulator_(s ? s : new S()), ncalls_(0), nintervals_(0), error_(false) { StateId ins = fst_->NumStates(); TransformFst(); FindIntervals(ins); delete fst_; } explicit LabelReachable(LabelReachableData<Label> *data, S *s = 0) : fst_(0), s_(kNoStateId), data_(data), accumulator_(s ? s : new S()), ncalls_(0), nintervals_(0), error_(false) { data_->IncrRefCount(); } LabelReachable(const LabelReachable<A, S> &reachable) : fst_(0), s_(kNoStateId), data_(reachable.data_), accumulator_(new S(*reachable.accumulator_)), ncalls_(0), nintervals_(0), error_(reachable.error_) { data_->IncrRefCount(); } ~LabelReachable() { if (!data_->DecrRefCount()) delete data_; delete accumulator_; if (ncalls_ > 0) { VLOG(2) << "# of calls: " << ncalls_; VLOG(2) << "# of intervals/call: " << (nintervals_ / ncalls_); } } // Relabels w.r.t labels that give compact label sets. Label Relabel(Label label) { if (label == 0 || error_) return label; unordered_map<Label, Label> &label2index = *data_->Label2Index(); Label &relabel = label2index[label]; if (!relabel) // Add new label relabel = label2index.size() + 1; return relabel; } // Relabels Fst w.r.t to labels that give compact label sets. void Relabel(MutableFst<Arc> *fst, bool relabel_input) { for (StateIterator< MutableFst<Arc> > siter(*fst); !siter.Done(); siter.Next()) { StateId s = siter.Value(); for (MutableArcIterator< MutableFst<Arc> > aiter(fst, s); !aiter.Done(); aiter.Next()) { Arc arc = aiter.Value(); if (relabel_input) arc.ilabel = Relabel(arc.ilabel); else arc.olabel = Relabel(arc.olabel); aiter.SetValue(arc); } } if (relabel_input) { ArcSort(fst, ILabelCompare<Arc>()); fst->SetInputSymbols(0); } else { ArcSort(fst, OLabelCompare<Arc>()); fst->SetOutputSymbols(0); } } // Returns relabeling pairs (cf. relabel.h::Relabel()). // If 'avoid_collisions' is true, extra pairs are added to // ensure no collisions when relabeling automata that have // labels unseen here. void RelabelPairs(vector<pair<Label, Label> > *pairs, bool avoid_collisions = false) { pairs->clear(); unordered_map<Label, Label> &label2index = *data_->Label2Index(); // Maps labels to their new values in [1, label2index().size()] for (typename unordered_map<Label, Label>::const_iterator it = label2index.begin(); it != label2index.end(); ++it) if (it->second != data_->FinalLabel()) pairs->push_back(pair<Label, Label>(it->first, it->second)); if (avoid_collisions) { // Ensures any label in [1, label2index().size()] is mapped either // by the above step or to label2index() + 1 (to avoid collisions). for (int i = 1; i <= label2index.size(); ++i) { typename unordered_map<Label, Label>::const_iterator it = label2index.find(i); if (it == label2index.end() || it->second == data_->FinalLabel()) pairs->push_back(pair<Label, Label>(i, label2index.size() + 1)); } } } // Set current state. Optionally set state associated // with arc iterator to be passed to Reach. void SetState(StateId s, StateId aiter_s = kNoStateId) { s_ = s; if (aiter_s != kNoStateId) { accumulator_->SetState(aiter_s); if (accumulator_->Error()) error_ = true; } } // Can reach this label from current state? // Original labels must be transformed by the Relabel methods above. bool Reach(Label label) { if (label == 0 || error_) return false; vector< IntervalSet<Label> > &isets = *data_->IntervalSets(); return isets[s_].Member(label); } // Can reach final state (via epsilon transitions) from this state? bool ReachFinal() { if (error_) return false; vector< IntervalSet<Label> > &isets = *data_->IntervalSets(); return isets[s_].Member(data_->FinalLabel()); } // Initialize with secondary FST to be used with Reach(Iterator,...). // If copy is true, then 'fst' is a copy of the FST used in the // previous call to this method (useful to avoid unnecessary updates). template <class F> void ReachInit(const F &fst, bool copy = false) { accumulator_->Init(fst, copy); if (accumulator_->Error()) error_ = true; } // Can reach any arc iterator label between iterator positions // aiter_begin and aiter_end? If aiter_input = true, then iterator // input labels are considered, o.w. output labels are considered. // Arc iterator labels must be transformed by the Relabel methods // above. If compute_weight is true, user may call ReachWeight(). template <class Iterator> bool Reach(Iterator *aiter, ssize_t aiter_begin, ssize_t aiter_end, bool aiter_input, bool compute_weight) { if (error_) return false; vector< IntervalSet<Label> > &isets = *data_->IntervalSets(); const vector<Interval> *intervals = isets[s_].Intervals(); ++ncalls_; nintervals_ += intervals->size(); reach_begin_ = -1; reach_end_ = -1; reach_weight_ = Weight::Zero(); uint32 flags = aiter->Flags(); // save flags to restore them on exit aiter->SetFlags(kArcNoCache, kArcNoCache); // make caching optional aiter->Seek(aiter_begin); if (2 * (aiter_end - aiter_begin) < intervals->size()) { // Check each arc against intervals. // Set arc iterator flags to only compute the ilabel or olabel values, // since they are the only values required for most of the arcs processed. aiter->SetFlags(aiter_input ? kArcILabelValue : kArcOLabelValue, kArcValueFlags); Label reach_label = kNoLabel; for (ssize_t aiter_pos = aiter_begin; aiter_pos < aiter_end; aiter->Next(), ++aiter_pos) { const A &arc = aiter->Value(); Label label = aiter_input ? arc.ilabel : arc.olabel; if (label == reach_label || Reach(label)) { reach_label = label; if (reach_begin_ < 0) reach_begin_ = aiter_pos; reach_end_ = aiter_pos + 1; if (compute_weight) { if (!(aiter->Flags() & kArcWeightValue)) { // If the 'arc.weight' wasn't computed by the call // to 'aiter->Value()' above, we need to call // 'aiter->Value()' again after having set the arc iterator // flags to compute the arc weight value. aiter->SetFlags(kArcWeightValue, kArcValueFlags); const A &arcb = aiter->Value(); // Call the accumulator. reach_weight_ = accumulator_->Sum(reach_weight_, arcb.weight); // Only ilabel or olabel required to process the following // arcs. aiter->SetFlags(aiter_input ? kArcILabelValue : kArcOLabelValue, kArcValueFlags); } else { // Call the accumulator. reach_weight_ = accumulator_->Sum(reach_weight_, arc.weight); } } } } } else { // Check each interval against arcs ssize_t begin_low, end_low = aiter_begin; for (typename vector<Interval>::const_iterator iiter = intervals->begin(); iiter != intervals->end(); ++iiter) { begin_low = LowerBound(aiter, end_low, aiter_end, aiter_input, iiter->begin); end_low = LowerBound(aiter, begin_low, aiter_end, aiter_input, iiter->end); if (end_low - begin_low > 0) { if (reach_begin_ < 0) reach_begin_ = begin_low; reach_end_ = end_low; if (compute_weight) { aiter->SetFlags(kArcWeightValue, kArcValueFlags); reach_weight_ = accumulator_->Sum(reach_weight_, aiter, begin_low, end_low); } } } } aiter->SetFlags(flags, kArcFlags); // restore original flag values return reach_begin_ >= 0; } // Returns iterator position of first matching arc. ssize_t ReachBegin() const { return reach_begin_; } // Returns iterator position one past last matching arc. ssize_t ReachEnd() const { return reach_end_; } // Return the sum of the weights for matching arcs. // Valid only if compute_weight was true in Reach() call. Weight ReachWeight() const { return reach_weight_; } // Access to the relabeling map. Excludes epsilon (0) label but // includes kNoLabel that is used internally for super-final // transitons. const unordered_map<Label, Label>& Label2Index() const { return *data_->Label2Index(); } LabelReachableData<Label> *GetData() const { return data_; } bool Error() const { return error_ || accumulator_->Error(); } private: // Redirects labeled arcs (input or output labels determined by // ReachInput()) to new label-specific final states. Each original // final state is redirected via a transition labeled with kNoLabel // to a new kNoLabel-specific final state. Creates super-initial // state for all states with zero in-degree. void TransformFst() { StateId ins = fst_->NumStates(); StateId ons = ins; vector<ssize_t> indeg(ins, 0); // Redirects labeled arcs to new final states. for (StateId s = 0; s < ins; ++s) { for (MutableArcIterator< VectorFst<Arc> > aiter(fst_, s); !aiter.Done(); aiter.Next()) { Arc arc = aiter.Value(); Label label = data_->ReachInput() ? arc.ilabel : arc.olabel; if (label) { if (label2state_.find(label) == label2state_.end()) { label2state_[label] = ons; indeg.push_back(0); ++ons; } arc.nextstate = label2state_[label]; aiter.SetValue(arc); } ++indeg[arc.nextstate]; // Finds in-degrees for next step. } // Redirects final weights to new final state. Weight final = fst_->Final(s); if (final != Weight::Zero()) { if (label2state_.find(kNoLabel) == label2state_.end()) { label2state_[kNoLabel] = ons; indeg.push_back(0); ++ons; } Arc arc(kNoLabel, kNoLabel, final, label2state_[kNoLabel]); fst_->AddArc(s, arc); ++indeg[arc.nextstate]; // Finds in-degrees for next step. fst_->SetFinal(s, Weight::Zero()); } } // Add new final states to Fst. while (fst_->NumStates() < ons) { StateId s = fst_->AddState(); fst_->SetFinal(s, Weight::One()); } // Creates a super-initial state for all states with zero in-degree. StateId start = fst_->AddState(); fst_->SetStart(start); for (StateId s = 0; s < start; ++s) { if (indeg[s] == 0) { Arc arc(0, 0, Weight::One(), s); fst_->AddArc(start, arc); } } } void FindIntervals(StateId ins) { StateReachable<A, Label> state_reachable(*fst_); if (state_reachable.Error()) { error_ = true; return; } vector<Label> &state2index = state_reachable.State2Index(); vector< IntervalSet<Label> > &isets = *data_->IntervalSets(); isets = state_reachable.IntervalSets(); isets.resize(ins); unordered_map<Label, Label> &label2index = *data_->Label2Index(); for (typename unordered_map<Label, StateId>::const_iterator it = label2state_.begin(); it != label2state_.end(); ++it) { Label l = it->first; StateId s = it->second; Label i = state2index[s]; label2index[l] = i; } label2state_.clear(); double nintervals = 0; ssize_t non_intervals = 0; for (ssize_t s = 0; s < ins; ++s) { nintervals += isets[s].Size(); if (isets[s].Size() > 1) { ++non_intervals; VLOG(3) << "state: " << s << " # of intervals: " << isets[s].Size(); } } VLOG(2) << "# of states: " << ins; VLOG(2) << "# of intervals: " << nintervals; VLOG(2) << "# of intervals/state: " << nintervals/ins; VLOG(2) << "# of non-interval states: " << non_intervals; } template <class Iterator> ssize_t LowerBound(Iterator *aiter, ssize_t aiter_begin, ssize_t aiter_end, bool aiter_input, Label match_label) const { // Only need to compute the ilabel or olabel of arcs when // performing the binary search. aiter->SetFlags(aiter_input ? kArcILabelValue : kArcOLabelValue, kArcValueFlags); ssize_t low = aiter_begin; ssize_t high = aiter_end; while (low < high) { ssize_t mid = (low + high) / 2; aiter->Seek(mid); Label label = aiter_input ? aiter->Value().ilabel : aiter->Value().olabel; if (label > match_label) { high = mid; } else if (label < match_label) { low = mid + 1; } else { // Find first matching label (when non-deterministic) for (ssize_t i = mid; i > low; --i) { aiter->Seek(i - 1); label = aiter_input ? aiter->Value().ilabel : aiter->Value().olabel; if (label != match_label) { aiter->Seek(i); aiter->SetFlags(kArcValueFlags, kArcValueFlags); return i; } } aiter->SetFlags(kArcValueFlags, kArcValueFlags); return low; } } aiter->Seek(low); aiter->SetFlags(kArcValueFlags, kArcValueFlags); return low; } VectorFst<Arc> *fst_; StateId s_; // Current state unordered_map<Label, StateId> label2state_; // Finds final state for a label ssize_t reach_begin_; // Iterator pos of first match ssize_t reach_end_; // Iterator pos after last match Weight reach_weight_; // Gives weight sum of arc iterator // arcs with reachable labels. LabelReachableData<Label> *data_; // Shareable data between copies S *accumulator_; // Sums arc weights double ncalls_; double nintervals_; bool error_; void operator=(const LabelReachable<A, S> &); // Disallow }; } // namespace fst #endif // FST_LIB_LABEL_REACHABLE_H__