/* * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <img_utils/DngUtils.h> namespace android { namespace img_utils { OpcodeListBuilder::OpcodeListBuilder() : mCount(0), mOpList(), mEndianOut(&mOpList, BIG) { if(mEndianOut.open() != OK) { ALOGE("%s: Open failed.", __FUNCTION__); } } OpcodeListBuilder::~OpcodeListBuilder() { if(mEndianOut.close() != OK) { ALOGE("%s: Close failed.", __FUNCTION__); } } size_t OpcodeListBuilder::getSize() const { return mOpList.getSize() + sizeof(mCount); } uint32_t OpcodeListBuilder::getCount() const { return mCount; } status_t OpcodeListBuilder::buildOpList(uint8_t* buf) const { uint32_t count = convertToBigEndian(mCount); memcpy(buf, &count, sizeof(count)); memcpy(buf + sizeof(count), mOpList.getArray(), mOpList.getSize()); return OK; } status_t OpcodeListBuilder::addGainMapsForMetadata(uint32_t lsmWidth, uint32_t lsmHeight, uint32_t activeAreaTop, uint32_t activeAreaLeft, uint32_t activeAreaBottom, uint32_t activeAreaRight, CfaLayout cfa, const float* lensShadingMap) { uint32_t activeAreaWidth = activeAreaRight - activeAreaLeft; uint32_t activeAreaHeight = activeAreaBottom - activeAreaTop; double spacingV = 1.0 / lsmHeight; double spacingH = 1.0 / lsmWidth; float redMap[lsmWidth * lsmHeight]; float greenEvenMap[lsmWidth * lsmHeight]; float greenOddMap[lsmWidth * lsmHeight]; float blueMap[lsmWidth * lsmHeight]; size_t lsmMapSize = lsmWidth * lsmHeight * 4; // Split lens shading map channels into separate arrays size_t j = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < lsmMapSize; i += 4, ++j) { redMap[j] = lensShadingMap[i + LSM_R_IND]; greenEvenMap[j] = lensShadingMap[i + LSM_GE_IND]; greenOddMap[j] = lensShadingMap[i + LSM_GO_IND]; blueMap[j] = lensShadingMap[i + LSM_B_IND]; } uint32_t redTop = 0; uint32_t redLeft = 0; uint32_t greenEvenTop = 0; uint32_t greenEvenLeft = 1; uint32_t greenOddTop = 1; uint32_t greenOddLeft = 0; uint32_t blueTop = 1; uint32_t blueLeft = 1; switch(cfa) { case CFA_RGGB: redTop = 0; redLeft = 0; greenEvenTop = 0; greenEvenLeft = 1; greenOddTop = 1; greenOddLeft = 0; blueTop = 1; blueLeft = 1; break; case CFA_GRBG: redTop = 0; redLeft = 1; greenEvenTop = 0; greenEvenLeft = 0; greenOddTop = 1; greenOddLeft = 1; blueTop = 1; blueLeft = 0; break; case CFA_GBRG: redTop = 1; redLeft = 0; greenEvenTop = 0; greenEvenLeft = 0; greenOddTop = 1; greenOddLeft = 1; blueTop = 0; blueLeft = 1; break; case CFA_BGGR: redTop = 1; redLeft = 1; greenEvenTop = 0; greenEvenLeft = 1; greenOddTop = 1; greenOddLeft = 0; blueTop = 0; blueLeft = 0; break; default: ALOGE("%s: Unknown CFA layout %d", __FUNCTION__, cfa); return BAD_VALUE; } status_t err = addGainMap(/*top*/redTop, /*left*/redLeft, /*bottom*/activeAreaHeight - 1, /*right*/activeAreaWidth - 1, /*plane*/0, /*planes*/1, /*rowPitch*/2, /*colPitch*/2, /*mapPointsV*/lsmHeight, /*mapPointsH*/lsmWidth, /*mapSpacingV*/spacingV, /*mapSpacingH*/spacingH, /*mapOriginV*/0, /*mapOriginH*/0, /*mapPlanes*/1, /*mapGains*/redMap); if (err != OK) return err; err = addGainMap(/*top*/greenEvenTop, /*left*/greenEvenLeft, /*bottom*/activeAreaHeight - 1, /*right*/activeAreaWidth - 1, /*plane*/0, /*planes*/1, /*rowPitch*/2, /*colPitch*/2, /*mapPointsV*/lsmHeight, /*mapPointsH*/lsmWidth, /*mapSpacingV*/spacingV, /*mapSpacingH*/spacingH, /*mapOriginV*/0, /*mapOriginH*/0, /*mapPlanes*/1, /*mapGains*/greenEvenMap); if (err != OK) return err; err = addGainMap(/*top*/greenOddTop, /*left*/greenOddLeft, /*bottom*/activeAreaHeight - 1, /*right*/activeAreaWidth - 1, /*plane*/0, /*planes*/1, /*rowPitch*/2, /*colPitch*/2, /*mapPointsV*/lsmHeight, /*mapPointsH*/lsmWidth, /*mapSpacingV*/spacingV, /*mapSpacingH*/spacingH, /*mapOriginV*/0, /*mapOriginH*/0, /*mapPlanes*/1, /*mapGains*/greenOddMap); if (err != OK) return err; err = addGainMap(/*top*/blueTop, /*left*/blueLeft, /*bottom*/activeAreaHeight - 1, /*right*/activeAreaWidth - 1, /*plane*/0, /*planes*/1, /*rowPitch*/2, /*colPitch*/2, /*mapPointsV*/lsmHeight, /*mapPointsH*/lsmWidth, /*mapSpacingV*/spacingV, /*mapSpacingH*/spacingH, /*mapOriginV*/0, /*mapOriginH*/0, /*mapPlanes*/1, /*mapGains*/blueMap); return err; } status_t OpcodeListBuilder::addGainMap(uint32_t top, uint32_t left, uint32_t bottom, uint32_t right, uint32_t plane, uint32_t planes, uint32_t rowPitch, uint32_t colPitch, uint32_t mapPointsV, uint32_t mapPointsH, double mapSpacingV, double mapSpacingH, double mapOriginV, double mapOriginH, uint32_t mapPlanes, const float* mapGains) { uint32_t opcodeId = GAIN_MAP_ID; status_t err = mEndianOut.write(&opcodeId, 0, 1); if (err != OK) return err; uint8_t version[] = {1, 3, 0, 0}; err = mEndianOut.write(version, 0, NELEMS(version)); if (err != OK) return err; // Do not include optional flag for preview, as this can have a large effect on the output. uint32_t flags = FLAG_OPTIONAL; err = mEndianOut.write(&flags, 0, 1); if (err != OK) return err; const uint32_t NUMBER_INT_ARGS = 11; const uint32_t NUMBER_DOUBLE_ARGS = 4; uint32_t totalSize = NUMBER_INT_ARGS * sizeof(uint32_t) + NUMBER_DOUBLE_ARGS * sizeof(double) + mapPointsV * mapPointsH * mapPlanes * sizeof(float); err = mEndianOut.write(&totalSize, 0, 1); if (err != OK) return err; // Batch writes as much as possible uint32_t settings1[] = { top, left, bottom, right, plane, planes, rowPitch, colPitch, mapPointsV, mapPointsH }; err = mEndianOut.write(settings1, 0, NELEMS(settings1)); if (err != OK) return err; double settings2[] = { mapSpacingV, mapSpacingH, mapOriginV, mapOriginH }; err = mEndianOut.write(settings2, 0, NELEMS(settings2)); if (err != OK) return err; err = mEndianOut.write(&mapPlanes, 0, 1); if (err != OK) return err; err = mEndianOut.write(mapGains, 0, mapPointsV * mapPointsH * mapPlanes); if (err != OK) return err; mCount++; return OK; } } /*namespace img_utils*/ } /*namespace android*/