 * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


#ifndef LOG_TAG
    #define LOG_TAG "OpenGLRenderer"

#include <vector>

#include <GLES3/gl3.h>

#include <utils/KeyedVector.h>
#include <utils/Singleton.h>
#include <utils/Vector.h>

#include <cutils/compiler.h>

#include "thread/TaskProcessor.h"
#include "thread/TaskManager.h"

#include "AssetAtlas.h"
#include "Extensions.h"
#include "FontRenderer.h"
#include "GammaFontRenderer.h"
#include "TextureCache.h"
#include "LayerCache.h"
#include "RenderBufferCache.h"
#include "GradientCache.h"
#include "PatchCache.h"
#include "ProgramCache.h"
#include "PathCache.h"
#include "TessellationCache.h"
#include "TextDropShadowCache.h"
#include "FboCache.h"
#include "ResourceCache.h"
#include "Stencil.h"
#include "Dither.h"

namespace android {
namespace uirenderer {

// Globals

// GL ES 2.0 defines that at least 16 texture units must be supported

// Maximum number of quads that pre-allocated meshes can draw
static const uint32_t gMaxNumberOfQuads = 2048;

// Generates simple and textured vertices
#define FV(x, y, u, v) { x, y, u, v }

// This array is never used directly but used as a memcpy source in the
// OpenGLRenderer constructor
static const TextureVertex gMeshVertices[] = {
        FV(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
        FV(1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f),
        FV(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f),
        FV(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)
static const GLsizei gMeshStride = sizeof(TextureVertex);
static const GLsizei gVertexStride = sizeof(Vertex);
static const GLsizei gAlphaVertexStride = sizeof(AlphaVertex);
static const GLsizei gMeshTextureOffset = 2 * sizeof(float);
static const GLsizei gVertexAlphaOffset = 2 * sizeof(float);
static const GLsizei gVertexAAWidthOffset = 2 * sizeof(float);
static const GLsizei gVertexAALengthOffset = 3 * sizeof(float);
static const GLsizei gMeshCount = 4;

// Must define as many texture units as specified by REQUIRED_TEXTURE_UNITS_COUNT
static const GLenum gTextureUnits[] = {

// Debug

struct CacheLogger {
    CacheLogger() {
        INIT_LOGD("Creating OpenGL renderer caches");
}; // struct CacheLogger

// Caches

class RenderNode;
class RenderState;

class ANDROID_API Caches: public Singleton<Caches> {

    friend class Singleton<Caches>;

    CacheLogger mLogger;

    enum FlushMode {
        kFlushMode_Layers = 0,

     * Initialize caches.
    bool init();

     * Initialize global system properties.
    bool initProperties();

    void setRenderState(RenderState* renderState) { mRenderState = renderState; }

     * Flush the cache.
     * @param mode Indicates how much of the cache should be flushed
    void flush(FlushMode mode);

     * Destroys all resources associated with this cache. This should
     * be called after a flush(kFlushMode_Full).
    void terminate();

     * Indicates whether the renderer is in debug mode.
     * This debug mode provides limited information to app developers.
    DebugLevel getDebugLevel() const {
        return mDebugLevel;

     * Returns a non-premultiplied ARGB color for the specified
     * amount of overdraw (1 for 1x, 2 for 2x, etc.)
    uint32_t getOverdrawColor(uint32_t amount) const;

     * Call this on each frame to ensure that garbage is deleted from
     * GPU memory.
    void clearGarbage();

     * Can be used to delete a layer from a non EGL thread.
    void deleteLayerDeferred(Layer* layer);

     * Binds the VBO used to render simple textured quads.
    bool bindMeshBuffer();

     * Binds the specified VBO if needed.
    bool bindMeshBuffer(const GLuint buffer);

     * Unbinds the VBO used to render simple textured quads.
    bool unbindMeshBuffer();

     * Binds a global indices buffer that can draw up to
     * gMaxNumberOfQuads quads.
    bool bindQuadIndicesBuffer();
    bool bindShadowIndicesBuffer();
    bool unbindIndicesBuffer();

     * Binds the specified buffer as the current GL unpack pixel buffer.
    bool bindPixelBuffer(const GLuint buffer);

     * Resets the current unpack pixel buffer to 0 (default value.)
    bool unbindPixelBuffer();

     * Binds an attrib to the specified float vertex pointer.
     * Assumes a stride of gMeshStride and a size of 2.
    void bindPositionVertexPointer(bool force, const GLvoid* vertices, GLsizei stride = gMeshStride);

     * Binds an attrib to the specified float vertex pointer.
     * Assumes a stride of gMeshStride and a size of 2.
    void bindTexCoordsVertexPointer(bool force, const GLvoid* vertices, GLsizei stride = gMeshStride);

     * Resets the vertex pointers.
    void resetVertexPointers();
    void resetTexCoordsVertexPointer();

    void enableTexCoordsVertexArray();
    void disableTexCoordsVertexArray();

     * Activate the specified texture unit. The texture unit must
     * be specified using an integer number (0 for GL_TEXTURE0 etc.)
    void activeTexture(GLuint textureUnit);

     * Invalidate the cached value of the active texture unit.
    void resetActiveTexture();

     * Binds the specified texture as a GL_TEXTURE_2D texture.
     * All texture bindings must be performed with this method or
     * bindTexture(GLenum, GLuint).
    void bindTexture(GLuint texture);

     * Binds the specified texture with the specified render target.
     * All texture bindings must be performed with this method or
     * bindTexture(GLuint).
    void bindTexture(GLenum target, GLuint texture);

     * Deletes the specified texture and clears it from the cache
     * of bound textures.
     * All textures must be deleted using this method.
    void deleteTexture(GLuint texture);

     * Signals that the cache of bound textures should be cleared.
     * Other users of the context may have altered which textures are bound.
    void resetBoundTextures();

     * Clear the cache of bound textures.
    void unbindTexture(GLuint texture);

     * Sets the scissor for the current surface.
    bool setScissor(GLint x, GLint y, GLint width, GLint height);

     * Resets the scissor state.
    void resetScissor();

    bool enableScissor();
    bool disableScissor();
    void setScissorEnabled(bool enabled);

    void startTiling(GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint width, GLuint height, bool discard);
    void endTiling();

     * Returns the mesh used to draw regions. Calling this method will
     * bind a VBO of type GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER that contains the
     * indices for the region mesh.
    TextureVertex* getRegionMesh();

     * Displays the memory usage of each cache and the total sum.
    void dumpMemoryUsage();
    void dumpMemoryUsage(String8& log);

    bool hasRegisteredFunctors();
    void registerFunctors(uint32_t functorCount);
    void unregisterFunctors(uint32_t functorCount);

    bool blend;
    GLenum lastSrcMode;
    GLenum lastDstMode;
    Program* currentProgram;
    bool scissorEnabled;

    bool drawDeferDisabled;
    bool drawReorderDisabled;

    // VBO to draw with
    GLuint meshBuffer;

    // Misc
    GLint maxTextureSize;

    // Debugging
    bool debugLayersUpdates;
    bool debugOverdraw;

    enum StencilClipDebug {
    StencilClipDebug debugStencilClip;

    TextureCache textureCache;
    LayerCache layerCache;
    RenderBufferCache renderBufferCache;
    GradientCache gradientCache;
    ProgramCache programCache;
    PathCache pathCache;
    PatchCache patchCache;
    TessellationCache tessellationCache;
    TextDropShadowCache dropShadowCache;
    FboCache fboCache;

    GammaFontRenderer* fontRenderer;

    TaskManager tasks;

    Dither dither;
    Stencil stencil;

    bool gpuPixelBuffersEnabled;

    // Debug methods


    // TEMPORARY properties
    void initTempProperties();
    void setTempProperty(const char* name, const char* value);

    float propertyLightDiameter;
    float propertyLightPosY;
    float propertyLightPosZ;
    float propertyAmbientRatio;
    int propertyAmbientShadowStrength;
    int propertySpotShadowStrength;

    enum OverdrawColorSet {
        kColorSet_Default = 0,

    void initFont();
    void initExtensions();
    void initConstraints();
    void initStaticProperties();

    bool bindIndicesBufferInternal(const GLuint buffer);

    static void eventMarkNull(GLsizei length, const GLchar* marker) { }
    static void startMarkNull(GLsizei length, const GLchar* marker) { }
    static void endMarkNull() { }

    static void setLabelNull(GLenum type, uint object, GLsizei length,
            const char* label) { }
    static void getLabelNull(GLenum type, uint object, GLsizei bufferSize,
            GLsizei* length, char* label) {
        if (length) *length = 0;
        if (label) *label = '\0';

    GLuint mCurrentBuffer;
    GLuint mCurrentIndicesBuffer;
    GLuint mCurrentPixelBuffer;
    const void* mCurrentPositionPointer;
    GLsizei mCurrentPositionStride;
    const void* mCurrentTexCoordsPointer;
    GLsizei mCurrentTexCoordsStride;

    bool mTexCoordsArrayEnabled;

    GLuint mTextureUnit;

    GLint mScissorX;
    GLint mScissorY;
    GLint mScissorWidth;
    GLint mScissorHeight;

    Extensions& mExtensions;

    // Used to render layers
    TextureVertex* mRegionMesh;

    // Global index buffer
    GLuint mMeshIndices;
    GLuint mShadowStripsIndices;

    mutable Mutex mGarbageLock;
    Vector<Layer*> mLayerGarbage;

    DebugLevel mDebugLevel;
    bool mInitialized;

    uint32_t mFunctorsCount;

    // Caches texture bindings for the GL_TEXTURE_2D target

    OverdrawColorSet mOverdrawDebugColorSet;

    RenderState* mRenderState;
}; // class Caches

}; // namespace uirenderer
}; // namespace android