 * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#ifndef RSD_BCC_H
#define RSD_BCC_H

#include <rs_hal.h>
#include <rsRuntime.h>

#include <bcc/ExecutionEngine/CompilerRTSymbolResolver.h>
#include <bcc/ExecutionEngine/SymbolResolverProxy.h>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>

#include "rsCpuCore.h"

namespace bcc {
    class BCCContext;
    class RSCompilerDriver;
    class RSExecutable;

namespace bcinfo {
    class MetadataExtractor;

namespace android {
namespace renderscript {

class RsdCpuScriptImpl : public RsdCpuReferenceImpl::CpuScript {
    typedef void (*outer_foreach_t)(
        const RsForEachStubParamStruct *,
        uint32_t x1, uint32_t x2,
        uint32_t instep, uint32_t outstep);
    typedef void (* InvokeFunc_t)(void);
    typedef void (* ForEachFunc_t)(void);
    typedef int (* RootFunc_t)(void);
    typedef void (*WorkerCallback_t)(void *usr, uint32_t idx);

    bool init(char const *resName, char const *cacheDir,
              uint8_t const *bitcode, size_t bitcodeSize, uint32_t flags,
              char const *bccPluginName = NULL);
    virtual void populateScript(Script *);

    virtual void invokeFunction(uint32_t slot, const void *params, size_t paramLength);
    virtual int invokeRoot();
    virtual void preLaunch(uint32_t slot, const Allocation * ain,
                           Allocation * aout, const void * usr,
                           uint32_t usrLen, const RsScriptCall *sc);
    virtual void postLaunch(uint32_t slot, const Allocation * ain,
                            Allocation * aout, const void * usr,
                            uint32_t usrLen, const RsScriptCall *sc);
    virtual void invokeForEach(uint32_t slot,
                       const Allocation * ain,
                       Allocation * aout,
                       const void * usr,
                       uint32_t usrLen,
                       const RsScriptCall *sc);

    virtual void invokeForEachMulti(uint32_t slot,
                                     const Allocation** ains,
                                     uint32_t inLen,
                                     Allocation* aout,
                                     const void* usr,
                                     uint32_t usrLen,
                                     const RsScriptCall* sc);
    virtual void invokeInit();
    virtual void invokeFreeChildren();

    virtual void setGlobalVar(uint32_t slot, const void *data, size_t dataLength);
    virtual void getGlobalVar(uint32_t slot, void *data, size_t dataLength);
    virtual void setGlobalVarWithElemDims(uint32_t slot, const void *data, size_t dataLength,
                                  const Element *e, const uint32_t *dims, size_t dimLength);
    virtual void setGlobalBind(uint32_t slot, Allocation *data);
    virtual void setGlobalObj(uint32_t slot, ObjectBase *data);

    virtual ~RsdCpuScriptImpl();
    RsdCpuScriptImpl(RsdCpuReferenceImpl *ctx, const Script *s);

    const Script * getScript() {return mScript;}

    void forEachMtlsSetup(const Allocation * ain, Allocation * aout,
                          const void * usr, uint32_t usrLen,
                          const RsScriptCall *sc, MTLaunchStruct *mtls);

    void forEachMtlsSetup(const Allocation ** ains, uint32_t inLen,
                          Allocation * aout, const void * usr, uint32_t usrLen,
                          const RsScriptCall *sc, MTLaunchStruct *mtls);

    virtual void forEachKernelSetup(uint32_t slot, MTLaunchStruct *mtls);

    const RsdCpuReference::CpuSymbol * lookupSymbolMath(const char *sym);
    static void * lookupRuntimeStub(void* pContext, char const* name);

    virtual Allocation * getAllocationForPointer(const void *ptr) const;

    virtual  void * getRSExecutable() { return mExecutable; }

    RsdCpuReferenceImpl *mCtx;
    const Script *mScript;

    // Returns the path to the core library we'll use.
    const char* findCoreLib(const bcinfo::MetadataExtractor& bitCodeMetaData, const char* bitcode,
                            size_t bitcodeSize);
    int (*mRoot)();
    int (*mRootExpand)();
    void (*mInit)();
    void (*mFreeChildren)();

    std::vector<std::pair<const char *, uint32_t> > mExportedForEachFuncList;

    bcc::BCCContext *mCompilerContext;
    bcc::RSCompilerDriver *mCompilerDriver;
    bcc::CompilerRTSymbolResolver mCompilerRuntime;
    bcc::LookupFunctionSymbolResolver<void *> mRSRuntime;
    bcc::SymbolResolverProxy mResolver;
    bcc::RSExecutable *mExecutable;
    void *mScriptSO;
    RootFunc_t mRoot;
    RootFunc_t mRootExpand;
    InvokeFunc_t mInit;
    InvokeFunc_t mFreeChildren;
    InvokeFunc_t *mInvokeFunctions;
    ForEachFunc_t *mForEachFunctions;

    void **mFieldAddress;
    bool *mFieldIsObject;
    uint32_t *mForEachSignatures;

    // for populate script
    //int mVersionMajor;
    //int mVersionMinor;
    size_t mExportedVariableCount;
    size_t mExportedFunctionCount;

    Allocation **mBoundAllocs;
    void * mIntrinsicData;
    bool mIsThreadable;

Allocation * rsdScriptGetAllocationForPointer(
                        const Context *dc,
                        const Script *script,
                        const void *);

