/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef __ANDROID_HAL_CAMERA2_TESTS_STREAM_FIXTURE__ #define __ANDROID_HAL_CAMERA2_TESTS_STREAM_FIXTURE__ #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <gui/CpuConsumer.h> #include <gui/Surface.h> #include <utils/Condition.h> #include <utils/Mutex.h> #include <system/camera_metadata.h> #include "CameraModuleFixture.h" #include "TestExtensions.h" #define ALIGN(x, mask) ( ((x) + (mask) - 1) & ~((mask) - 1) ) namespace android { namespace camera2 { namespace tests { // Format specifier for picking the best format for CPU reading the given device // version #define CAMERA_STREAM_AUTO_CPU_FORMAT (-1) struct CameraStreamParams; void PrintTo(const CameraStreamParams& p, ::std::ostream* os); struct CameraStreamParams { int mFormat; int mHeapCount; }; inline ::std::ostream& operator<<(::std::ostream& os, const CameraStreamParams &p) { PrintTo(p, &os); return os; } inline void PrintTo(const CameraStreamParams& p, ::std::ostream* os) { char fmt[100]; camera_metadata_enum_snprint( ANDROID_SCALER_AVAILABLE_FORMATS, p.mFormat, fmt, sizeof(fmt)); *os << "{ "; *os << "Format: 0x" << std::hex << p.mFormat << ", "; *os << "Format name: " << fmt << ", "; *os << "HeapCount: " << p.mHeapCount; *os << " }"; } class CameraStreamFixture : public CameraModuleFixture</*InfoQuirk*/true> { public: CameraStreamFixture(CameraStreamParams p) : CameraModuleFixture(TestSettings::DeviceId()) { TEST_EXTENSION_FORKING_CONSTRUCTOR; mParam = p; SetUp(); } ~CameraStreamFixture() { TEST_EXTENSION_FORKING_DESTRUCTOR; TearDown(); } private: void SetUp() { TEST_EXTENSION_FORKING_SET_UP; CameraModuleFixture::SetUp(); sp<CameraDeviceBase> device = mDevice; /* use an arbitrary w,h */ if (getDeviceVersion() < CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_2) { const int tag = ANDROID_SCALER_AVAILABLE_PROCESSED_SIZES; const CameraMetadata& staticInfo = device->info(); camera_metadata_ro_entry entry = staticInfo.find(tag); ASSERT_NE(0u, entry.count) << "Missing tag android.scaler.availableProcessedSizes"; ASSERT_LE(2u, entry.count); /* this seems like it would always be the smallest w,h but we actually make no contract that it's sorted asc */ mWidth = entry.data.i32[0]; mHeight = entry.data.i32[1]; } else { buildOutputResolutions(); const int32_t *implDefResolutions; size_t implDefResolutionsCount; int format = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED; getResolutionList(format, &implDefResolutions, &implDefResolutionsCount); ASSERT_NE(0u, implDefResolutionsCount) << "Missing implementation defined sizes"; mWidth = implDefResolutions[0]; mHeight = implDefResolutions[1]; } } void TearDown() { TEST_EXTENSION_FORKING_TEAR_DOWN; // important: shut down HAL before releasing streams CameraModuleFixture::TearDown(); deleteOutputResolutions(); mNativeWindow.clear(); mCpuConsumer.clear(); mFrameListener.clear(); } protected: int64_t getMinFrameDurationFor(int32_t format, int32_t width, int32_t height) { int64_t minFrameDuration = -1L; const int tag = ANDROID_SCALER_AVAILABLE_MIN_FRAME_DURATIONS; sp<CameraDeviceBase> device = mDevice; const CameraMetadata& staticInfo = device->info(); camera_metadata_ro_entry_t availableMinDurations = staticInfo.find(tag); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < availableMinDurations.count; i += 4) { if (format == availableMinDurations.data.i64[i] && width == availableMinDurations.data.i64[i + 1] && height == availableMinDurations.data.i64[i + 2]) { minFrameDuration = availableMinDurations.data.i64[i + 3]; break; } } return minFrameDuration; } void buildOutputResolutions() { if (getDeviceVersion() < CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_2) { return; } if (mOutputResolutions.isEmpty()) { const int tag = ANDROID_SCALER_AVAILABLE_STREAM_CONFIGURATIONS; const CameraMetadata& staticInfo = mDevice->info(); camera_metadata_ro_entry_t availableStrmConfigs = staticInfo.find(tag); ASSERT_EQ(0u, availableStrmConfigs.count % 4); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < availableStrmConfigs.count; i += 4) { int32_t format = availableStrmConfigs.data.i32[i]; int32_t width = availableStrmConfigs.data.i32[i + 1]; int32_t height = availableStrmConfigs.data.i32[i + 2]; int32_t inOrOut = availableStrmConfigs.data.i32[i + 3]; if (inOrOut == ANDROID_SCALER_AVAILABLE_STREAM_CONFIGURATIONS_OUTPUT) { int index = mOutputResolutions.indexOfKey(format); if (index < 0) { index = mOutputResolutions.add(format, new Vector<int32_t>()); ASSERT_TRUE(index >= 0); } Vector<int32_t> *resolutions = mOutputResolutions.editValueAt(index); resolutions->add(width); resolutions->add(height); } } } } void getResolutionList(int32_t format, const int32_t **list, size_t *count) { status_t res; ALOGV("Getting resolutions for format %x", format); if (getDeviceVersion() < CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_2) { return; } int index = mOutputResolutions.indexOfKey(format); ASSERT_TRUE(index >= 0); Vector<int32_t>* resolutions = mOutputResolutions.valueAt(index); *list = resolutions->array(); *count = resolutions->size(); } void deleteOutputResolutions() { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mOutputResolutions.size(); i++) { Vector<int32_t>* resolutions = mOutputResolutions.editValueAt(i); delete resolutions; } mOutputResolutions.clear(); } struct FrameListener : public ConsumerBase::FrameAvailableListener { FrameListener() { mPendingFrames = 0; } // CpuConsumer::FrameAvailableListener implementation virtual void onFrameAvailable(const BufferItem& /* item */) { ALOGV("Frame now available (start)"); Mutex::Autolock lock(mMutex); mPendingFrames++; mCondition.signal(); ALOGV("Frame now available (end)"); } status_t waitForFrame(nsecs_t timeout) { status_t res; Mutex::Autolock lock(mMutex); while (mPendingFrames == 0) { res = mCondition.waitRelative(mMutex, timeout); if (res != OK) return res; } mPendingFrames--; return OK; } private: Mutex mMutex; Condition mCondition; int mPendingFrames; }; void CreateStream() { sp<CameraDeviceBase> device = mDevice; CameraStreamParams p = mParam; sp<IGraphicBufferProducer> producer; sp<IGraphicBufferConsumer> consumer; BufferQueue::createBufferQueue(&producer, &consumer); mCpuConsumer = new CpuConsumer(consumer, p.mHeapCount); mCpuConsumer->setName(String8("CameraStreamTest::mCpuConsumer")); mNativeWindow = new Surface(producer); int format = MapAutoFormat(p.mFormat); ASSERT_EQ(OK, device->createStream(mNativeWindow, mWidth, mHeight, format, &mStreamId)); ASSERT_NE(-1, mStreamId); // do not make 'this' a FrameListener or the lifetime policy will clash mFrameListener = new FrameListener(); mCpuConsumer->setFrameAvailableListener(mFrameListener); } void DeleteStream() { ASSERT_EQ(OK, mDevice->deleteStream(mStreamId)); } int MapAutoFormat(int format) { if (format == CAMERA_STREAM_AUTO_CPU_FORMAT) { if (getDeviceVersion() >= CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_0) { format = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_888; } else { format = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCrCb_420_SP; } } return format; } void DumpYuvToFile(const String8 &fileName, const CpuConsumer::LockedBuffer &img) { uint8_t *dataCb, *dataCr; uint32_t stride; uint32_t chromaStride; uint32_t chromaStep; switch (img.format) { case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_888: stride = img.stride; chromaStride = img.chromaStride; chromaStep = img.chromaStep; dataCb = img.dataCb; dataCr = img.dataCr; break; case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCrCb_420_SP: stride = img.width; chromaStride = img.width; chromaStep = 2; dataCr = img.data + img.width * img.height; dataCb = dataCr + 1; break; case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YV12: stride = img.stride; chromaStride = ALIGN(img.width / 2, 16); chromaStep = 1; dataCr = img.data + img.stride * img.height; dataCb = dataCr + chromaStride * img.height/2; break; default: ALOGE("Unknown format %d, not dumping", img.format); return; } // Write Y FILE *yuvFile = fopen(fileName.string(), "w"); size_t bytes; for (size_t y = 0; y < img.height; ++y) { bytes = fwrite( reinterpret_cast<const char*>(img.data + stride * y), 1, img.width, yuvFile); if (bytes != img.width) { ALOGE("Unable to write to file %s", fileName.string()); fclose(yuvFile); return; } } // Write Cb/Cr uint8_t *src = dataCb; for (int c = 0; c < 2; ++c) { for (size_t y = 0; y < img.height / 2; ++y) { uint8_t *px = src + y * chromaStride; if (chromaStep != 1) { for (size_t x = 0; x < img.width / 2; ++x) { fputc(*px, yuvFile); px += chromaStep; } } else { bytes = fwrite(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(px), 1, img.width / 2, yuvFile); if (bytes != img.width / 2) { ALOGE("Unable to write to file %s", fileName.string()); fclose(yuvFile); return; } } } src = dataCr; } fclose(yuvFile); } int mWidth; int mHeight; int mStreamId; android::sp<FrameListener> mFrameListener; android::sp<CpuConsumer> mCpuConsumer; android::sp<ANativeWindow> mNativeWindow; KeyedVector<int32_t, Vector<int32_t>* > mOutputResolutions; private: CameraStreamParams mParam; }; } } } #endif