/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef __ANDROID_HAL_CAMERA2_TESTS_UTILS__ #define __ANDROID_HAL_CAMERA2_TESTS_UTILS__ // Utility classes for camera2 HAL testing #include <system/camera_metadata.h> #include <hardware/camera2.h> #include <gui/Surface.h> #include <gui/CpuConsumer.h> #include <utils/List.h> #include <utils/Mutex.h> #include <utils/Condition.h> namespace android { namespace camera2 { namespace tests { /** * Queue class for both sending requests to a camera2 device, and for receiving * frames from a camera2 device. */ class MetadataQueue: public camera2_request_queue_src_ops_t, public camera2_frame_queue_dst_ops_t { public: MetadataQueue(); ~MetadataQueue(); // Interface to camera2 HAL device, either for requests (device is consumer) // or for frames (device is producer) const camera2_request_queue_src_ops_t* getToConsumerInterface(); void setFromConsumerInterface(camera2_device_t *d); const camera2_frame_queue_dst_ops_t* getToProducerInterface(); // Real interfaces. On enqueue, queue takes ownership of buffer pointer // On dequeue, user takes ownership of buffer pointer. status_t enqueue(camera_metadata_t *buf); status_t dequeue(camera_metadata_t **buf, bool incrementCount = true); int getBufferCount(); status_t waitForBuffer(nsecs_t timeout); // Set repeating buffer(s); if the queue is empty on a dequeue call, the // queue copies the contents of the stream slot into the queue, and then // dequeues the first new entry. status_t setStreamSlot(camera_metadata_t *buf); status_t setStreamSlot(const List<camera_metadata_t*> &bufs); private: status_t freeBuffers(List<camera_metadata_t*>::iterator start, List<camera_metadata_t*>::iterator end); camera2_device_t *mDevice; Mutex mMutex; Condition notEmpty; int mFrameCount; int mCount; List<camera_metadata_t*> mEntries; int mStreamSlotCount; List<camera_metadata_t*> mStreamSlot; bool mSignalConsumer; static MetadataQueue* getInstance(const camera2_frame_queue_dst_ops_t *q); static MetadataQueue* getInstance(const camera2_request_queue_src_ops_t *q); static int consumer_buffer_count(const camera2_request_queue_src_ops_t *q); static int consumer_dequeue(const camera2_request_queue_src_ops_t *q, camera_metadata_t **buffer); static int consumer_free(const camera2_request_queue_src_ops_t *q, camera_metadata_t *old_buffer); static int producer_dequeue(const camera2_frame_queue_dst_ops_t *q, size_t entries, size_t bytes, camera_metadata_t **buffer); static int producer_cancel(const camera2_frame_queue_dst_ops_t *q, camera_metadata_t *old_buffer); static int producer_enqueue(const camera2_frame_queue_dst_ops_t *q, camera_metadata_t *filled_buffer); }; /** * Basic class to receive and queue up notifications from the camera device */ class NotifierListener { public: NotifierListener(); status_t getNotificationsFrom(camera2_device *dev); status_t getNextNotification(int32_t *msg_type, int32_t *ext1, int32_t *ext2, int32_t *ext3); status_t waitForNotification(int32_t *msg_type, int32_t *ext1, int32_t *ext2, int32_t *ext3); int numNotifications(); private: status_t getNextNotificationLocked(int32_t *msg_type, int32_t *ext1, int32_t *ext2, int32_t *ext3); struct Notification { Notification(int32_t type, int32_t e1, int32_t e2, int32_t e3): msg_type(type), ext1(e1), ext2(e2), ext3(e3) {} int32_t msg_type; int32_t ext1; int32_t ext2; int32_t ext3; }; List<Notification> mNotifications; Mutex mMutex; Condition mNewNotification; void onNotify(int32_t msg_type, int32_t ext1, int32_t ext2, int32_t ext3); static void notify_callback_dispatch(int32_t msg_type, int32_t ext1, int32_t ext2, int32_t ext3, void *user); }; /** * Adapter from an IGraphicBufferProducer interface to camera2 device stream ops. * Also takes care of allocating/deallocating stream in device interface */ class StreamAdapter: public camera2_stream_ops { public: StreamAdapter(sp<IGraphicBufferProducer> consumer); ~StreamAdapter(); status_t connectToDevice(camera2_device_t *d, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, int format); status_t disconnect(); // Get stream ID. Only valid after a successful connectToDevice call. int getId(); private: enum { ERROR = -1, DISCONNECTED = 0, UNINITIALIZED, ALLOCATED, CONNECTED, ACTIVE } mState; sp<ANativeWindow> mConsumerInterface; camera2_device_t *mDevice; uint32_t mId; uint32_t mWidth; uint32_t mHeight; uint32_t mFormat; uint32_t mUsage; uint32_t mMaxProducerBuffers; uint32_t mMaxConsumerBuffers; const camera2_stream_ops *getStreamOps(); static ANativeWindow* toANW(const camera2_stream_ops_t *w); static int dequeue_buffer(const camera2_stream_ops_t *w, buffer_handle_t** buffer); static int enqueue_buffer(const camera2_stream_ops_t* w, int64_t timestamp, buffer_handle_t* buffer); static int cancel_buffer(const camera2_stream_ops_t* w, buffer_handle_t* buffer); static int set_crop(const camera2_stream_ops_t* w, int left, int top, int right, int bottom); }; /** * Simple class to wait on the CpuConsumer to have a frame available */ class FrameWaiter : public CpuConsumer::FrameAvailableListener { public: FrameWaiter(); /** * Wait for max timeout nanoseconds for a new frame. Returns * OK if a frame is available, TIMED_OUT if the timeout was reached. */ status_t waitForFrame(nsecs_t timeout); virtual void onFrameAvailable(const BufferItem& item); int mPendingFrames; Mutex mMutex; Condition mCondition; }; struct HWModuleHelpers { /* attempt to unload the library with dlclose */ static int closeModule(hw_module_t* module); }; } } } #endif