<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --> <resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"> <!-- Message displayed to prompt the user to input the network password, ^1 will be replaced with the name of the network and should be a possive form related to password [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> <string name="wifi_setup_input_password">Enter password for <xliff:g id="ssid">%1$s</xliff:g></string> <!-- Message displayed while waiting for network assocation, the template will be filled in with the name of the network [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> <string name="wifi_setup_waiting_for_join">Joining ^1</string> <!-- Message displayed when the selected Wi-Fi network has been connected to [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="wifi_setup_connection_success">Connected successfully!</string> <!-- Message displayed when the Wi-Fi network's configuration has been saved [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="wifi_setup_save_success">Saved successfully!</string> <!-- Application management application version label [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> <string name="device_apps_app_management_version">version <xliff:g id="app_version">%1$s</xliff:g></string> <!-- Application management description for opening the application [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> <string name="device_apps_app_management_open">Open</string> <!-- Application management choice for force stopping the application [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="device_apps_app_management_force_stop">Force stop</string> <!-- Application management description for force stopping the application [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> <string name="device_apps_app_management_force_stop_desc">If you force stop an app, it may misbehave.</string> <!-- Application management choice for uninstalling the application [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="device_apps_app_management_uninstall">Uninstall</string> <!-- Application management description for uninstalling the application [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> <string name="device_apps_app_management_uninstall_desc">Do you want to uninstall this app?</string> <!-- Application management choice for disabling the application [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="device_apps_app_management_disable">Disable</string> <!-- Application management description for disabling the application [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> <string name="device_apps_app_management_disable_desc">Do you want to disable this app?</string> <!-- Application management choice for enabling the application [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="device_apps_app_management_enable">Enable</string> <!-- Application management description for enabling the application [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> <string name="device_apps_app_management_enable_desc">Do you want to enable this app?</string> <!-- Application management choice for clearing the application's data [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="device_apps_app_management_clear_data">Clear data</string> <!-- Application management description for clearing the application's data [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> <string name="device_apps_app_management_clear_data_desc">All this app’s data will be deleted permanently.</string> <!-- Application management description for what gets cleared [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> <string name="device_apps_app_management_clear_data_what">This includes all files, settings, accounts, databases, etc.</string> <!-- Application management choice for clearing the application's default actions [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="device_apps_app_management_clear_default">Clear defaults</string> <!-- Application management description for defaults are set for the application [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="device_apps_app_management_clear_default_set">Set to launch this app for some actions</string> <!-- Application management description for defaults aren't set for the application [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="device_apps_app_management_clear_default_none">No defaults set</string> <!-- Application management choice for clearing the application's cache [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="device_apps_app_management_clear_cache">Clear cache</string> <!-- Application management choice for changing the application's notifications option [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="device_apps_app_management_notifications">Notifications</string> <!-- Application management choice for displaying the application's permissions [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="device_apps_app_management_permissions">Permissions</string> <!-- General settings choice for agreeing to the displayed action [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="settings_ok">OK</string> <!-- General settings choice for disagreeing with the displayed action [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="settings_cancel">Cancel</string> <!-- General settings choice for on [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="settings_on">On</string> <!-- General settings choice for off [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="settings_off">Off</string> <!-- Daydream choice for not having a daydream [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="device_daydreams_none">None</string> <!-- Daydream choice for selecting a different daydream [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="device_daydreams_select">Daydream</string> <!-- Daydream choice for testing the selected daydream [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="device_daydreams_test">Start now</string> <!-- Daydream choice for configuring the time before the device goes to sleep [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="device_daydreams_sleep">When to daydream</string> <!-- Daydream description for configuring the time before the device goes to sleep [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> <string name="device_daydreams_sleep_description">Daydreaming begins after this period of inactivity. If no daydream is selected, the display turns off.</string> <!-- Daydream summary for displaying the time before the device goes to sleep --> <string name="device_daydreams_sleep_summary">After <xliff:g id="sleep_description">%1$s</xliff:g> of inactivity</string> <!-- Daydream choice for configuring the time before the device's screen goes off after dreaming [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="device_daydreams_screen_off">When to sleep</string> <!-- Daydream description for configuring the time before the device's screen goes off after dreaming [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> <string name="device_daydreams_screen_off_description">Screen turns off after this period of inactivity.</string> <!-- Daydream summary for displaying the time before the device's screen goes off after dreaming --> <string name="device_daydreams_screen_off_summary"><xliff:g id="sleep_description">%1$s</xliff:g> after dreaming</string> <!-- Default summary text of the "Configure backup account" setting [CHAR LIMIT=80] --> <string name="backup_configure_account_default_summary">No account is currently storing backed up data</string> <!-- Dialog title for confirmation to erase backup data from server --> <string name="backup_erase_dialog_title"></string> <!-- Dialog title for confirmation to erase backup data from server --> <string name="backup_erase_dialog_message">Stop backing up your Wi-Fi passwords, bookmarks, other settings, and app data, and erase all copies on Google servers?</string> <!-- Privacy choice for configuring backing up data [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="privacy_backup_data">Back up my data</string> <!-- Privacy choice for choosing which account to backup [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="privacy_backup_account">Backup account</string> <!-- Privacy choice for configuring automatic restore [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="privacy_automatic_restore">Automatic restore</string> <!-- Factory reset choice for initiating a factory reset [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="factory_reset_device">Reset device</string> <!-- Factory reset description about what happens when you perform a factory reset [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> <string name="factory_reset_description">This will erase all data from your device\'s internal storage, including: your Google account, system and app data and settings, and downloaded apps</string> <!-- Factory reset screen, message on screen after user selects Reset phone button --> <string name="confirm_factory_reset_description">Erase all your personal information and downloaded apps? You can\'t reverse this action!</string> <!-- Factory reset screen, button on screen after user selects Reset phone button --> <string name="confirm_factory_reset_device">Erase everything</string> <!-- Label for list item that dismisses all notifications [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="dismiss_all_notifications">Dismiss all</string> <!-- Label for list item that indicates no notifications exist [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="no_notifications">None</string> <!-- Label for list item for toggling the "Do Not Disturb" setting ON/OFF [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="do_not_disturb_title">Do not disturb</string> <!-- Description for the screen to toggle the "Do Not Disturb" setting ON/OFF [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> <string name="do_not_disturb_desc">When enabled, new notifications will only appear in Settings</string> <!-- Title for screen where user selects a name for their device [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> <string name="select_title">Choose a name for your ^1</string> <!-- Description for screen where user selects a name for their device [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> <string name="select_description">A name will help identify your ^1 when accessing it from other devices like your phone, tablet, or computer.</string> <!-- Rooms where a user's device might be placed [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string-array name="rooms"> <!-- [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <item>Living Room</item> <!-- [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <item>Media Room</item> <!-- [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <item>Family Room</item> <!-- [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <item>Dining Room</item> <!-- [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <item>Den</item> <!-- [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <item>Bedroom</item> <!-- [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <item>Kitchen</item> </string-array> <!-- String displayed for option where user will type in a room name rather than selecting from the list of defaults [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="custom_room">Enter Custom Name…</string> <!-- Title of settings summary/status screen [CHAR LIMIT=100] --> <string name="settings_status_title">This ^1 is named</string> <!-- Description on summary/status screen that tells you what the name of your device is [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> <string name="settings_status_description">\"^1\" is the name of this ^2. Would you like to change this?</string> <!-- The 'yes' or 'edit' equivalent in a yes/no choice circumstance [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> <string name="change_setting">Change</string> <!-- The 'no' or 'keep the same' equivalent in a yes/no choice circumstance [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> <string name="keep_settings">Don\'t change</string> <!-- Menu item text to go to help page. --> <string name="menu_help">Help</string> <!-- Screen title displayed when a setup failure occurs [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> <string name="setup_failure_title">An error occurred</string> <!-- Label for a button to retry setting up [CHAR LIMIT=25]--> <string name="setup_failure_button_retry">Retry</string> </resources>