<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --> <resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"> <!-- Inline keyboard. UX isn't final, do not translate. --> <skip/> <!-- DO NOT TRANSLATE. Done button on the keyboard [CHAR LIMIT=10] --> <string name="btn_done">done</string> <!-- DO NOT TRANSLATE. Label for mode button on the keyboard when clicking it will change to numbers [CHAR LIMIT=10] --> <string name="btn_mode_number">123</string> <!-- DO NOT TRANSLATE. Voice prompt for mode button on the keyboard when clicking it will change to numbers --> <string name="content_description_btn_mode_number">Switch to number mode</string> <!-- DO NOT TRANSLATE. Label for mode button on the keyboard when clicking it will change to letters [CHAR LIMIT=10] --> <string name="btn_mode_alphabet">abc</string> <!-- DO NOT TRANSLATE. Voice prompt for mode button on the keyboard when clicking it will change to letters --> <string name="content_description_btn_mode_alphabet">Switch to alphabet mode</string> <!-- DO NOT TRANSLATE. Voice prompt for backspace button on the keyboard --> <string name="content_description_backspace">Backspace</string> <!-- DO NOT TRANSLATE. Voice prompt for question mark button on the keyboard --> <string name="content_description_question_mark">Question mark</string> <!-- DO NOT TRANSLATE. Voice prompt for exclamation mark button on the keyboard --> <string name="content_description_exclamation_mark">Exclamation mark</string> <!-- DO NOT TRANSLATE. Voice prompt for period button on the keyboard --> <string name="content_description_period">Period</string> <!-- DO NOT TRANSLATE. Voice prompt for comma button on the keyboard --> <string name="content_description_comma">Comma</string> <!-- DO NOT TRANSLATE. Voice prompt for colon button on the keyboard --> <string name="content_description_colon">Colon</string> <!-- DO NOT TRANSLATE. Voice prompt for space button on the keyboard --> <string name="content_description_space">Space</string> <!-- DO NOT TRANSLATE. Alphabet for inline keyboard. --> <string-array name="alphabet_keys"> <item>a</item> <item>b</item> <item>c</item> <item>d</item> <item>e</item> <item>f</item> <item>g</item> <item>h</item> <item>i</item> <item>j</item> <item>k</item> <item>l</item> <item>m</item> <item>n</item> <item>o</item> <item>p</item> <item>q</item> <item>r</item> <item>s</item> <item>t</item> <item>u</item> <item>v</item> <item>w</item> <item>x</item> <item>y</item> <item>z</item> <item>_</item><!-- space character --> </string-array> <!-- Numbers and symbols for inline keyboard. DO NOT TRANSLATE --> <string-array name="number_keys"> <item>1</item> <item>2</item> <item>3</item> <item>4</item> <item>5</item> <item>6</item> <item>7</item> <item>8</item> <item>9</item> <item>0</item> <item>_</item><!-- space character --> <item>:</item> <item>,</item> <item>.</item> <item>\u0040</item><!-- @ --> <item>!</item> <item>\u003f</item><!-- ? --> <item>-</item> </string-array> <!-- Shows how fast video or audio is playing as a multiple of normal playback (1x). These must be kept in sync with the rates in PlaybackRateUtil. --> <string-array name="playback_rate"> <item>-32x</item> <item>-16x</item> <item>-8x</item> <item>-4x</item> <item>-2x</item> <item>2x</item> <item>4x</item> <item>8x</item> <item>16x</item> <item>32x</item> </string-array> <!-- AM, PM for time picker [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> <string-array name="ampm"> <item>AM</item> <item>PM</item> </string-array> <!-- Separator for date picker [CHAR LIMIT=2] --> <string name="date_separator">/</string> <!-- Separator for time picker [CHAR LIMIT=2] --> <string name="time_separator">:</string> <!-- Caption for hide password check box in wifi_text_input [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> <string name="text_obfuscation_toggle_caption">Hide password</string> </resources>