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 *  Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Broadcom Corporation
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

 *  This is the implementation for the audio/video registration module.

#include <string.h>
#include "bta_ar_api.h"
#include "bta_ar_int.h"

/* AV control block */
tBTA_AR_CB  bta_ar_cb;

** Function         bta_ar_id
** Description      This function maps sys_id to ar id mask.
** Returns          void
static UINT8 bta_ar_id(tBTA_SYS_ID sys_id)
    UINT8   mask = 0;
    if (sys_id == BTA_ID_AV)
        mask = BTA_AR_AV_MASK;
    else if (sys_id == BTA_ID_AVK)
        mask = BTA_AR_AVK_MASK;

    return mask;

** Function         bta_ar_init
** Description      This function is called to register to AVDTP.
** Returns          void
void bta_ar_init(void)
    /* initialize control block */
    memset(&bta_ar_cb, 0, sizeof(tBTA_AR_CB));

** Function         bta_ar_reg_avdt
** Description      This function is called to register to AVDTP.
** Returns          void
static void bta_ar_avdt_cback(UINT8 handle, BD_ADDR bd_addr, UINT8 event, tAVDT_CTRL *p_data)
    /* route the AVDT registration callback to av or avk */
    if (bta_ar_cb.p_av_conn_cback)
        (*bta_ar_cb.p_av_conn_cback)(handle, bd_addr, event, p_data);
    if (bta_ar_cb.p_avk_conn_cback)
        (*bta_ar_cb.p_avk_conn_cback)(handle, bd_addr, event, p_data);

** Function         bta_ar_reg_avdt
** Description      AR module registration to AVDT.
** Returns          void
void bta_ar_reg_avdt(tAVDT_REG *p_reg, tAVDT_CTRL_CBACK *p_cback, tBTA_SYS_ID sys_id)
    UINT8   mask = 0;

    if (sys_id == BTA_ID_AV)
        bta_ar_cb.p_av_conn_cback = p_cback;
        mask = BTA_AR_AV_MASK;
    else if (sys_id == BTA_ID_AVK)
        bta_ar_cb.p_avk_conn_cback = p_cback;
        mask = BTA_AR_AVK_MASK;
        APPL_TRACE_ERROR("bta_ar_reg_avdt: the registration is from wrong sys_id:%d", sys_id);

    if (mask)
        if (bta_ar_cb.avdt_registered == 0)
            AVDT_Register(p_reg, bta_ar_avdt_cback);
        bta_ar_cb.avdt_registered |= mask;

** Function         bta_ar_dereg_avdt
** Description      This function is called to de-register from AVDTP.
** Returns          void
void bta_ar_dereg_avdt(tBTA_SYS_ID sys_id)
    UINT8   mask = 0;

    if (sys_id == BTA_ID_AV)
        bta_ar_cb.p_av_conn_cback = NULL;
        mask = BTA_AR_AV_MASK;
    else if (sys_id == BTA_ID_AVK)
        bta_ar_cb.p_avk_conn_cback = NULL;
        mask = BTA_AR_AVK_MASK;
    bta_ar_cb.avdt_registered &= ~mask;

    if (bta_ar_cb.avdt_registered == 0)

** Function         bta_ar_avdt_conn
** Description      This function is called to let ar know that some AVDTP profile
**                  is connected for this sys_id.
**                  If the other sys modules started a timer for PENDING_EVT,
**                  the timer can be stopped now.
** Returns          void
void bta_ar_avdt_conn(tBTA_SYS_ID sys_id, BD_ADDR bd_addr)
    UINT8       event = BTA_AR_AVDT_CONN_EVT;
    tAVDT_CTRL  data;

    if (sys_id == BTA_ID_AV)
        if (bta_ar_cb.p_avk_conn_cback)
            (*bta_ar_cb.p_avk_conn_cback)(0, bd_addr, event, &data);
    else if (sys_id == BTA_ID_AVK)
        if (bta_ar_cb.p_av_conn_cback)
            (*bta_ar_cb.p_av_conn_cback)(0, bd_addr, event, &data);

** Function         bta_ar_reg_avct
** Description      This function is called to register to AVCTP.
** Returns          void
void bta_ar_reg_avct(UINT16 mtu, UINT16 mtu_br, UINT8 sec_mask, tBTA_SYS_ID sys_id)
    UINT8   mask = bta_ar_id (sys_id);

    if (mask)
        if (bta_ar_cb.avct_registered == 0)
            AVCT_Register(mtu, mtu_br, sec_mask);
        bta_ar_cb.avct_registered |= mask;

** Function         bta_ar_dereg_avct
** Description      This function is called to deregister from AVCTP.
** Returns          void
void bta_ar_dereg_avct(tBTA_SYS_ID sys_id)
    UINT8   mask = bta_ar_id (sys_id);

    bta_ar_cb.avct_registered &= ~mask;

    if (bta_ar_cb.avct_registered == 0)

** Function         bta_ar_reg_avrc
** Description      This function is called to register an SDP record for AVRCP.
** Returns          void
void bta_ar_reg_avrc(UINT16 service_uuid, char *service_name, char *provider_name,
					 UINT16 categories, tBTA_SYS_ID sys_id)
    UINT8   mask = bta_ar_id (sys_id);
    UINT8   temp[8], *p;

    if (!mask || !categories)

    if (service_uuid == UUID_SERVCLASS_AV_REM_CTRL_TARGET)
        if (bta_ar_cb.sdp_tg_handle == 0)
            bta_ar_cb.tg_registered = mask;
            bta_ar_cb.sdp_tg_handle = SDP_CreateRecord();
            AVRC_AddRecord(service_uuid, service_name, provider_name, categories, bta_ar_cb.sdp_tg_handle);
        /* only one TG is allowed (first-come, first-served).
         * If sdp_tg_handle is non-0, ignore this request */
    else if ((service_uuid == UUID_SERVCLASS_AV_REMOTE_CONTROL) || (service_uuid == UUID_SERVCLASS_AV_REM_CTRL_CONTROL))
        bta_ar_cb.ct_categories [mask - 1] = categories;
        categories = bta_ar_cb.ct_categories[0]|bta_ar_cb.ct_categories[1];
        if (bta_ar_cb.sdp_ct_handle == 0)
            bta_ar_cb.sdp_ct_handle = SDP_CreateRecord();
            AVRC_AddRecord(service_uuid, service_name, provider_name, categories, bta_ar_cb.sdp_ct_handle);
            /* multiple CTs are allowed.
             * Change supported categories on the second one */
            p = temp;
            UINT16_TO_BE_STREAM(p, categories);
            SDP_AddAttribute(bta_ar_cb.sdp_ct_handle, ATTR_ID_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, UINT_DESC_TYPE,
                      (UINT32)2, (UINT8*)temp);

** Function         bta_ar_dereg_avrc
** Description      This function is called to de-register/delete an SDP record for AVRCP.
** Returns          void
void bta_ar_dereg_avrc(UINT16 service_uuid, tBTA_SYS_ID sys_id)
    UINT8   mask = bta_ar_id (sys_id);
    UINT16  categories = 0;
    UINT8   temp[8], *p;

    if (!mask)

    if (service_uuid == UUID_SERVCLASS_AV_REM_CTRL_TARGET)
        if (bta_ar_cb.sdp_tg_handle && mask == bta_ar_cb.tg_registered)
            bta_ar_cb.tg_registered = 0;
            bta_ar_cb.sdp_tg_handle = 0;
    else if (service_uuid == UUID_SERVCLASS_AV_REMOTE_CONTROL)
        if (bta_ar_cb.sdp_ct_handle)
            bta_ar_cb.ct_categories [mask - 1] = 0;
            categories = bta_ar_cb.ct_categories[0]|bta_ar_cb.ct_categories[1];
            if (!categories)
                /* no CT is still registered - cleaup */
                bta_ar_cb.sdp_ct_handle = 0;
                /* change supported categories to the remaning one */
                p = temp;
                UINT16_TO_BE_STREAM(p, categories);
                SDP_AddAttribute(bta_ar_cb.sdp_ct_handle, ATTR_ID_SUPPORTED_FEATURES, UINT_DESC_TYPE,
                          (UINT32)2, (UINT8*)temp);
