// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "athena/athena_export.h"
namespace aura {
class Window;
namespace content {
class WebContents;
namespace athena {
class ActivityViewModel;
// This class is a high level abstraction of an activity (which could be either
// a web page or a V1/V2 app/extension). Through this class the activity can
// be controlled (e.g. loaded / unloaded).
// An Activity gets created with state |ACTIVITY_UNLOADED|.
// Requesting |ACTIVITY_VISIBLE| or |ACTIVITY_INVISIBLE| will load it.
// Once an activity was |ACTIVITY_INVISIBLE| for a while it can be transitioned
// into |ACTIVITY_BACKGROUND_LOW_PRIORITY| to surrender more resources. After
// more time it can be transitions to |ACTIVITY_PERSISTENT| in which it only
// has it's runtime state left. At any time it can be transitioned back to one
// of the higher levels or unloaded via |ACTIVITY_UNLOADED|.
// Note that the resource manager will also query the media state before
// deciding if an activity can put into a lower state then |ACTIVITY_INVISIBLE|.
class ATHENA_EXPORT Activity {
// The state of an activity which could either be set or requested by e.g. the
// resource management system.
enum ActivityState {
// The activity is allowed to have gpu compositor layers and can be visible.
// The activity does not have gpu compositing layers, will not be visible
// and will be treated as a background priority task.
// By transitioning from VISIBLE to INVISIBLE, a screen shot of the current
// web content will be taken and replaces the "active content".
// The activity should surrender additional resources. This has only an
// effect when the activity is in a loaded state (Visible, Active, Hidden).
// The activity will only keep a minimum set of resources to get back to the
// running state. It will get stalled however. Note that it is not possible
// to get into this state from the |ACTIVITY_UNLOADED| state.
// Unloads the activity and can be called in any state - but unloaded.
// This enum declares the media state the activity is in.
// TODO(skuhne): Move the |TabMediaState| out of chrome and combine it in a
// media library within content and then use that enum instead.
enum ActivityMediaState {
ACTIVITY_MEDIA_STATE_RECORDING, // Audio/Video being recorded by activity.
ACTIVITY_MEDIA_STATE_CAPTURING, // Activity is being captured.
ACTIVITY_MEDIA_STATE_AUDIO_PLAYING // Audible audio is playing in activity.
// Shows and activates an activity.
static void Show(Activity* activity);
// Deletes an activity.
static void Delete(Activity* activity);
// The Activity retains ownership of the returned view-model.
virtual ActivityViewModel* GetActivityViewModel() = 0;
// Transition the activity into a new state.
virtual void SetCurrentState(ActivityState state) = 0;
// Returns the current state of the activity.
virtual ActivityState GetCurrentState() = 0;
// Returns if the activity is visible or not.
virtual bool IsVisible() = 0;
// Returns the current media state.
virtual ActivityMediaState GetMediaState() = 0;
// Returns the window for the activity. This can be used to determine the
// stacking order of this activity against others.
// TODO(oshima): Consider returning base::Window window instead,
// which has Show/ShowInactive and other control methods.
virtual aura::Window* GetWindow() = 0;
// Returns the web contents used to draw the content of the activity.
// This may return NULL if the web content is not available.
virtual content::WebContents* GetWebContents() = 0;
virtual ~Activity() {}
} // namespace athena