// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "athena/athena_export.h"
#include "athena/resource_manager/memory_pressure_notifier.h"
#include "base/basictypes.h"
namespace athena {
// The resource manager is monitoring activity changes, low memory conditions
// and other events to control the activity state (pre-/un-/re-/loading them)
// to keep enough memory free that no jank/lag will show when new applications
// are loaded and / or a navigation between applications takes place.
class ATHENA_EXPORT ResourceManager {
// Creates the instance handling the resources.
static void Create();
static ResourceManager* Get();
static void Shutdown();
virtual ~ResourceManager();
// Unit tests can simulate MemoryPressure changes with this call.
// Note: Even though the default unit test ResourceManagerDelegte
// implementation ensures that the MemoryPressure event will not go off,
// this call will also explicitly stop the MemoryPressureNotifier.
virtual void SetMemoryPressureAndStopMonitoring(
MemoryPressureObserver::MemoryPressure pressure) = 0;
// Resource management calls require time to show effect (until memory
// gets actually released). This function lets override the time limiter
// between two calls to allow for more/less aggressive timeouts.
// By calling this function, the next call to the Resource manager will be
// executed immediately.
virtual void SetWaitTimeBetweenResourceManageCalls(int time_in_ms) = 0;
// Suspend the resource manager temporarily if |pause| is set. This can be
// called before e.g. re-arranging the order of activities. Once called with
// |pause| == false any queued operations will be performed and the resource
// manager will continue its work.
virtual void Pause(bool pause) = 0;
// Use this scoped object to pause/restart the resource manager.
class ScopedPauseResourceManager {
ScopedPauseResourceManager() {
~ScopedPauseResourceManager() {
} // namespace athena