// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
class PrefService;
class Profile;
namespace base {
class CommandLine;
namespace user_prefs {
class PrefRegistrySyncable;
// Specifies Incognito mode availability preferences.
class IncognitoModePrefs {
// Possible values for Incognito mode availability. Please, do not change
// the order of entries since numeric values are exposed to users.
enum Availability {
// Incognito mode enabled. Users may open pages in both Incognito mode and
// normal mode (the default behaviour).
// Incognito mode disabled. Users may not open pages in Incognito mode.
// Only normal mode is available for browsing.
// Incognito mode forced. Users may open pages *ONLY* in Incognito mode.
// Normal mode is not available for browsing.
// Register incognito related preferences.
static void RegisterProfilePrefs(user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry);
// Returns kIncognitoModeAvailability preference value stored
// in the given pref service.
static Availability GetAvailability(const PrefService* prefs);
// Sets kIncognitoModeAvailability preference to the specified availability
// value.
static void SetAvailability(PrefService* prefs,
const Availability availability);
// Converts in_value into the corresponding Availability value. Returns true
// if conversion is successful (in_value is valid). Otherwise, returns false
// and *out_value is set to ENABLED.
static bool IntToAvailability(int in_value, Availability* out_value);
// Returns true if the browser should start in incognito mode.
static bool ShouldLaunchIncognito(const base::CommandLine& command_line,
const PrefService* prefs);
// Returns true if |profile| can open a new Browser. This checks the incognito
// availability policies and verifies if the |profile| type is allowed to
// open new windows.
static bool CanOpenBrowser(Profile* profile);
// Returns whether parental controls have been enabled on the platform. This
// method simply returns a cached value and thus the result may be stale. May
// be called on any thread.
static bool ArePlatformParentalControlsEnabledCached();
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Initializes the parental control settings. Must be called on UI thread and
// before |ArePlatformParentalControlsEnabled|.
static void InitializePlatformParentalControls();
#endif // OS_WIN
// Returns whether parental controls have been enabled on the platform, which
// if enabled will overrule the Availability as configured in prefs.
static bool ArePlatformParentalControlsEnabled();