// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
namespace base {
class DictionaryValue;
// User's action on a misspelled word.
class SpellcheckAction {
// Type of spellcheck action.
enum SpellcheckActionType {
// User added the word to the dictionary and cannot take more actions on
// this misspelling.
// User took a look at the suggestions in the context menu, but did not
// select any suggestions. The user cannot take any more actions on the
// misspelling, because it has been deleted from the web page.
// The misspelling is in user's custom spellcheck dictionary. The user will
// not see spellcheck suggestions for this misspelling.
// The user manually corrected the word to |value|. The user cannot take
// more actions on this misspelling.
// The user has taken no action on the misspelling and will not take any
// more actions, because the misspelled text has been removed from the web
// page.
// The user has taken no action on the misspelled yet, but might take an
// action in the future, because the misspelling is still on the web page.
// User took a look at the suggestions in the context menu, but did not
// select any suggestions. The user still can take further actions on the
// misspelling.
// The user has selected the suggestion at |index| and cannot take more
// actions on this misspelling.
SpellcheckAction(SpellcheckActionType type, int index, base::string16 value);
// Returns true if the action is final and should be sent to the feedback
// server. Otherwise returns false.
bool IsFinal() const;
// Makes this action final and ready to be sent to the feedback server. The
// method is idempotent. Finalizing an action that is already final does
// nothing.
void Finalize();
// Serializes the data in this object into a dictionary value. The caller owns
// the result.
base::DictionaryValue* Serialize() const;
// User action.
SpellcheckActionType type;
// The index for the user action, if applicable.
int index;
// The value for the user action, if applicable.
base::string16 value;