// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
// A helper object for recording spell-check related histograms.
// This class encapsulates histogram names and metrics API.
// This also carries a set of counters for collecting histograms
// and a timer for making a periodical summary.
// We expect a user of SpellCheckHost class to instantiate this object,
// and pass the metrics object to SpellCheckHost's factory method.
// metrics.reset(new SpellCheckHostMetrics());
// spell_check_host = SpellChecHost::Create(...., metrics.get());
// The lifetime of the object should be managed by a caller,
// and the lifetime should be longer than SpellCheckHost instance
// because SpellCheckHost will use the object.
class SpellCheckHostMetrics {
// Collects the number of words in the custom dictionary, which is
// to be uploaded via UMA.
static void RecordCustomWordCountStats(size_t count);
// Collects status of spellchecking enabling state, which is
// to be uploaded via UMA
void RecordEnabledStats(bool enabled);
// Collects a histogram for dictionary corruption rate
// to be uploaded via UMA
void RecordDictionaryCorruptionStats(bool corrupted);
// Collects status of spellchecking enabling state, which is
// to be uploaded via UMA
void RecordCheckedWordStats(const base::string16& word, bool misspell);
// Collects a histogram for misspelled word replacement
// to be uploaded via UMA
void RecordReplacedWordStats(int delta);
// Collects a histogram for context menu showing as a spell correction
// attempt to be uploaded via UMA
void RecordSuggestionStats(int delta);
// Records if spelling service is enabled or disabled.
void RecordSpellingServiceStats(bool enabled);
friend class SpellcheckHostMetricsTest;
void OnHistogramTimerExpired();
// Records various counters without changing their values.
void RecordWordCounts();
// Number of corrected words of checked words.
int misspelled_word_count_;
int last_misspelled_word_count_;
// Number of checked words.
int spellchecked_word_count_;
int last_spellchecked_word_count_;
// Number of suggestion list showings.
int suggestion_show_count_;
int last_suggestion_show_count_;
// Number of misspelled words replaced by a user.
int replaced_word_count_;
int last_replaced_word_count_;
// Last recorded number of unique words.
int last_unique_word_count_;
// Time when first spellcheck happened.
base::TimeTicks start_time_;
// Set of checked words in the hashed form.
base::hash_set<std::string> checked_word_hashes_;
base::RepeatingTimer<SpellCheckHostMetrics> recording_timer_;