// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "base/version.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/browser_distribution.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/product.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/util_constants.h"
#if defined(OS_WIN)
#include <windows.h> // NOLINT
namespace base {
class CommandLine;
namespace installer {
class ChannelInfo;
class InstallationState;
class MasterPreferences;
class ProductState;
typedef std::vector<Product*> Products;
// Encapsulates the state of the current installation operation. Only valid
// for installs and upgrades (not for uninstalls or non-install commands).
// This class interprets the command-line arguments and master preferences and
// determines the operations to be performed. For example, the Chrome Binaries
// are automatically added if required in multi-install mode.
// TODO(erikwright): This is now used a fair bit during uninstall, and
// InstallerState::Initialize() contains a lot of code for uninstall. The class
// comment should probably be updated.
// TODO(grt): Rename to InstallerEngine/Conductor or somesuch?
class InstallerState {
enum Level {
enum PackageType {
enum Operation {
// Constructs an uninitialized instance; see Initialize().
// Constructs an initialized but empty instance.
explicit InstallerState(Level level);
// Initializes this object based on the current operation.
void Initialize(const base::CommandLine& command_line,
const MasterPreferences& prefs,
const InstallationState& machine_state);
// Adds a product constructed on the basis of |state|, setting this object's
// msi flag if |state| is msi-installed. Returns the product that was added,
// or NULL if |state| is incompatible with this object. Ownership is not
// passed to the caller.
Product* AddProductFromState(BrowserDistribution::Type type,
const ProductState& state);
// Returns the product that was added, or NULL if |product| is incompatible
// with this object. Ownership of |product| is taken by this object, while
// ownership of the return value is not passed to the caller.
Product* AddProduct(scoped_ptr<Product>* product);
// Removes |product| from the set of products to be operated on. The object
// pointed to by |product| is freed. Returns false if |product| is not
// present in the set.
bool RemoveProduct(const Product* product);
// The level (user or system) of this operation.
Level level() const { return level_; }
// The package type (single or multi) of this operation.
PackageType package_type() const { return package_type_; }
// An identifier of this operation.
Operation operation() const { return operation_; }
// A convenience method returning level() == SYSTEM_LEVEL.
// TODO(grt): Eradicate the bool in favor of the enum.
bool system_install() const;
// A convenience method returning package_type() == MULTI_PACKAGE.
// TODO(grt): Eradicate the bool in favor of the enum.
bool is_multi_install() const;
// A convenient method returning the presence of the
// --ensure-google-update-present switch.
bool ensure_google_update_present() const {
return ensure_google_update_present_;
// The full path to the place where the operand resides.
const base::FilePath& target_path() const { return target_path_; }
// True if the "msi" preference is set or if a product with the "msi" state
// flag is set is to be operated on.
bool is_msi() const { return msi_; }
// True if the --verbose-logging command-line flag is set or if the
// verbose_logging master preferences option is true.
bool verbose_logging() const { return verbose_logging_; }
#if defined(OS_WIN)
HKEY root_key() const { return root_key_; }
// The ClientState key by which we interact with Google Update.
const std::wstring& state_key() const { return state_key_; }
// Convenience method to return the type of the BrowserDistribution associated
// with the ClientState key we will be interacting with.
BrowserDistribution::Type state_type() const { return state_type_; }
// Returns the BrowserDistribution instance corresponding to the binaries for
// this run if we're operating on a multi-package product.
BrowserDistribution* multi_package_binaries_distribution() const {
DCHECK(package_type_ == MULTI_PACKAGE);
DCHECK(multi_package_distribution_ != NULL);
return multi_package_distribution_;
const Products& products() const { return products_.get(); }
// Returns the product of the desired type, or NULL if none found.
const Product* FindProduct(BrowserDistribution::Type distribution_type) const;
// Returns the currently installed version in |target_path|, or NULL if no
// products are installed. Ownership is passed to the caller.
base::Version* GetCurrentVersion(
const InstallationState& machine_state) const;
// Returns the critical update version if all of the following are true:
// * --critical-update-version=CUV was specified on the command-line.
// * current_version == NULL or current_version < CUV.
// * new_version >= CUV.
// Otherwise, returns an invalid version.
base::Version DetermineCriticalVersion(
const base::Version* current_version,
const base::Version& new_version) const;
// Returns whether or not there is currently a Chrome Frame instance running.
// Note that there isn't a mechanism to lock Chrome Frame in place, so Chrome
// Frame may either exit or start up after this is called.
bool IsChromeFrameRunning(const InstallationState& machine_state) const;
// Returns true if any of the binaries from a multi-install Chrome Frame that
// has been migrated to single-install are still in use.
bool AreBinariesInUse(const InstallationState& machine_state) const;
// Returns the path to the installer under Chrome version folder
// (for example <target_path>\Google\Chrome\Application\<Version>\Installer)
base::FilePath GetInstallerDirectory(const base::Version& version) const;
// Try to delete all directories under |temp_path| whose versions are less
// than |new_version| and not equal to |existing_version|. |existing_version|
// may be NULL.
void RemoveOldVersionDirectories(const base::Version& new_version,
base::Version* existing_version,
const base::FilePath& temp_path) const;
// Adds to |com_dll_list| the list of COM DLLs that are to be registered
// and/or unregistered. The list may be empty.
void AddComDllList(std::vector<base::FilePath>* com_dll_list) const;
bool SetChannelFlags(bool set, ChannelInfo* channel_info) const;
// See InstallUtil::UpdateInstallerStage.
void UpdateStage(installer::InstallerStage stage) const;
// For a MULTI_INSTALL or MULTI_UPDATE operation, updates the Google Update
// "ap" values for all products being operated on.
void UpdateChannels() const;
// Sets installer result information in the registry for consumption by Google
// Update. The InstallerResult value is set to 0 (SUCCESS) or 1
// (FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR) depending on whether |status| maps to success or not.
// |status| itself is written to the InstallerError value.
// |string_resource_id|, if non-zero, identifies a localized string written to
// the InstallerResultUIString value. |launch_cmd|, if non-NULL and
// non-empty, is written to the InstallerSuccessLaunchCmdLine value.
void WriteInstallerResult(InstallStatus status,
int string_resource_id,
const std::wstring* launch_cmd) const;
// Returns true if this install needs to register an Active Setup command.
bool RequiresActiveSetup() const;
// Bits for the |file_bits| argument of AnyExistsAndIsInUse.
enum {
CHROME_DLL = 1 << 0,
// Returns true if |file| exists and cannot be opened for exclusive write
// access.
static bool IsFileInUse(const base::FilePath& file);
// Clears the instance to an uninitialized state.
void Clear();
// Returns true if any file corresponding to a bit in |file_bits| (from the
// enum above) for the currently installed version exists and is in use.
bool AnyExistsAndIsInUse(const InstallationState& machine_state,
uint32 file_bits) const;
base::FilePath GetDefaultProductInstallPath(BrowserDistribution* dist) const;
bool CanAddProduct(const Product& product,
const base::FilePath* product_dir) const;
Product* AddProductInDirectory(const base::FilePath* product_dir,
scoped_ptr<Product>* product);
Product* AddProductFromPreferences(
BrowserDistribution::Type distribution_type,
const MasterPreferences& prefs,
const InstallationState& machine_state);
bool IsMultiInstallUpdate(const MasterPreferences& prefs,
const InstallationState& machine_state);
// Enumerates all files named one of
// [chrome.exe, old_chrome.exe, new_chrome.exe] in target_path_ and
// returns their version numbers in a set.
void GetExistingExeVersions(std::set<std::string>* existing_versions) const;
// Sets this object's level and updates the root_key_ accordingly.
void set_level(Level level);
// Sets this object's package type and updates the multi_package_distribution_
// accordingly.
void set_package_type(PackageType type);
Operation operation_;
base::FilePath target_path_;
std::wstring state_key_;
BrowserDistribution::Type state_type_;
ScopedVector<Product> products_;
BrowserDistribution* multi_package_distribution_;
base::Version critical_update_version_;
Level level_;
PackageType package_type_;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
HKEY root_key_;
bool msi_;
bool verbose_logging_;
bool ensure_google_update_present_;
}; // class InstallerState
} // namespace installer