// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/installer/util/user_experiment.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <sddl.h>
#include <wtsapi32.h>
#include <vector>
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "base/process/launch.h"
#include "base/rand_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_handle.h"
#include "base/win/windows_version.h"
#include "chrome/common/attrition_experiments.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_result_codes.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/browser_distribution.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/google_update_constants.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/google_update_settings.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/helper.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/install_util.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/product.h"
#include "content/public/common/result_codes.h"
#pragma comment(lib, "wtsapi32.lib")
namespace installer {
namespace {
// The following strings are the possible outcomes of the toast experiment
// as recorded in the |client| field.
const wchar_t kToastExpControlGroup[] = L"01";
const wchar_t kToastExpCancelGroup[] = L"02";
const wchar_t kToastExpUninstallGroup[] = L"04";
const wchar_t kToastExpTriesOkGroup[] = L"18";
const wchar_t kToastExpTriesErrorGroup[] = L"28";
const wchar_t kToastActiveGroup[] = L"40";
const wchar_t kToastUDDirFailure[] = L"40";
const wchar_t kToastExpBaseGroup[] = L"80";
// Substitute the locale parameter in uninstall URL with whatever
// Google Update tells us is the locale. In case we fail to find
// the locale, we use US English.
base::string16 LocalizeUrl(const wchar_t* url) {
base::string16 language;
if (!GoogleUpdateSettings::GetLanguage(&language))
language = L"en-US"; // Default to US English.
return ReplaceStringPlaceholders(url, language.c_str(), NULL);
base::string16 GetWelcomeBackUrl() {
const wchar_t kWelcomeUrl[] = L"http://www.google.com/chrome/intl/$1/"
return LocalizeUrl(kWelcomeUrl);
// Converts FILETIME to hours. FILETIME times are absolute times in
// 100 nanosecond units. For example 5:30 pm of June 15, 2009 is 3580464.
int FileTimeToHours(const FILETIME& time) {
const ULONGLONG k100sNanoSecsToHours = 10000000LL * 60 * 60;
ULARGE_INTEGER uli = {time.dwLowDateTime, time.dwHighDateTime};
return static_cast<int>(uli.QuadPart / k100sNanoSecsToHours);
// Returns the directory last write time in hours since January 1, 1601.
// Returns -1 if there was an error retrieving the directory time.
int GetDirectoryWriteTimeInHours(const wchar_t* path) {
// To open a directory you need to pass FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS.
base::win::ScopedHandle file(::CreateFileW(path, 0, share, NULL,
if (!file.IsValid())
return -1;
return ::GetFileTime(file.Get(), NULL, NULL, &time) ?
FileTimeToHours(time) : -1;
// Returns the time in hours since the last write to the user data directory.
// A return value of 14 means that the directory was last written 14 hours ago.
// Returns -1 if there was an error retrieving the directory.
int GetUserDataDirectoryWriteAgeInHours() {
base::FilePath user_data_dir;
if (!PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_USER_DATA, &user_data_dir))
return -1;
int dir_time = GetDirectoryWriteTimeInHours(user_data_dir.value().c_str());
if (dir_time < 0)
return dir_time;
int now_time = FileTimeToHours(time);
if (dir_time >= now_time)
return 0;
return (now_time - dir_time);
// Launches setup.exe (located at |setup_path|) with |cmd_line|.
// If system_level_toast is true, appends --system-level-toast.
// If handle to experiment result key was given at startup, re-add it.
// Does not wait for the process to terminate.
// |cmd_line| may be modified as a result of this call.
bool LaunchSetup(CommandLine* cmd_line, bool system_level_toast) {
const CommandLine& current_cmd_line = *CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
// Propagate --verbose-logging to the invoked setup.exe.
if (current_cmd_line.HasSwitch(switches::kVerboseLogging))
// Re-add the system level toast flag.
if (system_level_toast) {
// Re-add the toast result key. We need to do this because Setup running as
// system passes the key to Setup running as user, but that child process
// does not perform the actual toasting, it launches another Setup (as user)
// to do so. That is the process that needs the key.
std::string key(switches::kToastResultsKey);
std::string toast_key = current_cmd_line.GetSwitchValueASCII(key);
if (!toast_key.empty()) {
cmd_line->AppendSwitchASCII(key, toast_key);
// Use handle inheritance to make sure the duplicated toast results key
// gets inherited by the child process.
base::LaunchOptions options;
options.inherit_handles = true;
return base::LaunchProcess(*cmd_line, options, NULL);
return base::LaunchProcess(*cmd_line, base::LaunchOptions(), NULL);
// For System level installs, setup.exe lives in the system temp, which
// is normally c:\windows\temp. In many cases files inside this folder
// are not accessible for execution by regular user accounts.
// This function changes the permissions so that any authenticated user
// can launch |exe| later on. This function should only be called if the
// code is running at the system level.
bool FixDACLsForExecute(const base::FilePath& exe) {
// The general strategy to is to add an ACE to the exe DACL the quick
// and dirty way: a) read the DACL b) convert it to sddl string c) add the
// new ACE to the string d) convert sddl string back to DACL and finally
// e) write new dacl.
char buff[1024];
DWORD len = sizeof(buff);
if (!::GetFileSecurityW(exe.value().c_str(), DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION,
sd, len, &len)) {
return false;
wchar_t* sddl = 0;
if (!::ConvertSecurityDescriptorToStringSecurityDescriptorW(sd,
return false;
base::string16 new_sddl(sddl);
sd = NULL;
// See MSDN for the security descriptor definition language (SDDL) syntax,
// in our case we add "A;" generic read 'GR' and generic execute 'GX' for
// the nt\authenticated_users 'AU' group, that becomes:
const wchar_t kAllowACE[] = L"(A;;GRGX;;;AU)";
// We should check that there are no special ACES for the group we
// are interested, which is nt\authenticated_users.
if (base::string16::npos != new_sddl.find(L";AU)"))
return false;
// Specific ACEs (not inherited) need to go to the front. It is ok if we
// are the very first one.
size_t pos_insert = new_sddl.find(L"(");
if (base::string16::npos == pos_insert)
return false;
// All good, time to change the dacl.
new_sddl.insert(pos_insert, kAllowACE);
if (!::ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW(new_sddl.c_str(),
return false;
bool rv = ::SetFileSecurityW(exe.value().c_str(), DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION,
sd) == TRUE;
return rv;
// This function launches setup as the currently logged-in interactive
// user that is the user whose logon session is attached to winsta0\default.
// It assumes that currently we are running as SYSTEM in a non-interactive
// windowstation.
// The function fails if there is no interactive session active, basically
// the computer is on but nobody has logged in locally.
// Remote Desktop sessions do not count as interactive sessions; running this
// method as a user logged in via remote desktop will do nothing.
bool LaunchSetupAsConsoleUser(CommandLine* cmd_line) {
// Convey to the invoked setup.exe that it's operating on a system-level
// installation.
// Propagate --verbose-logging to the invoked setup.exe.
if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(switches::kVerboseLogging))
// Get the Google Update results key, and pass it on the command line to
// the child process.
int key = GoogleUpdateSettings::DuplicateGoogleUpdateSystemClientKey();
if (base::win::GetVersion() > base::win::VERSION_XP) {
// Make sure that in Vista and Above we have the proper DACLs so
// the interactive user can launch it.
if (!FixDACLsForExecute(cmd_line->GetProgram()))
DWORD console_id = ::WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId();
if (console_id == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
PLOG(ERROR) << __FUNCTION__ << " failed to get active session id";
return false;
HANDLE user_token;
if (!::WTSQueryUserToken(console_id, &user_token)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << __FUNCTION__ << " failed to get user token for console_id "
<< console_id;
return false;
// Note: Handle inheritance must be true in order for the child process to be
// able to use the duplicated handle above (Google Update results).
base::LaunchOptions options;
options.as_user = user_token;
options.inherit_handles = true;
options.empty_desktop_name = true;
VLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " launching " << cmd_line->GetCommandLineString();
bool launched = base::LaunchProcess(*cmd_line, options, NULL);
VLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " result: " << launched;
return launched;
// A helper function that writes to HKLM if the handle was passed through the
// command line, but HKCU otherwise. |experiment_group| is the value to write
// and |last_write| is used when writing to HKLM to determine whether to close
// the handle when done.
void SetClient(const base::string16& experiment_group, bool last_write) {
static int reg_key_handle = -1;
if (reg_key_handle == -1) {
// If a specific Toast Results key handle (presumably to our HKLM key) was
// passed in to the command line (such as for system level installs), we use
// it. Otherwise, we write to the key under HKCU.
const CommandLine& cmd_line = *CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
if (cmd_line.HasSwitch(switches::kToastResultsKey)) {
// Get the handle to the key under HKLM.
} else {
reg_key_handle = 0;
if (reg_key_handle) {
// Use it to write the experiment results.
reg_key_handle, google_update::kRegClientField, experiment_group);
if (last_write)
CloseHandle((HANDLE) reg_key_handle);
} else {
// Write to HKCU.
} // namespace
bool CreateExperimentDetails(int flavor, ExperimentDetails* experiment) {
struct FlavorDetails {
int heading_id;
int flags;
// Maximum number of experiment flavors we support.
static const int kMax = 4;
// This struct determines which experiment flavors we show for each locale and
// brand.
// Plugin infobar experiment:
// The experiment in 2011 used PIxx codes.
// Inactive user toast experiment:
// The experiment in Dec 2009 used TGxx and THxx.
// The experiment in Feb 2010 used TKxx and TLxx.
// The experiment in Apr 2010 used TMxx and TNxx.
// The experiment in Oct 2010 used TVxx TWxx TXxx TYxx.
// The experiment in Feb 2011 used SJxx SKxx SLxx SMxx.
// The experiment in Mar 2012 used ZAxx ZBxx ZCxx.
// The experiment in Jan 2013 uses DAxx.
using namespace attrition_experiments;
static const struct UserExperimentSpecs {
const wchar_t* locale; // Locale to show this experiment for (* for all).
const wchar_t* brands; // Brand codes show this experiment for (* for all).
int control_group; // Size of the control group, in percentages.
const wchar_t* prefix; // The two letter experiment code. The second letter
// will be incremented with the flavor.
FlavorDetails flavors[kMax];
} kExperiments[] = {
// The first match from top to bottom is used so this list should be ordered
// most-specific rule first.
{ L"*", L"GGRV", // All locales, GGRV is enterprise.
0, // 0 percent control group.
L"EA", // Experiment is EAxx, EBxx, etc.
// No flavors means no experiment.
{ { 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0 }
{ L"*", L"*", // All locales, all brands.
5, // 5 percent control group.
L"DA", // Experiment is DAxx.
// One single flavor.
{ { IDS_TRY_TOAST_HEADING3, kToastUiMakeDefault },
{ 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0 }
base::string16 locale;
if (locale.empty() || (locale == base::ASCIIToWide("en")))
locale = base::ASCIIToWide("en-US");
base::string16 brand;
if (!GoogleUpdateSettings::GetBrand(&brand))
brand = base::ASCIIToWide(""); // Could still be viable for catch-all rules
for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(kExperiments); ++i) {
if (kExperiments[i].locale != locale &&
kExperiments[i].locale != base::ASCIIToWide("*"))
std::vector<base::string16> brand_codes;
base::SplitString(kExperiments[i].brands, L',', &brand_codes);
if (brand_codes.empty())
return false;
for (std::vector<base::string16>::iterator it = brand_codes.begin();
it != brand_codes.end(); ++it) {
if (*it != brand && *it != L"*")
// We have found our match.
const UserExperimentSpecs& match = kExperiments[i];
// Find out how many flavors we have. Zero means no experiment.
int num_flavors = 0;
while (match.flavors[num_flavors].heading_id) { ++num_flavors; }
if (!num_flavors)
return false;
if (flavor < 0)
flavor = base::RandInt(0, num_flavors - 1);
experiment->flavor = flavor;
experiment->heading = match.flavors[flavor].heading_id;
experiment->control_group = match.control_group;
const wchar_t prefix[] = { match.prefix[0], match.prefix[1] + flavor, 0 };
experiment->prefix = prefix;
experiment->flags = match.flavors[flavor].flags;
return true;
return false;
// Currently we only have one experiment: the inactive user toast. Which only
// applies for users doing upgrades.
// There are three scenarios when this function is called:
// 1- Is a per-user-install and it updated: perform the experiment
// 2- Is a system-install and it updated : relaunch as the interactive user
// 3- It has been re-launched from the #2 case. In this case we enter
// this function with |system_install| true and a REENTRY_SYS_UPDATE status.
void LaunchBrowserUserExperiment(const CommandLine& base_cmd_line,
InstallStatus status,
bool system_level) {
if (system_level) {
if (NEW_VERSION_UPDATED == status) {
CommandLine cmd_line(base_cmd_line);
// We need to relaunch as the interactive user.
} else {
if (status != NEW_VERSION_UPDATED && status != REENTRY_SYS_UPDATE) {
// We are not updating or in re-launch. Exit.
// The |flavor| value ends up being processed by TryChromeDialogView to show
// different experiments.
ExperimentDetails experiment;
if (!CreateExperimentDetails(-1, &experiment)) {
VLOG(1) << "Failed to get experiment details.";
int flavor = experiment.flavor;
base::string16 base_group = experiment.prefix;
base::string16 brand;
if (GoogleUpdateSettings::GetBrand(&brand) && (brand == L"CHXX")) {
// Testing only: the user automatically qualifies for the experiment.
VLOG(1) << "Experiment qualification bypass";
} else {
// Check that the user was not already drafted in this experiment.
base::string16 client;
if (client.size() > 2) {
if (base_group == client.substr(0, 2)) {
VLOG(1) << "User already participated in this experiment";
const bool experiment_enabled = false;
if (!experiment_enabled) {
VLOG(1) << "Toast experiment is disabled.";
// Check browser usage inactivity by the age of the last-write time of the
// relevant chrome user data directory.
const int kThirtyDays = 30 * 24;
const int dir_age_hours = GetUserDataDirectoryWriteAgeInHours();
if (dir_age_hours < 0) {
// This means that we failed to find the user data dir. The most likely
// cause is that this user has not ever used chrome at all which can
// happen in a system-level install.
SetClient(base_group + kToastUDDirFailure, true);
} else if (dir_age_hours < kThirtyDays) {
// An active user, so it does not qualify.
VLOG(1) << "Chrome used in last " << dir_age_hours << " hours";
SetClient(base_group + kToastActiveGroup, true);
// Check to see if this user belongs to the control group.
double control_group = 1.0 * (100 - experiment.control_group) / 100;
if (base::RandDouble() > control_group) {
SetClient(base_group + kToastExpControlGroup, true);
VLOG(1) << "User is control group";
VLOG(1) << "User drafted for toast experiment " << flavor;
SetClient(base_group + kToastExpBaseGroup, false);
// User level: The experiment needs to be performed in a different process
// because google_update expects the upgrade process to be quick and nimble.
// System level: We have already been relaunched, so we don't need to be
// quick, but we relaunch to follow the exact same codepath.
CommandLine cmd_line(base_cmd_line);
LaunchSetup(&cmd_line, system_level);
// User qualifies for the experiment. To test, use --try-chrome-again=|flavor|
// as a parameter to chrome.exe.
void InactiveUserToastExperiment(int flavor,
const base::string16& experiment_group,
const Product& product,
const base::FilePath& application_path) {
// Add the 'welcome back' url for chrome to show.
CommandLine options(CommandLine::NO_PROGRAM);
// Prepend the url with a space.
base::string16 url(GetWelcomeBackUrl());
// The command line should now have the url added as:
// "chrome.exe -- <url>"
options.GetCommandLineString().find(L" -- " + url));
// Launch chrome now. It will show the toast UI.
int32 exit_code = 0;
if (!product.LaunchChromeAndWait(application_path, options, &exit_code))
// The chrome process has exited, figure out what happened.
const wchar_t* outcome = NULL;
switch (exit_code) {
outcome = kToastExpTriesOkGroup;
outcome = kToastExpCancelGroup;
outcome = kToastExpUninstallGroup;
outcome = kToastExpTriesErrorGroup;
// Write to the |client| key for the last time.
SetClient(experiment_group + outcome, true);
if (outcome != kToastExpUninstallGroup)
// The user wants to uninstall. This is a best effort operation. Note that
// we waited for chrome to exit so the uninstall would not detect chrome
// running.
bool system_level_toast = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
CommandLine cmd(InstallUtil::GetChromeUninstallCmd(
system_level_toast, product.distribution()->GetType()));
base::LaunchProcess(cmd, base::LaunchOptions(), NULL);
} // namespace installer