// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/auto_reset.h"
#include "chromeos/chromeos_export.h"
namespace chromeos {
// Extension IME related utilities.
namespace extension_ime_util {
const char kXkbExtensionId[] = "jkghodnilhceideoidjikpgommlajknk";
const char kM17nExtensionId[] = "gjaehgfemfahhmlgpdfknkhdnemmolop";
const char kHangulExtensionId[] = "bdgdidmhaijohebebipajioienkglgfo";
const char kMozcExtensionId[] = "gjaehgfemfahhmlgpdfknkhdnemmolop";
const char kT13nExtensionId[] = "gjaehgfemfahhmlgpdfknkhdnemmolop";
const char kChinesePinyinExtensionId[] = "gjaehgfemfahhmlgpdfknkhdnemmolop";
const char kChineseZhuyinExtensionId[] = "gjaehgfemfahhmlgpdfknkhdnemmolop";
const char kChineseCangjieExtensionId[] = "gjaehgfemfahhmlgpdfknkhdnemmolop";
const char kXkbExtensionId[] = "fgoepimhcoialccpbmpnnblemnepkkao";
const char kM17nExtensionId[] = "jhffeifommiaekmbkkjlpmilogcfdohp";
const char kHangulExtensionId[] = "bdgdidmhaijohebebipajioienkglgfo";
const char kMozcExtensionId[] = "bbaiamgfapehflhememkfglaehiobjnk";
const char kT13nExtensionId[] = "gjaehgfemfahhmlgpdfknkhdnemmolop";
const char kChinesePinyinExtensionId[] = "cpgalbafkoofkjmaeonnfijgpfennjjn";
const char kChineseZhuyinExtensionId[] = "ekbifjdfhkmdeeajnolmgdlmkllopefi";
const char kChineseCangjieExtensionId[] = "aeebooiibjahgpgmhkeocbeekccfknbj";
// Returns InputMethodID for |engine_id| in |extension_id| of extension IME.
// This function does not check |extension_id| is installed extension IME nor
// |engine_id| is really a member of |extension_id|.
std::string CHROMEOS_EXPORT GetInputMethodID(const std::string& extension_id,
const std::string& engine_id);
// Returns InputMethodID for |engine_id| in |extension_id| of component
// extension IME, This function does not check |extension_id| is component one
// nor |engine_id| is really a member of |extension_id|.
std::string CHROMEOS_EXPORT GetComponentInputMethodID(
const std::string& extension_id,
const std::string& engine_id);
// Returns extension ID if |input_method_id| is extension IME ID or component
// extension IME ID. Otherwise returns an empty string ("").
std::string CHROMEOS_EXPORT GetExtensionIDFromInputMethodID(
const std::string& input_method_id);
// Returns InputMethodID from engine id (e.g. xkb:fr:fra), or returns itself if
// the |engine_id| is not a known engine id.
// The caller must make sure the |engine_id| is from system input methods
// instead of 3rd party input methods.
std::string CHROMEOS_EXPORT GetInputMethodIDByEngineID(
const std::string& engine_id);
// Returns true if |input_method_id| is extension IME ID. This function does not
// check |input_method_id| is installed extension IME.
bool CHROMEOS_EXPORT IsExtensionIME(const std::string& input_method_id);
// Returns true if |input_method_id| is component extension IME ID. This
// function does not check |input_method_id| is really whitelisted one or not.
// If you want to check |input_method_id| is whitelisted component extension
// IME, please use ComponentExtensionIMEManager::IsWhitelisted instead.
bool CHROMEOS_EXPORT IsComponentExtensionIME(
const std::string& input_method_id);
// Returns true if the |input_method| is a member of |extension_id| of extension
// IME, otherwise returns false.
bool CHROMEOS_EXPORT IsMemberOfExtension(const std::string& input_method_id,
const std::string& extension_id);
// Returns true if the |input_method_id| is the extension based xkb keyboard,
// otherwise returns false.
bool CHROMEOS_EXPORT IsKeyboardLayoutExtension(
const std::string& input_method_id);
// Returns input method component id from the extension-based InputMethodID
// for component IME extensions. This function does not check that
// |input_method_id| is installed.
GetComponentIDByInputMethodID(const std::string& input_method_id);
// Gets legacy xkb id (e.g. xkb:us::eng) from the new extension based xkb id
// (e.g. _comp_ime_...xkb:us::eng). If the given id is not prefixed with
// 'xkb:', just return the same as the given id.
std::string CHROMEOS_EXPORT MaybeGetLegacyXkbId(
const std::string& input_method_id);
} // namespace extension_ime_util
} // namespace chromeos