// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "chromeos/chromeos_export.h"
#include "chromeos/network/certificate_pattern.h"
namespace base {
class DictionaryValue;
namespace net {
struct CertPrincipal;
class X509Certificate;
typedef std::vector<scoped_refptr<X509Certificate> > CertificateList;
namespace chromeos {
namespace client_cert {
enum ConfigType {
struct CHROMEOS_EXPORT ClientCertConfig {
// Independent of whether the client cert (pattern or reference) is
// configured, the location determines whether this network configuration
// supports client certs and what kind of configuration it requires.
ConfigType location;
// One of the ClientCertTypes defined in ONC: kNone, kRef, or kPattern.
std::string client_cert_type;
// If |client_cert_type| equals kPattern, this contains the pattern.
CertificatePattern pattern;
// Returns true only if any fields set in this pattern match exactly with
// similar fields in the principal. If organization_ or organizational_unit_
// are set, then at least one of the organizations or units in the principal
// must match.
bool CertPrincipalMatches(const IssuerSubjectPattern& pattern,
const net::CertPrincipal& principal);
// Returns the PKCS11 and slot ID of |cert_id|, which is expected to be a
// value of the Shill property kEapCertIdProperty or kEapKeyIdProperty, either
// of format "<pkcs11_id>" or "<slot_id>:<pkcs11_id>".
CHROMEOS_EXPORT std::string GetPkcs11AndSlotIdFromEapCertId(
const std::string& cert_id,
int* slot_id);
// Reads the client certificate configuration from the Shill Service properties
// |shill_properties|.
// If such a configuration is found, the values |cert_config_type|, |tpm_slot|
// and |pkcs11_id| are filled accordingly. In case of OpenVPN or because the
// property was not set, |tpm_slot| will be set to -1.
// If an error occurred or no client configuration is found, |cert_config_type|
// will be set to CONFIG_TYPE_NONE, |tpm_slot| to -1 and |pkcs11_id| to the
// empty string.
CHROMEOS_EXPORT void GetClientCertFromShillProperties(
const base::DictionaryValue& shill_properties,
ConfigType* cert_config_type,
int* tpm_slot,
std::string* pkcs11_id);
// Sets the properties of a client cert and the TPM slot that it's contained in.
// |cert_config_type| determines which dictionary entries to set.
CHROMEOS_EXPORT void SetShillProperties(const ConfigType cert_config_type,
const int tpm_slot,
const std::string& pkcs11_id,
base::DictionaryValue* properties);
// Like SetShillProperties but instead sets the properties to empty strings.
// This should be used to clear previously set client certificate properties.
CHROMEOS_EXPORT void SetEmptyShillProperties(const ConfigType cert_config_type,
base::DictionaryValue* properties);
// Returns true if all required configuration properties are set and not empty.
bool IsCertificateConfigured(const client_cert::ConfigType cert_config_type,
const base::DictionaryValue& service_properties);
// Determines the type of the CertificatePattern configuration, i.e. is it a
// pattern within an EAP, IPsec or OpenVPN configuration.
CHROMEOS_EXPORT void OncToClientCertConfig(
const base::DictionaryValue& network_config,
ClientCertConfig* cert_config);
} // namespace client_cert
} // namespace chromeos