// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/version.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
class ComponentsUI;
namespace base {
class DictionaryValue;
class FilePath;
class SequencedTaskRunner;
namespace net {
class URLRequestContextGetter;
class URLRequest;
namespace content {
class ResourceThrottle;
namespace component_updater {
class Configurator;
class OnDemandUpdater;
// Component specific installers must derive from this class and implement
// OnUpdateError() and Install(). A valid instance of this class must be
// given to ComponentUpdateService::RegisterComponent().
class ComponentInstaller {
// Called by the component updater on the main thread when there was a
// problem unpacking or verifying the component. |error| is a non-zero
// value which is only meaningful to the component updater.
virtual void OnUpdateError(int error) = 0;
// Called by the component updater when a component has been unpacked
// and is ready to be installed. |manifest| contains the CRX manifest
// json dictionary and |unpack_path| contains the temporary directory
// with all the unpacked CRX files. This method may be called from
// a thread other than the main thread.
virtual bool Install(const base::DictionaryValue& manifest,
const base::FilePath& unpack_path) = 0;
// Set |installed_file| to the full path to the installed |file|. |file| is
// the filename of the file in this component's CRX. Returns false if this is
// not possible (the file has been removed or modified, or its current
// location is unknown). Otherwise, returns true.
virtual bool GetInstalledFile(const std::string& file,
base::FilePath* installed_file) = 0;
virtual ~ComponentInstaller() {}
// Describes a particular component that can be installed or updated. This
// structure is required to register a component with the component updater.
// |pk_hash| is the SHA256 hash of the component's public key. If the component
// is to be installed then version should be "0" or "0.0", else it should be
// the current version. |fingerprint|, and |name| are optional.
// |allow_background_download| specifies that the component can be background
// downloaded in some cases. The default for this value is |true| and the value
// can be overriden at the registration time. This is a temporary change until
// the issue 340448 is resolved.
struct CrxComponent {
std::vector<uint8_t> pk_hash;
ComponentInstaller* installer;
Version version;
std::string fingerprint;
std::string name;
bool allow_background_download;
struct CrxUpdateItem;
// The component update service is in charge of installing or upgrading
// select parts of chrome. Each part is called a component and managed by
// instances of CrxComponent registered using RegisterComponent(). On the
// server, each component is packaged as a CRX which is the same format used
// to package extensions. To the update service each component is identified
// by its public key hash (CrxComponent::pk_hash). If there is an update
// available and its version is bigger than (CrxComponent::version), it will
// be downloaded, verified and unpacked. Then component-specific installer
// ComponentInstaller::Install (of CrxComponent::installer) will be called.
// During the normal operation of the component updater some specific
// notifications are fired, like COMPONENT_UPDATER_STARTED and
// COMPONENT_UPDATE_FOUND. See notification_type.h for more details.
// All methods are safe to call ONLY from the browser's main thread.
class ComponentUpdateService {
enum Status { kOk, kReplaced, kInProgress, kError };
// Defines an interface to observe ComponentUpdateService. It provides
// notifications when state changes occur for the service or for the
// registered components.
class Observer {
enum Events {
// Sent when the component updater starts doing update checks.
// Sent when the component updater is going to take a long nap.
// Sent when there is a new version of a registered component. After
// the notification is sent the component will be downloaded.
// Sent when the new component has been downloaded and an installation
// or upgrade is about to be attempted.
// Sent when a component has been successfully updated.
// Sent when a component has not been updated following an update check:
// either there was no update available, or an update failed.
// Sent when component bytes are being downloaded.
virtual ~Observer() {}
// The component updater service will call this function when an interesting
// state change happens. If the |id| is specified, then the event is fired
// on behalf of a specific component. The implementors of this interface are
// expected to filter the relevant events based on the component id.
virtual void OnEvent(Events event, const std::string& id) = 0;
// Adds an observer for this class. An observer should not be added more
// than once. The caller retains the ownership of the observer object.
virtual void AddObserver(Observer* observer) = 0;
// Removes an observer. It is safe for an observer to be removed while
// the observers are being notified.
virtual void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) = 0;
// Start doing update checks and installing new versions of registered
// components after Configurator::InitialDelay() seconds.
virtual Status Start() = 0;
// Stop doing update checks. In-flight requests and pending installations
// will not be canceled.
virtual Status Stop() = 0;
// Add component to be checked for updates. You can call this method
// before calling Start().
virtual Status RegisterComponent(const CrxComponent& component) = 0;
// Returns a list of registered components.
virtual std::vector<std::string> GetComponentIDs() const = 0;
// Returns an interface for on-demand updates. On-demand updates are
// proactively triggered outside the normal component update service schedule.
virtual OnDemandUpdater& GetOnDemandUpdater() = 0;
// This method is used to trigger an on-demand update for component |crx_id|.
// This can be used when loading a resource that depends on this component.
// |callback| is called on the main thread once the on-demand update is
// complete, regardless of success. |callback| may be called immediately
// within the method body.
// Additionally, this function implements an embedder-defined cooldown
// interval between on demand update attempts. This behavior is intended
// to be defensive against programming bugs, usually triggered by web fetches,
// where the on-demand functionality is invoked too often. If this function
// is called while still on cooldown, |callback| will be called immediately.
virtual void MaybeThrottle(const std::string& crx_id,
const base::Closure& callback) = 0;
// Returns a task runner suitable for use by component installers.
virtual scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> GetSequencedTaskRunner() = 0;
virtual ~ComponentUpdateService() {}
// Returns details about registered component in the |item| parameter. The
// function returns true in case of success and false in case of errors.
virtual bool GetComponentDetails(const std::string& component_id,
CrxUpdateItem* item) const = 0;
friend class ::ComponentsUI;
typedef ComponentUpdateService::Observer ServiceObserver;
class OnDemandUpdater {
virtual ~OnDemandUpdater() {}
friend class OnDemandTester;
friend class ::ComponentsUI;
// Triggers an update check for a component. |component_id| is a value
// returned by GetCrxComponentID(). If an update for this component is already
// in progress, the function returns |kInProgress|. If an update is available,
// the update will be applied. The caller can subscribe to component update
// service notifications to get an indication about the outcome of the
// on-demand update. The function does not implement any cooldown interval.
virtual ComponentUpdateService::Status OnDemandUpdate(
const std::string& component_id) = 0;
// Creates the component updater. You must pass a valid |config| allocated on
// the heap which the component updater will own.
ComponentUpdateService* ComponentUpdateServiceFactory(Configurator* config);
} // namespace component_updater