// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file defines a set of user experience metrics data recorded by
// the MetricsService. This is the unit of data that is sent to the server.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/metrics/proto/chrome_user_metrics_extension.pb.h"
class PrefRegistrySimple;
class PrefService;
namespace base {
class DictionaryValue;
class HistogramSamples;
namespace content {
struct WebPluginInfo;
namespace tracked_objects {
struct ProcessDataSnapshot;
namespace variations {
struct ActiveGroupId;
namespace metrics {
class MetricsProvider;
class MetricsServiceClient;
class MetricsLog {
enum LogType {
INITIAL_STABILITY_LOG, // The initial log containing stability stats.
ONGOING_LOG, // Subsequent logs in a session.
// Creates a new metrics log of the specified type.
// |client_id| is the identifier for this profile on this installation
// |session_id| is an integer that's incremented on each application launch
// |client| is used to interact with the embedder.
// |local_state| is the PrefService that this instance should use.
// Note: |this| instance does not take ownership of the |client|, but rather
// stores a weak pointer to it. The caller should ensure that the |client| is
// valid for the lifetime of this class.
MetricsLog(const std::string& client_id,
int session_id,
LogType log_type,
MetricsServiceClient* client,
PrefService* local_state);
virtual ~MetricsLog();
// Registers local state prefs used by this class.
static void RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
// Computes the MD5 hash of the given string, and returns the first 8 bytes of
// the hash.
static uint64 Hash(const std::string& value);
// Get the GMT buildtime for the current binary, expressed in seconds since
// January 1, 1970 GMT.
// The value is used to identify when a new build is run, so that previous
// reliability stats, from other builds, can be abandoned.
static int64 GetBuildTime();
// Convenience function to return the current time at a resolution in seconds.
// This wraps base::TimeTicks, and hence provides an abstract time that is
// always incrementing for use in measuring time durations.
static int64 GetCurrentTime();
// Records a user-initiated action.
void RecordUserAction(const std::string& key);
// Record any changes in a given histogram for transmission.
void RecordHistogramDelta(const std::string& histogram_name,
const base::HistogramSamples& snapshot);
// Records the current operating environment, including metrics provided by
// the specified set of |metrics_providers|. Takes the list of installed
// plugins, Google Update statistics, and synthetic trial IDs as parameters
// because those can't be obtained synchronously from the UI thread.
// A synthetic trial is one that is set up dynamically by code in Chrome. For
// example, a pref may be mapped to a synthetic trial such that the group
// is determined by the pref value.
void RecordEnvironment(
const std::vector<MetricsProvider*>& metrics_providers,
const std::vector<variations::ActiveGroupId>& synthetic_trials,
int64 install_date);
// Loads the environment proto that was saved by the last RecordEnvironment()
// call from prefs and clears the pref value. Returns true on success or false
// if there was no saved environment in prefs or it could not be decoded.
bool LoadSavedEnvironmentFromPrefs();
// Writes application stability metrics, including stability metrics provided
// by the specified set of |metrics_providers|. The system profile portion of
// the log must have already been filled in by a call to RecordEnvironment()
// or LoadSavedEnvironmentFromPrefs().
// NOTE: Has the side-effect of clearing the stability prefs..
// If this log is of type INITIAL_STABILITY_LOG, records additional info such
// as number of incomplete shutdowns as well as extra breakpad and debugger
// stats.
void RecordStabilityMetrics(
const std::vector<MetricsProvider*>& metrics_providers,
base::TimeDelta incremental_uptime,
base::TimeDelta uptime);
// Records general metrics based on the specified |metrics_providers|.
void RecordGeneralMetrics(
const std::vector<MetricsProvider*>& metrics_providers);
// Stop writing to this record and generate the encoded representation.
// None of the Record* methods can be called after this is called.
void CloseLog();
// Fills |encoded_log| with the serialized protobuf representation of the
// record. Must only be called after CloseLog() has been called.
void GetEncodedLog(std::string* encoded_log);
const base::TimeTicks& creation_time() const {
return creation_time_;
int num_events() const {
return uma_proto_.omnibox_event_size() +
LogType log_type() const { return log_type_; }
// Exposed for the sake of mocking/accessing in test code.
// Fills |field_trial_ids| with the list of initialized field trials name and
// group ids.
virtual void GetFieldTrialIds(
std::vector<variations::ActiveGroupId>* field_trial_ids) const;
ChromeUserMetricsExtension* uma_proto() { return &uma_proto_; }
const ChromeUserMetricsExtension* uma_proto() const {
return &uma_proto_;
// Returns true if the environment has already been filled in by a call to
// RecordEnvironment() or LoadSavedEnvironmentFromPrefs().
bool HasEnvironment() const;
// Returns true if the stability metrics have already been filled in by a
// call to RecordStabilityMetrics().
bool HasStabilityMetrics() const;
// Within the stability group, write required attributes.
void WriteRequiredStabilityAttributes(PrefService* pref);
// Within the stability group, write attributes that need to be updated asap
// and can't be delayed until the user decides to restart chromium.
// Delaying these stats would bias metrics away from happy long lived
// chromium processes (ones that don't crash, and keep on running).
void WriteRealtimeStabilityAttributes(PrefService* pref,
base::TimeDelta incremental_uptime,
base::TimeDelta uptime);
// closed_ is true when record has been packed up for sending, and should
// no longer be written to. It is only used for sanity checking.
bool closed_;
// The type of the log, i.e. initial or ongoing.
const LogType log_type_;
// Stores the protocol buffer representation for this log.
ChromeUserMetricsExtension uma_proto_;
// Used to interact with the embedder. Weak pointer; must outlive |this|
// instance.
MetricsServiceClient* const client_;
// The time when the current log was created.
const base::TimeTicks creation_time_;
PrefService* local_state_;
} // namespace metrics