// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/process/process.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h"
#include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h"
#include "ui/shell_dialogs/select_file_dialog.h"
namespace content {
class PowerSaveBlocker;
class WebContents;
class WebRTCInternalsUIObserver;
// This is a singleton class running in the browser UI thread.
// It collects peer connection infomation from the renderers,
// forwards the data to WebRTCInternalsUIObserver and
// sends data collecting commands to the renderers.
class CONTENT_EXPORT WebRTCInternals : public NotificationObserver,
public ui::SelectFileDialog::Listener {
static WebRTCInternals* GetInstance();
// This method is called when a PeerConnection is created.
// |render_process_id| is the id of the render process (not OS pid), which is
// needed because we might not be able to get the OS process id when the
// render process terminates and we want to clean up.
// |pid| is the renderer process id, |lid| is the renderer local id used to
// identify a PeerConnection, |url| is the url of the tab owning the
// PeerConnection, |rtc_configuration| is the serialized RTCConfiguration,
// |constraints| is the media constraints used to initialize the
// PeerConnection.
void OnAddPeerConnection(int render_process_id,
base::ProcessId pid,
int lid,
const std::string& url,
const std::string& rtc_configuration,
const std::string& constraints);
// This method is called when PeerConnection is destroyed.
// |pid| is the renderer process id, |lid| is the renderer local id.
void OnRemovePeerConnection(base::ProcessId pid, int lid);
// This method is called when a PeerConnection is updated.
// |pid| is the renderer process id, |lid| is the renderer local id,
// |type| is the update type, |value| is the detail of the update.
void OnUpdatePeerConnection(base::ProcessId pid,
int lid,
const std::string& type,
const std::string& value);
// This method is called when results from PeerConnectionInterface::GetStats
// are available. |pid| is the renderer process id, |lid| is the renderer
// local id, |value| is the list of stats reports.
void OnAddStats(base::ProcessId pid, int lid, const base::ListValue& value);
// This method is called when getUserMedia is called. |render_process_id| is
// the id of the render process (not OS pid), which is needed because we might
// not be able to get the OS process id when the render process terminates and
// we want to clean up. |pid| is the renderer OS process id, |origin| is the
// security origin of the getUserMedia call, |audio| is true if audio stream
// is requested, |video| is true if the video stream is requested,
// |audio_constraints| is the constraints for the audio, |video_constraints|
// is the constraints for the video.
void OnGetUserMedia(int render_process_id,
base::ProcessId pid,
const std::string& origin,
bool audio,
bool video,
const std::string& audio_constraints,
const std::string& video_constraints);
// Methods for adding or removing WebRTCInternalsUIObserver.
void AddObserver(WebRTCInternalsUIObserver *observer);
void RemoveObserver(WebRTCInternalsUIObserver *observer);
// Sends all update data to |observer|.
void UpdateObserver(WebRTCInternalsUIObserver* observer);
// Enables or disables AEC dump (diagnostic echo canceller recording).
void EnableAecDump(content::WebContents* web_contents);
void DisableAecDump();
bool aec_dump_enabled() {
return aec_dump_enabled_;
base::FilePath aec_dump_file_path() {
return aec_dump_file_path_;
void ResetForTesting();
friend struct base::DefaultLazyInstanceTraits<WebRTCInternals>;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(WebRtcAecDumpBrowserTest, CallWithAecDump);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(WebRtcAecDumpBrowserTest, TwoCallsWithAecDump);
virtual ~WebRTCInternals();
void SendUpdate(const std::string& command, base::Value* value);
// NotificationObserver implementation.
virtual void Observe(int type,
const NotificationSource& source,
const NotificationDetails& details) OVERRIDE;
// ui::SelectFileDialog::Listener implementation.
virtual void FileSelected(const base::FilePath& path,
int index,
void* unused_params) OVERRIDE;
virtual void FileSelectionCanceled(void* params) OVERRIDE;
// Called when a renderer exits (including crashes).
void OnRendererExit(int render_process_id);
#if defined(ENABLE_WEBRTC)
// Enables AEC dump on all render process hosts using |aec_dump_file_path_|.
void EnableAecDumpOnAllRenderProcessHosts();
// Called whenever an element is added to or removed from
// |peer_connection_data_| to impose/release a block on suspending the current
// application for power-saving.
void CreateOrReleasePowerSaveBlocker();
ObserverList<WebRTCInternalsUIObserver> observers_;
// |peer_connection_data_| is a list containing all the PeerConnection
// updates.
// Each item of the list represents the data for one PeerConnection, which
// contains these fields:
// "rid" -- the renderer id.
// "pid" -- OS process id of the renderer that creates the PeerConnection.
// "lid" -- local Id assigned to the PeerConnection.
// "url" -- url of the web page that created the PeerConnection.
// "servers" and "constraints" -- server configuration and media constraints
// used to initialize the PeerConnection respectively.
// "log" -- a ListValue contains all the updates for the PeerConnection. Each
// list item is a DictionaryValue containing "time", which is the number of
// milliseconds since epoch as a string, and "type" and "value", both of which
// are strings representing the event.
base::ListValue peer_connection_data_;
// A list of getUserMedia requests. Each item is a DictionaryValue that
// contains these fields:
// "rid" -- the renderer id.
// "pid" -- proceddId of the renderer.
// "origin" -- the security origin of the request.
// "audio" -- the serialized audio constraints if audio is requested.
// "video" -- the serialized video constraints if video is requested.
base::ListValue get_user_media_requests_;
NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
// For managing select file dialog.
scoped_refptr<ui::SelectFileDialog> select_file_dialog_;
// AEC dump (diagnostic echo canceller recording) state.
bool aec_dump_enabled_;
base::FilePath aec_dump_file_path_;
// While |peer_connection_data_| is non-empty, hold an instance of
// PowerSaveBlocker. This prevents the application from being suspended while
// remoting.
scoped_ptr<PowerSaveBlocker> power_save_blocker_;
} // namespace content