// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/linked_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "extensions/browser/api/cast_channel/cast_socket.h"
#include "extensions/browser/api/cast_channel/logger_util.h"
#include "extensions/common/api/cast_channel/logging.pb.h"
#include "net/base/ip_endpoint.h"
namespace base {
class TickClock;
namespace extensions {
namespace core_api {
namespace cast_channel {
struct AuthResult;
static const int kMaxSocketsToLog = 50;
static const int kMaxEventsPerSocket = 2000;
// Logs information of each channel and sockets and exports the log as
// a blob. Logger is done on the IO thread.
class Logger : public base::RefCounted<Logger> {
// |clock|: Clock used for generating timestamps for the events. Owned by
// this class.
// |unix_epoch_time_ticks|: The TimeTicks that corresponds to Unix epoch.
Logger(scoped_ptr<base::TickClock> clock,
base::TimeTicks unix_epoch_time_ticks);
// For newly created sockets. Will create an event and log a
void LogNewSocketEvent(const CastSocket& cast_socket);
void LogSocketEvent(int channel_id, proto::EventType event_type);
void LogSocketEventWithDetails(int channel_id,
proto::EventType event_type,
const std::string& details);
// For events that involves socket / crypto operations that returns a value.
void LogSocketEventWithRv(int channel_id,
proto::EventType event_type,
int rv);
// For *_STATE_CHANGED events.
void LogSocketReadyState(int channel_id, proto::ReadyState new_state);
void LogSocketConnectState(int channel_id, proto::ConnectionState new_state);
void LogSocketReadState(int channel_id, proto::ReadState new_state);
void LogSocketWriteState(int channel_id, proto::WriteState new_state);
void LogSocketErrorState(int channel_id, proto::ErrorState new_state);
void LogSocketChallengeReplyEvent(int channel_id,
const AuthResult& auth_result);
void LogSocketEventForMessage(int channel_id,
proto::EventType event_type,
const std::string& message_namespace,
const std::string& details);
// Assembles logs collected so far and return it as a serialized Log proto,
// compressed in gzip format.
// If serialization or compression failed, returns a NULL pointer.
// |length|: If successful, assigned with size of compressed content.
scoped_ptr<char[]> GetLogs(size_t* length) const;
// Clears the internal map.
void Reset();
// Returns the last errors logged for |channel_id|. If the the logs for
// |channel_id| are evicted before this is called, returns a LastErrors with
// no errors. This may happen if errors are logged and retrieved in different
// tasks.
LastErrors GetLastErrors(int channel_id) const;
friend class base::RefCounted<Logger>;
struct AggregatedSocketEventLog {
// Partially constructed AggregatedSocketEvent proto populated by Logger.
// Contains top level info such as channel ID, IP end point and channel
// auth type.
proto::AggregatedSocketEvent aggregated_socket_event;
// Events to be assigned to the AggregatedSocketEvent proto. Contains the
// most recent |kMaxEventsPerSocket| entries. The oldest events are
// evicted as new events are logged.
std::deque<proto::SocketEvent> socket_events;
// The most recent errors logged for the socket.
LastErrors last_errors;
typedef std::map<int, linked_ptr<AggregatedSocketEventLog> >
// Returns a SocketEvent proto with common fields (EventType, timestamp)
// populated.
proto::SocketEvent CreateEvent(proto::EventType event_type);
// Records |event| associated with |channel_id|.
// If the internal map is already logging maximum number of sockets and this
// is a new socket, the socket with the smallest channel id will be discarded.
// Returns a reference to the AggregatedSocketEvent proto created/modified.
proto::AggregatedSocketEvent& LogSocketEvent(
int channel_id,
const proto::SocketEvent& socket_event);
scoped_ptr<base::TickClock> clock_;
AggregatedSocketEventLogMap aggregated_socket_events_;
base::TimeTicks unix_epoch_time_ticks_;
// Log proto holding global statistics.
proto::Log log_;
base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
} // namespace cast_channel
} // namespace api
} // namespace extensions