// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/prefs/pref_value_map.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
#include "extensions/browser/extension_prefs_scope.h"
// Non-persistent data container that is shared by ExtensionPrefStores. All
// extension pref values (incognito and regular) are stored herein and
// provided to ExtensionPrefStores.
// The semantics of the ExtensionPrefValueMap are:
// - A regular setting applies to regular browsing sessions as well as incognito
// browsing sessions.
// - An incognito setting applies only to incognito browsing sessions, not to
// regular ones. It takes precedence over a regular setting set by the same
// extension.
// - A regular-only setting applies only to regular browsing sessions, not to
// incognito ones. It takes precedence over a regular setting set by the same
// extension.
// - If two different extensions set a value for the same preference (and both
// values apply to the regular/incognito browsing session), the extension that
// was installed later takes precedence, regardless of whether the settings
// are regular, incognito or regular-only.
// The following table illustrates the behavior:
// A.reg | A.reg_only | A.inc | B.reg | B.reg_only | B.inc | E.reg | E.inc
// 1 | - | - | - | - | - | 1 | 1
// 1 | 2 | - | - | - | - | 2 | 1
// 1 | - | 3 | - | - | - | 1 | 3
// 1 | 2 | 3 | - | - | - | 2 | 3
// 1 | - | - | 4 | - | - | 4 | 4
// 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | - | - | 4 | 4
// 1 | - | - | - | 5 | - | 5 | 1
// 1 | - | 3 | 4 | 5 | - | 5 | 4
// 1 | - | - | - | - | 6 | 1 | 6
// 1 | 2 | - | 4 | - | 6 | 4 | 6
// 1 | 2 | 3 | - | 5 | 6 | 5 | 6
// A = extension A, B = extension B, E = effective value
// .reg = regular value
// .reg_only = regular-only value
// .inc = incognito value
// Extension B has higher precedence than A.
class ExtensionPrefValueMap : public KeyedService {
// Observer interface for monitoring ExtensionPrefValueMap.
class Observer {
// Called when the value for the given |key| set by one of the extensions
// changes. This does not necessarily mean that the effective value has
// changed.
virtual void OnPrefValueChanged(const std::string& key) = 0;
// Notification about the ExtensionPrefValueMap being fully initialized.
virtual void OnInitializationCompleted() = 0;
// Called when the ExtensionPrefValueMap is being destroyed. When called,
// observers must unsubscribe.
virtual void OnExtensionPrefValueMapDestruction() = 0;
virtual ~Observer() {}
virtual ~ExtensionPrefValueMap();
// KeyedService implementation.
virtual void Shutdown() OVERRIDE;
// Set an extension preference |value| for |key| of extension |ext_id|.
// Takes ownership of |value|.
// Note that regular extension pref values need to be reported to
// incognito and to regular ExtensionPrefStores.
// Precondition: the extension must be registered.
void SetExtensionPref(const std::string& ext_id,
const std::string& key,
extensions::ExtensionPrefsScope scope,
base::Value* value);
// Remove the extension preference value for |key| of extension |ext_id|.
// Precondition: the extension must be registered.
void RemoveExtensionPref(const std::string& ext_id,
const std::string& key,
extensions::ExtensionPrefsScope scope);
// Returns true if currently no extension with higher precedence controls the
// preference. If |incognito| is true and the extension does not have
// incognito permission, CanExtensionControlPref returns false.
// Note that this function does does not consider the existence of
// policies. An extension is only really able to control a preference if
// PrefService::Preference::IsExtensionModifiable() returns true as well.
bool CanExtensionControlPref(const std::string& extension_id,
const std::string& pref_key,
bool incognito) const;
// Removes all "incognito session only" preference values.
void ClearAllIncognitoSessionOnlyPreferences();
// Returns true if an extension identified by |extension_id| controls the
// preference. This means this extension has set a preference value and no
// other extension with higher precedence overrides it. If |from_incognito|
// is not NULL, looks at incognito preferences first, and |from_incognito| is
// set to true if the effective pref value is coming from the incognito
// preferences, false if it is coming from the normal ones.
// Note that the this function does does not consider the existence of
// policies. An extension is only really able to control a preference if
// PrefService::Preference::IsExtensionModifiable() returns true as well.
bool DoesExtensionControlPref(const std::string& extension_id,
const std::string& pref_key,
bool* from_incognito) const;
// Returns the ID of the extension that currently controls this preference
// for a regular profile. Incognito settings are ignored.
// Returns an empty string if this preference is not controlled by an
// extension.
std::string GetExtensionControllingPref(const std::string& pref_key) const;
// Tell the store it's now fully initialized.
void NotifyInitializationCompleted();
// Registers the time when an extension |ext_id| is installed.
void RegisterExtension(const std::string& ext_id,
const base::Time& install_time,
bool is_enabled,
bool is_incognito_enabled);
// Deletes all entries related to extension |ext_id|.
void UnregisterExtension(const std::string& ext_id);
// Hides or makes the extension preference values of the specified extension
// visible.
void SetExtensionState(const std::string& ext_id, bool is_enabled);
// Sets whether the extension has permission to access incognito state.
void SetExtensionIncognitoState(const std::string& ext_id,
bool is_incognito_enabled);
// Adds an observer and notifies it about the currently stored keys.
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
const base::Value* GetEffectivePrefValue(const std::string& key,
bool incognito,
bool* from_incognito) const;
struct ExtensionEntry;
typedef std::map<std::string, ExtensionEntry*> ExtensionEntryMap;
const PrefValueMap* GetExtensionPrefValueMap(
const std::string& ext_id,
extensions::ExtensionPrefsScope scope) const;
PrefValueMap* GetExtensionPrefValueMap(
const std::string& ext_id,
extensions::ExtensionPrefsScope scope);
// Returns all keys of pref values that are set by the extension of |entry|,
// regardless whether they are set for incognito or regular pref values.
void GetExtensionControlledKeys(const ExtensionEntry& entry,
std::set<std::string>* out) const;
// Returns an iterator to the extension which controls the preference |key|.
// If |incognito| is true, looks at incognito preferences first. In that case,
// if |from_incognito| is not NULL, it is set to true if the effective pref
// value is coming from the incognito preferences, false if it is coming from
// the normal ones.
ExtensionEntryMap::const_iterator GetEffectivePrefValueController(
const std::string& key,
bool incognito,
bool* from_incognito) const;
void NotifyOfDestruction();
void NotifyPrefValueChanged(const std::string& key);
void NotifyPrefValueChanged(const std::set<std::string>& keys);
// Mapping of which extension set which preference value. The effective
// preferences values (i.e. the ones with the highest precedence)
// are stored in ExtensionPrefStores.
ExtensionEntryMap entries_;
// In normal Profile shutdown, Shutdown() notifies observers that we are
// being destroyed. In tests, it isn't called, so the notification must
// be done in the destructor. This bit tracks whether it has been done yet.
bool destroyed_;
ObserverList<Observer, true> observers_;