// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "extensions/common/permissions/socket_permission_entry.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "extensions/common/permissions/api_permission.h"
#include "extensions/common/permissions/socket_permission.h"
#include "url/url_canon.h"
namespace {
using content::SocketPermissionRequest;
const char kColon = ':';
const char kDot = '.';
const char kWildcard[] = "*";
const int kWildcardPortNumber = 0;
const int kInvalidPort = -1;
bool StartsOrEndsWithWhitespace(const std::string& str) {
return !str.empty() &&
(IsWhitespace(str[0]) || IsWhitespace(str[str.length() - 1]));
} // namespace
namespace extensions {
: pattern_(SocketPermissionRequest::NONE, std::string(), kInvalidPort),
match_subdomains_(false) {}
SocketPermissionEntry::~SocketPermissionEntry() {}
bool SocketPermissionEntry::operator<(const SocketPermissionEntry& rhs) const {
if (pattern_.type < rhs.pattern_.type)
return true;
if (pattern_.type > rhs.pattern_.type)
return false;
if (pattern_.host < rhs.pattern_.host)
return true;
if (pattern_.host > rhs.pattern_.host)
return false;
if (match_subdomains_ < rhs.match_subdomains_)
return true;
if (match_subdomains_ > rhs.match_subdomains_)
return false;
if (pattern_.port < rhs.pattern_.port)
return true;
return false;
bool SocketPermissionEntry::operator==(const SocketPermissionEntry& rhs) const {
return (pattern_.type == rhs.pattern_.type) &&
(pattern_.host == rhs.pattern_.host) &&
(match_subdomains_ == rhs.match_subdomains_) &&
(pattern_.port == rhs.pattern_.port);
bool SocketPermissionEntry::Check(
const content::SocketPermissionRequest& request) const {
if (pattern_.type != request.type)
return false;
std::string lhost = base::StringToLowerASCII(request.host);
if (pattern_.host != lhost) {
if (!match_subdomains_)
return false;
if (!pattern_.host.empty()) {
// Do not wildcard part of IP address.
url::Component component(0, lhost.length());
url::RawCanonOutputT<char, 128> ignored_output;
url::CanonHostInfo host_info;
lhost.c_str(), component, &ignored_output, &host_info);
if (host_info.IsIPAddress())
return false;
// host should equal one or more chars + "." + host_.
int i = lhost.length() - pattern_.host.length();
if (i < 2)
return false;
if (lhost.compare(i, pattern_.host.length(), pattern_.host) != 0)
return false;
if (lhost[i - 1] != kDot)
return false;
if (pattern_.port != request.port && pattern_.port != kWildcardPortNumber)
return false;
return true;
SocketPermissionEntry::HostType SocketPermissionEntry::GetHostType() const {
return pattern_.host.empty()
? SocketPermissionEntry::ANY_HOST
: match_subdomains_ ? SocketPermissionEntry::HOSTS_IN_DOMAINS
: SocketPermissionEntry::SPECIFIC_HOSTS;
bool SocketPermissionEntry::IsAddressBoundType() const {
return pattern_.type == SocketPermissionRequest::TCP_CONNECT ||
pattern_.type == SocketPermissionRequest::TCP_LISTEN ||
pattern_.type == SocketPermissionRequest::UDP_BIND ||
pattern_.type == SocketPermissionRequest::UDP_SEND_TO;
// static
bool SocketPermissionEntry::ParseHostPattern(
SocketPermissionRequest::OperationType type,
const std::string& pattern,
SocketPermissionEntry* entry) {
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
base::SplitStringDontTrim(pattern, kColon, &tokens);
return ParseHostPattern(type, tokens, entry);
// static
bool SocketPermissionEntry::ParseHostPattern(
SocketPermissionRequest::OperationType type,
const std::vector<std::string>& pattern_tokens,
SocketPermissionEntry* entry) {
SocketPermissionEntry result;
if (type == SocketPermissionRequest::NONE)
return false;
if (pattern_tokens.size() > 2)
return false;
result.pattern_.type = type;
result.pattern_.port = kWildcardPortNumber;
result.match_subdomains_ = true;
if (pattern_tokens.size() == 0) {
*entry = result;
return true;
// Return an error if address is specified for permissions that don't
// need it (such as 'resolve-host').
if (!result.IsAddressBoundType())
return false;
result.pattern_.host = pattern_tokens[0];
if (!result.pattern_.host.empty()) {
if (StartsOrEndsWithWhitespace(result.pattern_.host))
return false;
result.pattern_.host = base::StringToLowerASCII(result.pattern_.host);
// The first component can optionally be '*' to match all subdomains.
std::vector<std::string> host_components;
base::SplitString(result.pattern_.host, kDot, &host_components);
if (host_components[0] == kWildcard || host_components[0].empty()) {
host_components.begin() + 1);
} else {
result.match_subdomains_ = false;
result.pattern_.host = JoinString(host_components, kDot);
if (pattern_tokens.size() == 1 || pattern_tokens[1].empty() ||
pattern_tokens[1] == kWildcard) {
*entry = result;
return true;
if (StartsOrEndsWithWhitespace(pattern_tokens[1]))
return false;
if (!base::StringToInt(pattern_tokens[1], &result.pattern_.port) ||
result.pattern_.port < 1 || result.pattern_.port > 65535)
return false;
*entry = result;
return true;
std::string SocketPermissionEntry::GetHostPatternAsString() const {
std::string result;
if (!IsAddressBoundType())
return result;
if (match_subdomains()) {
if (!pattern_.host.empty())
result.append(1, kDot).append(pattern_.host);
} else {
if (pattern_.port == kWildcardPortNumber)
result.append(1, kColon).append(kWildcard);
result.append(1, kColon).append(base::IntToString(pattern_.port));
return result;
} // namespace extensions