// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "url/gurl.h"
class UpdateManifest {
// An update manifest looks like this:
// <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
// <gupdate xmlns="http://www.google.com/update2/response" protocol="2.0">
// <daystart elapsed_seconds="300" />
// <app appid="12345" status="ok">
// <updatecheck codebase="http://example.com/extension_1.2.3.4.crx"
// hash="12345" size="9854" status="ok" version=""
// prodversionmin=""
// codebasediff="http://example.com/diff_1.2.3.4.crx"
// hashdiff="123" sizediff="101"
// fp="1.123" />
// </app>
// </gupdate>
// The <daystart> tag contains a "elapsed_seconds" attribute which refers to
// the server's notion of how many seconds it has been since midnight.
// The "appid" attribute of the <app> tag refers to the unique id of the
// extension. The "codebase" attribute of the <updatecheck> tag is the url to
// fetch the updated crx file, and the "prodversionmin" attribute refers to
// the minimum version of the chrome browser that the update applies to.
// The diff data members correspond to the differential update package, if
// a differential update is specified in the response.
// The result of parsing one <app> tag in an xml update check manifest.
struct Result {
std::string extension_id;
std::string version;
std::string browser_min_version;
// Attributes for the full update.
GURL crx_url;
std::string package_hash;
int size;
std::string package_fingerprint;
// Attributes for the differential update.
GURL diff_crx_url;
std::string diff_package_hash;
int diff_size;
static const int kNoDaystart = -1;
struct Results {
std::vector<Result> list;
// This will be >= 0, or kNoDaystart if the <daystart> tag was not present.
int daystart_elapsed_seconds;
// Parses an update manifest xml string into Result data. Returns a bool
// indicating success or failure. On success, the results are available by
// calling results(). The details for any failures are available by calling
// errors().
bool Parse(const std::string& manifest_xml);
const Results& results() { return results_; }
const std::string& errors() { return errors_; }
Results results_;
std::string errors_;
// Helper function that adds parse error details to our errors_ string.
void ParseError(const char* details, ...);