// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// An implementation of buzz::AsyncSocket that uses Chrome sockets.
#if !defined(FEATURE_ENABLE_SSL)
#error ChromeAsyncSocket expects FEATURE_ENABLE_SSL to be defined
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
#include "third_party/libjingle/source/talk/xmpp/asyncsocket.h"
namespace net {
class IOBufferWithSize;
class StreamSocket;
} // namespace net
namespace jingle_glue {
class ResolvingClientSocketFactory;
class ChromeAsyncSocket : public buzz::AsyncSocket {
// Takes ownership of |resolving_client_socket_factory|.
ResolvingClientSocketFactory* resolving_client_socket_factory,
size_t read_buf_size,
size_t write_buf_size);
// Does not raise any signals.
virtual ~ChromeAsyncSocket();
// buzz::AsyncSocket implementation.
// The current state (see buzz::AsyncSocket::State; all but
// STATE_CLOSING is used).
virtual State state() OVERRIDE;
// The last generated error. Errors are generated when the main
// functions below return false or when SignalClosed is raised due
// to an asynchronous error.
virtual Error error() OVERRIDE;
// GetError() (which is of type net::Error) != net::OK only when
// error() == ERROR_WINSOCK.
virtual int GetError() OVERRIDE;
// Tries to connect to the given address.
// If state() is not STATE_CLOSED, sets error to ERROR_WRONGSTATE
// and returns false.
// If |address| has an empty hostname or a zero port, sets error to
// ERROR_DNS and returns false. (We don't use the IP address even
// if it's present, as DNS resolution is done by
// |resolving_client_socket_factory_|. But it's perfectly fine if
// the hostname is a stringified IP address.)
// Otherwise, starts the connection process and returns true.
// SignalConnected will be raised when the connection is successful;
// otherwise, SignalClosed will be raised with a net error set.
virtual bool Connect(const rtc::SocketAddress& address) OVERRIDE;
// Tries to read at most |len| bytes into |data|.
// If state() is not STATE_TLS_CONNECTING, STATE_OPEN, or
// STATE_TLS_OPEN, sets error to ERROR_WRONGSTATE and returns false.
// Otherwise, fills in |len_read| with the number of bytes read and
// returns true. If this is called when state() is
// STATE_TLS_CONNECTING, reads 0 bytes. (We have to handle this
// case because StartTls() is called during a slot connected to
// SignalRead after parsing the final non-TLS reply from the server
// [see XmppClient::Private::OnSocketRead()].)
virtual bool Read(char* data, size_t len, size_t* len_read) OVERRIDE;
// Queues up |len| bytes of |data| for writing.
// If state() is not STATE_TLS_CONNECTING, STATE_OPEN, or
// STATE_TLS_OPEN, sets error to ERROR_WRONGSTATE and returns false.
// If the given data is too big for the internal write buffer, sets
// returns false.
// Otherwise, queues up the data and returns true. If this is
// called when state() == STATE_TLS_CONNECTING, the data is will be
// sent only after the TLS connection succeeds. (See StartTls()
// below for why this happens.)
// Note that there's no guarantee that the data will actually be
// sent; however, it is guaranteed that the any data sent will be
// sent in FIFO order.
virtual bool Write(const char* data, size_t len) OVERRIDE;
// If the socket is not already closed, closes the socket and raises
// SignalClosed. Always returns true.
virtual bool Close() OVERRIDE;
// Tries to change to a TLS connection with the given domain name.
// If state() is not STATE_OPEN or there are pending reads or
// writes, sets error to ERROR_WRONGSTATE and returns false. (In
// practice, this means that StartTls() can only be called from a
// slot connected to SignalRead.)
// Otherwise, starts the TLS connection process and returns true.
// SignalSSLConnected will be raised when the connection is
// successful; otherwise, SignalClosed will be raised with a net
// error set.
virtual bool StartTls(const std::string& domain_name) OVERRIDE;
// Signal behavior:
// SignalConnected: raised whenever the connect initiated by a call
// to Connect() is complete.
// SignalSSLConnected: raised whenever the connect initiated by a
// call to StartTls() is complete. Not actually used by
// XmppClient. (It just assumes that if SignalRead is raised after a
// call to StartTls(), the connection has been successfully
// upgraded.)
// SignalClosed: raised whenever the socket is closed, either due to
// an asynchronous error, the other side closing the connection, or
// when Close() is called.
// SignalRead: raised whenever the next call to Read() will succeed
// with a non-zero |len_read| (assuming nothing else happens in the
// meantime).
// SignalError: not used.
enum AsyncIOState {
// An I/O op is not in progress.
// A function has been posted to do the I/O.
// An async I/O operation is pending.
bool IsOpen() const;
// Error functions.
void DoNonNetError(Error error);
void DoNetError(net::Error net_error);
void DoNetErrorFromStatus(int status);
// Connection functions.
void ProcessConnectDone(int status);
// Read loop functions.
void PostDoRead();
void DoRead();
void ProcessReadDone(int status);
// Write loop functions.
void PostDoWrite();
void DoWrite();
void ProcessWriteDone(int status);
// SSL/TLS connection functions.
void ProcessSSLConnectDone(int status);
// Close functions.
void DoClose();
scoped_ptr<ResolvingClientSocketFactory> resolving_client_socket_factory_;
// buzz::AsyncSocket state.
buzz::AsyncSocket::State state_;
buzz::AsyncSocket::Error error_;
net::Error net_error_;
// NULL iff state() == STATE_CLOSED.
scoped_ptr<net::StreamSocket> transport_socket_;
// State for the read loop. |read_start_| <= |read_end_| <=
// |read_buf_->size()|. There's a read in flight (i.e.,
// |read_state_| != IDLE) iff |read_end_| == 0.
AsyncIOState read_state_;
scoped_refptr<net::IOBufferWithSize> read_buf_;
size_t read_start_, read_end_;
// State for the write loop. |write_end_| <= |write_buf_->size()|.
// There's a write in flight (i.e., |write_state_| != IDLE) iff
// |write_end_| > 0.
AsyncIOState write_state_;
scoped_refptr<net::IOBufferWithSize> write_buf_;
size_t write_end_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ChromeAsyncSocket> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace jingle_glue