// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "media/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_common.h"
#include "media/filters/ffmpeg_glue.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace media {
class FFmpegCommonTest : public testing::Test {
FFmpegCommonTest() { FFmpegGlue::InitializeFFmpeg(); }
virtual ~FFmpegCommonTest() {};
TEST_F(FFmpegCommonTest, OpusAudioDecoderConfig) {
AVCodecContext context = {0};
context.codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO;
context.codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_OPUS;
context.channel_layout = CHANNEL_LAYOUT_STEREO;
context.channels = 2;
context.sample_fmt = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT;
// During conversion this sample rate should be changed to 48kHz.
context.sample_rate = 44100;
AudioDecoderConfig decoder_config;
AVCodecContextToAudioDecoderConfig(&context, false, &decoder_config, false);
EXPECT_EQ(48000, decoder_config.samples_per_second());
TEST_F(FFmpegCommonTest, TimeBaseConversions) {
const int64 test_data[][5] = {
{1, 2, 1, 500000, 1 },
{1, 3, 1, 333333, 1 },
{1, 3, 2, 666667, 2 },
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(test_data); ++i) {
AVRational time_base;
time_base.num = static_cast<int>(test_data[i][0]);
time_base.den = static_cast<int>(test_data[i][1]);
base::TimeDelta time_delta =
ConvertFromTimeBase(time_base, test_data[i][2]);
EXPECT_EQ(time_delta.InMicroseconds(), test_data[i][3]);
EXPECT_EQ(ConvertToTimeBase(time_base, time_delta), test_data[i][4]);
TEST_F(FFmpegCommonTest, VerifyFormatSizes) {
for (AVSampleFormat format = AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE;
format < AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NB;
format = static_cast<AVSampleFormat>(format + 1)) {
SampleFormat sample_format = AVSampleFormatToSampleFormat(format);
if (sample_format == kUnknownSampleFormat) {
// This format not supported, so skip it.
// Have FFMpeg compute the size of a buffer of 1 channel / 1 frame
// with 1 byte alignment to make sure the sizes match.
int single_buffer_size = av_samples_get_buffer_size(NULL, 1, 1, format, 1);
int bytes_per_channel = SampleFormatToBytesPerChannel(sample_format);
EXPECT_EQ(bytes_per_channel, single_buffer_size);
TEST_F(FFmpegCommonTest, UTCDateToTime_Valid) {
base::Time result;
EXPECT_TRUE(FFmpegUTCDateToTime("2012-11-10 12:34:56", &result));
base::Time::Exploded exploded;
EXPECT_EQ(2012, exploded.year);
EXPECT_EQ(11, exploded.month);
EXPECT_EQ(6, exploded.day_of_week);
EXPECT_EQ(10, exploded.day_of_month);
EXPECT_EQ(12, exploded.hour);
EXPECT_EQ(34, exploded.minute);
EXPECT_EQ(56, exploded.second);
EXPECT_EQ(0, exploded.millisecond);
TEST_F(FFmpegCommonTest, UTCDateToTime_Invalid) {
const char* invalid_date_strings[] = {
"-- ::",
"2012-11-10 12:34:",
"2012-11-10 12::56",
"2012-11-10 :34:56",
"2012-11- 12:34:56",
"2012--10 12:34:56",
"-11-10 12:34:56",
"2012-11 12:34:56",
"2012-11-10-12 12:34:56",
"2012-11-10 12:34",
"2012-11-10 12:34:56:78",
"ABCD-11-10 12:34:56",
"2012-EF-10 12:34:56",
"2012-11-GH 12:34:56",
"2012-11-10 IJ:34:56",
"2012-11-10 12:JL:56",
"2012-11-10 12:34:MN",
"2012-11-10 12:34:56.123",
"2012-11-10 12:34:56 UTC",
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(invalid_date_strings); ++i) {
const char* date_string = invalid_date_strings[i];
base::Time result;
EXPECT_FALSE(FFmpegUTCDateToTime(date_string, &result))
<< "date_string '" << date_string << "'";
} // namespace media