// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file declares a HttpTransactionFactory implementation that can be
// layered on top of another HttpTransactionFactory to add HTTP caching. The
// caching logic follows RFC 2616 (any exceptions are called out in the code).
// The HttpCache takes a disk_cache::Backend as a parameter, and uses that for
// the cache storage.
// See HttpTransactionFactory and HttpTransaction for more details.
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/threading/non_thread_safe.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "net/base/cache_type.h"
#include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
#include "net/base/load_states.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/base/request_priority.h"
#include "net/http/http_network_session.h"
#include "net/http/http_transaction_factory.h"
class GURL;
namespace base {
class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
} // namespace base
namespace disk_cache {
class Backend;
class Entry;
} // namespace disk_cache
namespace net {
class CertVerifier;
class ChannelIDService;
class DiskBasedCertCache;
class HostResolver;
class HttpAuthHandlerFactory;
class HttpNetworkSession;
class HttpResponseInfo;
class HttpServerProperties;
class IOBuffer;
class NetLog;
class NetworkDelegate;
class ProxyService;
class SSLConfigService;
class TransportSecurityState;
class ViewCacheHelper;
struct HttpRequestInfo;
class NET_EXPORT HttpCache : public HttpTransactionFactory,
NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public base::NonThreadSafe) {
// The cache mode of operation.
enum Mode {
// Normal mode just behaves like a standard web cache.
// Record mode caches everything for purposes of offline playback.
// Playback mode replays from a cache without considering any
// standard invalidations.
// Disables reads and writes from the cache.
// Equivalent to setting LOAD_DISABLE_CACHE on every request.
// A BackendFactory creates a backend object to be used by the HttpCache.
class NET_EXPORT BackendFactory {
virtual ~BackendFactory() {}
// The actual method to build the backend. Returns a net error code. If
// ERR_IO_PENDING is returned, the |callback| will be notified when the
// operation completes, and |backend| must remain valid until the
// notification arrives.
// The implementation must not access the factory object after invoking the
// |callback| because the object can be deleted from within the callback.
virtual int CreateBackend(NetLog* net_log,
scoped_ptr<disk_cache::Backend>* backend,
const CompletionCallback& callback) = 0;
// A default backend factory for the common use cases.
class NET_EXPORT DefaultBackend : public BackendFactory {
// |path| is the destination for any files used by the backend, and
// |thread| is the thread where disk operations should take place. If
// |max_bytes| is zero, a default value will be calculated automatically.
DefaultBackend(CacheType type,
BackendType backend_type,
const base::FilePath& path,
int max_bytes,
const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& thread);
virtual ~DefaultBackend();
// Returns a factory for an in-memory cache.
static BackendFactory* InMemory(int max_bytes);
// BackendFactory implementation.
virtual int CreateBackend(NetLog* net_log,
scoped_ptr<disk_cache::Backend>* backend,
const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
CacheType type_;
BackendType backend_type_;
const base::FilePath path_;
int max_bytes_;
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> thread_;
// The disk cache is initialized lazily (by CreateTransaction) in this case.
// The HttpCache takes ownership of the |backend_factory|.
HttpCache(const net::HttpNetworkSession::Params& params,
BackendFactory* backend_factory);
// The disk cache is initialized lazily (by CreateTransaction) in this case.
// Provide an existing HttpNetworkSession, the cache can construct a
// network layer with a shared HttpNetworkSession in order for multiple
// network layers to share information (e.g. authentication data). The
// HttpCache takes ownership of the |backend_factory|.
HttpCache(HttpNetworkSession* session, BackendFactory* backend_factory);
// Initialize the cache from its component parts. The lifetime of the
// |network_layer| and |backend_factory| are managed by the HttpCache and
// will be destroyed using |delete| when the HttpCache is destroyed.
HttpCache(HttpTransactionFactory* network_layer,
NetLog* net_log,
BackendFactory* backend_factory);
virtual ~HttpCache();
HttpTransactionFactory* network_layer() { return network_layer_.get(); }
DiskBasedCertCache* cert_cache() const { return cert_cache_.get(); }
// Retrieves the cache backend for this HttpCache instance. If the backend
// is not initialized yet, this method will initialize it. The return value is
// a network error code, and it could be ERR_IO_PENDING, in which case the
// |callback| will be notified when the operation completes. The pointer that
// receives the |backend| must remain valid until the operation completes.
int GetBackend(disk_cache::Backend** backend,
const net::CompletionCallback& callback);
// Returns the current backend (can be NULL).
disk_cache::Backend* GetCurrentBackend() const;
// Given a header data blob, convert it to a response info object.
static bool ParseResponseInfo(const char* data, int len,
HttpResponseInfo* response_info,
bool* response_truncated);
// Writes |buf_len| bytes of metadata stored in |buf| to the cache entry
// referenced by |url|, as long as the entry's |expected_response_time| has
// not changed. This method returns without blocking, and the operation will
// be performed asynchronously without any completion notification.
void WriteMetadata(const GURL& url,
RequestPriority priority,
base::Time expected_response_time,
IOBuffer* buf,
int buf_len);
// Get/Set the cache's mode.
void set_mode(Mode value) { mode_ = value; }
Mode mode() { return mode_; }
// Close currently active sockets so that fresh page loads will not use any
// recycled connections. For sockets currently in use, they may not close
// immediately, but they will not be reusable. This is for debugging.
void CloseAllConnections();
// Close all idle connections. Will close all sockets not in active use.
void CloseIdleConnections();
// Called whenever an external cache in the system reuses the resource
// referred to by |url| and |http_method|.
void OnExternalCacheHit(const GURL& url, const std::string& http_method);
// Initializes the Infinite Cache, if selected by the field trial.
void InitializeInfiniteCache(const base::FilePath& path);
// Causes all transactions created after this point to effectively bypass
// the cache lock whenever there is lock contention.
void BypassLockForTest() {
bypass_lock_for_test_ = true;
// HttpTransactionFactory implementation:
virtual int CreateTransaction(RequestPriority priority,
scoped_ptr<HttpTransaction>* trans) OVERRIDE;
virtual HttpCache* GetCache() OVERRIDE;
virtual HttpNetworkSession* GetSession() OVERRIDE;
base::WeakPtr<HttpCache> GetWeakPtr() { return weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(); }
// Resets the network layer to allow for tests that probe
// network changes (e.g. host unreachable). The old network layer is
// returned to allow for filter patterns that only intercept
// some creation requests. Note ownership exchange.
scoped_ptr<HttpTransactionFactory> new_network_layer);
// Types --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Disk cache entry data indices.
enum {
kResponseInfoIndex = 0,
// Must remain at the end of the enum.
class MetadataWriter;
class QuicServerInfoFactoryAdaptor;
class Transaction;
class WorkItem;
friend class Transaction;
friend class ViewCacheHelper;
struct PendingOp; // Info for an entry under construction.
typedef std::list<Transaction*> TransactionList;
typedef std::list<WorkItem*> WorkItemList;
struct ActiveEntry {
explicit ActiveEntry(disk_cache::Entry* entry);
disk_cache::Entry* disk_entry;
Transaction* writer;
TransactionList readers;
TransactionList pending_queue;
bool will_process_pending_queue;
bool doomed;
typedef base::hash_map<std::string, ActiveEntry*> ActiveEntriesMap;
typedef base::hash_map<std::string, PendingOp*> PendingOpsMap;
typedef std::set<ActiveEntry*> ActiveEntriesSet;
typedef base::hash_map<std::string, int> PlaybackCacheMap;
// Methods ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Creates the |backend| object and notifies the |callback| when the operation
// completes. Returns an error code.
int CreateBackend(disk_cache::Backend** backend,
const net::CompletionCallback& callback);
// Makes sure that the backend creation is complete before allowing the
// provided transaction to use the object. Returns an error code. |trans|
// will be notified via its IO callback if this method returns ERR_IO_PENDING.
// The transaction is free to use the backend directly at any time after
// receiving the notification.
int GetBackendForTransaction(Transaction* trans);
// Generates the cache key for this request.
std::string GenerateCacheKey(const HttpRequestInfo*);
// Dooms the entry selected by |key|, if it is currently in the list of active
// entries.
void DoomActiveEntry(const std::string& key);
// Dooms the entry selected by |key|. |trans| will be notified via its IO
// callback if this method returns ERR_IO_PENDING. The entry can be
// currently in use or not.
int DoomEntry(const std::string& key, Transaction* trans);
// Dooms the entry selected by |key|. |trans| will be notified via its IO
// callback if this method returns ERR_IO_PENDING. The entry should not
// be currently in use.
int AsyncDoomEntry(const std::string& key, Transaction* trans);
// Dooms the entry associated with a GET for a given |url|.
void DoomMainEntryForUrl(const GURL& url);
// Closes a previously doomed entry.
void FinalizeDoomedEntry(ActiveEntry* entry);
// Returns an entry that is currently in use and not doomed, or NULL.
ActiveEntry* FindActiveEntry(const std::string& key);
// Creates a new ActiveEntry and starts tracking it. |disk_entry| is the disk
// cache entry.
ActiveEntry* ActivateEntry(disk_cache::Entry* disk_entry);
// Deletes an ActiveEntry.
void DeactivateEntry(ActiveEntry* entry);
// Deletes an ActiveEntry using an exhaustive search.
void SlowDeactivateEntry(ActiveEntry* entry);
// Returns the PendingOp for the desired |key|. If an entry is not under
// construction already, a new PendingOp structure is created.
PendingOp* GetPendingOp(const std::string& key);
// Deletes a PendingOp.
void DeletePendingOp(PendingOp* pending_op);
// Opens the disk cache entry associated with |key|, returning an ActiveEntry
// in |*entry|. |trans| will be notified via its IO callback if this method
// returns ERR_IO_PENDING.
int OpenEntry(const std::string& key, ActiveEntry** entry,
Transaction* trans);
// Creates the disk cache entry associated with |key|, returning an
// ActiveEntry in |*entry|. |trans| will be notified via its IO callback if
// this method returns ERR_IO_PENDING.
int CreateEntry(const std::string& key, ActiveEntry** entry,
Transaction* trans);
// Destroys an ActiveEntry (active or doomed).
void DestroyEntry(ActiveEntry* entry);
// Adds a transaction to an ActiveEntry. If this method returns ERR_IO_PENDING
// the transaction will be notified about completion via its IO callback. This
// method returns ERR_CACHE_RACE to signal the transaction that it cannot be
// added to the provided entry, and it should retry the process with another
// one (in this case, the entry is no longer valid).
int AddTransactionToEntry(ActiveEntry* entry, Transaction* trans);
// Called when the transaction has finished working with this entry. |cancel|
// is true if the operation was cancelled by the caller instead of running
// to completion.
void DoneWithEntry(ActiveEntry* entry, Transaction* trans, bool cancel);
// Called when the transaction has finished writing to this entry. |success|
// is false if the cache entry should be deleted.
void DoneWritingToEntry(ActiveEntry* entry, bool success);
// Called when the transaction has finished reading from this entry.
void DoneReadingFromEntry(ActiveEntry* entry, Transaction* trans);
// Converts the active writer transaction to a reader so that other
// transactions can start reading from this entry.
void ConvertWriterToReader(ActiveEntry* entry);
// Returns the LoadState of the provided pending transaction.
LoadState GetLoadStateForPendingTransaction(const Transaction* trans);
// Removes the transaction |trans|, from the pending list of an entry
// (PendingOp, active or doomed entry).
void RemovePendingTransaction(Transaction* trans);
// Removes the transaction |trans|, from the pending list of |entry|.
bool RemovePendingTransactionFromEntry(ActiveEntry* entry,
Transaction* trans);
// Removes the transaction |trans|, from the pending list of |pending_op|.
bool RemovePendingTransactionFromPendingOp(PendingOp* pending_op,
Transaction* trans);
// Instantiates and sets QUIC server info factory.
void SetupQuicServerInfoFactory(HttpNetworkSession* session);
// Resumes processing the pending list of |entry|.
void ProcessPendingQueue(ActiveEntry* entry);
// Events (called via PostTask) ---------------------------------------------
void OnProcessPendingQueue(ActiveEntry* entry);
// Callbacks ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Processes BackendCallback notifications.
void OnIOComplete(int result, PendingOp* entry);
// Helper to conditionally delete |pending_op| if the HttpCache object it
// is meant for has been deleted.
// TODO(ajwong): The PendingOp lifetime management is very tricky. It might
// be possible to simplify it using either base::Owned() or base::Passed()
// with the callback.
static void OnPendingOpComplete(const base::WeakPtr<HttpCache>& cache,
PendingOp* pending_op,
int result);
// Processes the backend creation notification.
void OnBackendCreated(int result, PendingOp* pending_op);
// Variables ----------------------------------------------------------------
NetLog* net_log_;
// Used when lazily constructing the disk_cache_.
scoped_ptr<BackendFactory> backend_factory_;
bool building_backend_;
bool bypass_lock_for_test_;
Mode mode_;
scoped_ptr<QuicServerInfoFactoryAdaptor> quic_server_info_factory_;
scoped_ptr<HttpTransactionFactory> network_layer_;
scoped_ptr<disk_cache::Backend> disk_cache_;
scoped_ptr<DiskBasedCertCache> cert_cache_;
// The set of active entries indexed by cache key.
ActiveEntriesMap active_entries_;
// The set of doomed entries.
ActiveEntriesSet doomed_entries_;
// The set of entries "under construction".
PendingOpsMap pending_ops_;
scoped_ptr<PlaybackCacheMap> playback_cache_map_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<HttpCache> weak_factory_;
} // namespace net