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// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <cstring>
#include <deque>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "net/base/address_list.h"
#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
#include "net/base/net_log.h"
#include "net/base/test_completion_callback.h"
#include "net/http/http_auth_controller.h"
#include "net/http/http_proxy_client_socket_pool.h"
#include "net/socket/client_socket_factory.h"
#include "net/socket/client_socket_handle.h"
#include "net/socket/socks_client_socket_pool.h"
#include "net/socket/ssl_client_socket.h"
#include "net/socket/ssl_client_socket_pool.h"
#include "net/socket/transport_client_socket_pool.h"
#include "net/ssl/ssl_config_service.h"
#include "net/udp/datagram_client_socket.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace net {

enum {
  // A private network error code used by the socket test utility classes.
  // If the |result| member of a MockRead is
  // ERR_TEST_PEER_CLOSE_AFTER_NEXT_MOCK_READ, that MockRead is just a
  // marker that indicates the peer will close the connection after the next
  // MockRead.  The other members of that MockRead are ignored.

class AsyncSocket;
class ChannelIDService;
class MockClientSocket;
class SSLClientSocket;
class StreamSocket;

enum IoMode {

struct MockConnect {
  // Asynchronous connection success.
  // Creates a MockConnect with |mode| ASYC, |result| OK, and
  // |peer_addr|
  // Creates a MockConnect with the specified mode and result, with
  // |peer_addr|
  MockConnect(IoMode io_mode, int r);
  MockConnect(IoMode io_mode, int r, IPEndPoint addr);

  IoMode mode;
  int result;
  IPEndPoint peer_addr;

// MockRead and MockWrite shares the same interface and members, but we'd like
// to have distinct types because we don't want to have them used
// interchangably. To do this, a struct template is defined, and MockRead and
// MockWrite are instantiated by using this template. Template parameter |type|
// is not used in the struct definition (it purely exists for creating a new
// type).
// |data| in MockRead and MockWrite has different meanings: |data| in MockRead
// is the data returned from the socket when MockTCPClientSocket::Read() is
// attempted, while |data| in MockWrite is the expected data that should be
// given in MockTCPClientSocket::Write().
enum MockReadWriteType {

template <MockReadWriteType type>
struct MockReadWrite {
  // Flag to indicate that the message loop should be terminated.
  enum {
    STOPLOOP = 1 << 31

  // Default
      : mode(SYNCHRONOUS),
        time_stamp(base::Time::Now()) {}

  // Read/write failure (no data).
  MockReadWrite(IoMode io_mode, int result)
      : mode(io_mode),
        time_stamp(base::Time::Now()) {}

  // Read/write failure (no data), with sequence information.
  MockReadWrite(IoMode io_mode, int result, int seq)
      : mode(io_mode),
        time_stamp(base::Time::Now()) {}

  // Asynchronous read/write success (inferred data length).
  explicit MockReadWrite(const char* data)
      : mode(ASYNC),
        time_stamp(base::Time::Now()) {}

  // Read/write success (inferred data length).
  MockReadWrite(IoMode io_mode, const char* data)
      : mode(io_mode),
        time_stamp(base::Time::Now()) {}

  // Read/write success.
  MockReadWrite(IoMode io_mode, const char* data, int data_len)
      : mode(io_mode),
        time_stamp(base::Time::Now()) {}

  // Read/write success (inferred data length) with sequence information.
  MockReadWrite(IoMode io_mode, int seq, const char* data)
      : mode(io_mode),
        time_stamp(base::Time::Now()) {}

  // Read/write success with sequence information.
  MockReadWrite(IoMode io_mode, const char* data, int data_len, int seq)
      : mode(io_mode),
        time_stamp(base::Time::Now()) {}

  IoMode mode;
  int result;
  const char* data;
  int data_len;

  // For OrderedSocketData, which only allows reads to occur in a particular
  // sequence.  If a read occurs before the given |sequence_number| is reached,
  // an ERR_IO_PENDING is returned.
  int sequence_number;    // The sequence number at which a read is allowed
                          // to occur.
  base::Time time_stamp;  // The time stamp at which the operation occurred.

typedef MockReadWrite<MOCK_READ> MockRead;
typedef MockReadWrite<MOCK_WRITE> MockWrite;

struct MockWriteResult {
  MockWriteResult(IoMode io_mode, int result) : mode(io_mode), result(result) {}

  IoMode mode;
  int result;

// The SocketDataProvider is an interface used by the MockClientSocket
// for getting data about individual reads and writes on the socket.
class SocketDataProvider {
  SocketDataProvider() : socket_(NULL) {}

  virtual ~SocketDataProvider() {}

  // Returns the buffer and result code for the next simulated read.
  // If the |MockRead.result| is ERR_IO_PENDING, it informs the caller
  // that it will be called via the AsyncSocket::OnReadComplete()
  // function at a later time.
  virtual MockRead GetNextRead() = 0;
  virtual MockWriteResult OnWrite(const std::string& data) = 0;
  virtual void Reset() = 0;

  // Accessor for the socket which is using the SocketDataProvider.
  AsyncSocket* socket() { return socket_; }
  void set_socket(AsyncSocket* socket) { socket_ = socket; }

  MockConnect connect_data() const { return connect_; }
  void set_connect_data(const MockConnect& connect) { connect_ = connect; }

  MockConnect connect_;
  AsyncSocket* socket_;


// The AsyncSocket is an interface used by the SocketDataProvider to
// complete the asynchronous read operation.
class AsyncSocket {
  // If an async IO is pending because the SocketDataProvider returned
  // ERR_IO_PENDING, then the AsyncSocket waits until this OnReadComplete
  // is called to complete the asynchronous read operation.
  // data.async is ignored, and this read is completed synchronously as
  // part of this call.
  virtual void OnReadComplete(const MockRead& data) = 0;
  virtual void OnConnectComplete(const MockConnect& data) = 0;

// SocketDataProvider which responds based on static tables of mock reads and
// writes.
class StaticSocketDataProvider : public SocketDataProvider {
  StaticSocketDataProvider(MockRead* reads,
                           size_t reads_count,
                           MockWrite* writes,
                           size_t writes_count);
  virtual ~StaticSocketDataProvider();

  // These functions get access to the next available read and write data.
  const MockRead& PeekRead() const;
  const MockWrite& PeekWrite() const;
  // These functions get random access to the read and write data, for timing.
  const MockRead& PeekRead(size_t index) const;
  const MockWrite& PeekWrite(size_t index) const;
  size_t read_index() const { return read_index_; }
  size_t write_index() const { return write_index_; }
  size_t read_count() const { return read_count_; }
  size_t write_count() const { return write_count_; }

  bool at_read_eof() const { return read_index_ >= read_count_; }
  bool at_write_eof() const { return write_index_ >= write_count_; }

  virtual void CompleteRead() {}

  // SocketDataProvider implementation.
  virtual MockRead GetNextRead() OVERRIDE;
  virtual MockWriteResult OnWrite(const std::string& data) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void Reset() OVERRIDE;

  MockRead* reads_;
  size_t read_index_;
  size_t read_count_;
  MockWrite* writes_;
  size_t write_index_;
  size_t write_count_;


// SocketDataProvider which can make decisions about next mock reads based on
// received writes. It can also be used to enforce order of operations, for
// example that tested code must send the "Hello!" message before receiving
// response. This is useful for testing conversation-like protocols like FTP.
class DynamicSocketDataProvider : public SocketDataProvider {
  virtual ~DynamicSocketDataProvider();

  int short_read_limit() const { return short_read_limit_; }
  void set_short_read_limit(int limit) { short_read_limit_ = limit; }

  void allow_unconsumed_reads(bool allow) { allow_unconsumed_reads_ = allow; }

  // SocketDataProvider implementation.
  virtual MockRead GetNextRead() OVERRIDE;
  virtual MockWriteResult OnWrite(const std::string& data) = 0;
  virtual void Reset() OVERRIDE;

  // The next time there is a read from this socket, it will return |data|.
  // Before calling SimulateRead next time, the previous data must be consumed.
  void SimulateRead(const char* data, size_t length);
  void SimulateRead(const char* data) { SimulateRead(data, std::strlen(data)); }

  std::deque<MockRead> reads_;

  // Max number of bytes we will read at a time. 0 means no limit.
  int short_read_limit_;

  // If true, we'll not require the client to consume all data before we
  // mock the next read.
  bool allow_unconsumed_reads_;


// SSLSocketDataProviders only need to keep track of the return code from calls
// to Connect().
struct SSLSocketDataProvider {
  SSLSocketDataProvider(IoMode mode, int result);

  void SetNextProto(NextProto proto);

  MockConnect connect;
  SSLClientSocket::NextProtoStatus next_proto_status;
  std::string next_proto;
  bool was_npn_negotiated;
  NextProto protocol_negotiated;
  bool client_cert_sent;
  SSLCertRequestInfo* cert_request_info;
  scoped_refptr<X509Certificate> cert;
  bool channel_id_sent;
  ChannelIDService* channel_id_service;
  int connection_status;
  // Indicates that the socket should pause in the Connect method.
  bool should_pause_on_connect;
  // Whether or not the Socket should behave like there is a pre-existing
  // session to resume. Whether or not such a session is reported as
  // resumed is controlled by |connection_status|.
  bool is_in_session_cache;

// A DataProvider where the client must write a request before the reads (e.g.
// the response) will complete.
class DelayedSocketData : public StaticSocketDataProvider {
  // |write_delay| the number of MockWrites to complete before allowing
  //               a MockRead to complete.
  // |reads| the list of MockRead completions.
  // |writes| the list of MockWrite completions.
  // Note: For stream sockets, the MockRead list must end with a EOF, e.g., a
  //       MockRead(true, 0, 0);
  DelayedSocketData(int write_delay,
                    MockRead* reads,
                    size_t reads_count,
                    MockWrite* writes,
                    size_t writes_count);

  // |connect| the result for the connect phase.
  // |reads| the list of MockRead completions.
  // |write_delay| the number of MockWrites to complete before allowing
  //               a MockRead to complete.
  // |writes| the list of MockWrite completions.
  // Note: For stream sockets, the MockRead list must end with a EOF, e.g., a
  //       MockRead(true, 0, 0);
  DelayedSocketData(const MockConnect& connect,
                    int write_delay,
                    MockRead* reads,
                    size_t reads_count,
                    MockWrite* writes,
                    size_t writes_count);
  virtual ~DelayedSocketData();

  void ForceNextRead();

  // StaticSocketDataProvider:
  virtual MockRead GetNextRead() OVERRIDE;
  virtual MockWriteResult OnWrite(const std::string& data) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void Reset() OVERRIDE;
  virtual void CompleteRead() OVERRIDE;

  int write_delay_;
  bool read_in_progress_;

  base::WeakPtrFactory<DelayedSocketData> weak_factory_;


// A DataProvider where the reads are ordered.
// If a read is requested before its sequence number is reached, we return an
// ERR_IO_PENDING (that way we don't have to explicitly add a MockRead just to
// wait).
// The sequence number is incremented on every read and write operation.
// The message loop may be interrupted by setting the high bit of the sequence
// number in the MockRead's sequence number.  When that MockRead is reached,
// we post a Quit message to the loop.  This allows us to interrupt the reading
// of data before a complete message has arrived, and provides support for
// testing server push when the request is issued while the response is in the
// middle of being received.
class OrderedSocketData : public StaticSocketDataProvider {
  // |reads| the list of MockRead completions.
  // |writes| the list of MockWrite completions.
  // Note: All MockReads and MockWrites must be async.
  // Note: For stream sockets, the MockRead list must end with a EOF, e.g., a
  //       MockRead(true, 0, 0);
  OrderedSocketData(MockRead* reads,
                    size_t reads_count,
                    MockWrite* writes,
                    size_t writes_count);
  virtual ~OrderedSocketData();

  // |connect| the result for the connect phase.
  // |reads| the list of MockRead completions.
  // |writes| the list of MockWrite completions.
  // Note: All MockReads and MockWrites must be async.
  // Note: For stream sockets, the MockRead list must end with a EOF, e.g., a
  //       MockRead(true, 0, 0);
  OrderedSocketData(const MockConnect& connect,
                    MockRead* reads,
                    size_t reads_count,
                    MockWrite* writes,
                    size_t writes_count);

  // Posts a quit message to the current message loop, if one is running.
  void EndLoop();

  // StaticSocketDataProvider:
  virtual MockRead GetNextRead() OVERRIDE;
  virtual MockWriteResult OnWrite(const std::string& data) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void Reset() OVERRIDE;
  virtual void CompleteRead() OVERRIDE;

  int sequence_number_;
  int loop_stop_stage_;
  bool blocked_;

  base::WeakPtrFactory<OrderedSocketData> weak_factory_;


class DeterministicMockTCPClientSocket;

// This class gives the user full control over the network activity,
// specifically the timing of the COMPLETION of I/O operations.  Regardless of
// the order in which I/O operations are initiated, this class ensures that they
// complete in the correct order.
// Network activity is modeled as a sequence of numbered steps which is
// incremented whenever an I/O operation completes.  This can happen under two
// different circumstances:
// 1) Performing a synchronous I/O operation.  (Invoking Read() or Write()
//    when the corresponding MockRead or MockWrite is marked !async).
// 2) Running the Run() method of this class.  The run method will invoke
//    the current MessageLoop, running all pending events, and will then
//    invoke any pending IO callbacks.
// In addition, this class allows for I/O processing to "stop" at a specified
// step, by calling SetStop(int) or StopAfter(int).  Initiating an I/O operation
// by calling Read() or Write() while stopped is permitted if the operation is
// asynchronous.  It is an error to perform synchronous I/O while stopped.
// When creating the MockReads and MockWrites, note that the sequence number
// refers to the number of the step in which the I/O will complete.  In the
// case of synchronous I/O, this will be the same step as the I/O is initiated.
// However, in the case of asynchronous I/O, this I/O may be initiated in
// a much earlier step. Furthermore, when the a Read() or Write() is separated
// from its completion by other Read() or Writes()'s, it can not be marked
// synchronous.  If it is, ERR_UNUEXPECTED will be returned indicating that a
// synchronous Read() or Write() could not be completed synchronously because of
// the specific ordering constraints.
// Sequence numbers are preserved across both reads and writes. There should be
// no gaps in sequence numbers, and no repeated sequence numbers. i.e.
//  MockRead reads[] = {
//    MockRead(false, "first read", length, 0)   // sync
//    MockRead(true, "second read", length, 2)   // async
//  };
//  MockWrite writes[] = {
//    MockWrite(true, "first write", length, 1),    // async
//    MockWrite(false, "second write", length, 3),  // sync
//  };
// Example control flow:
// Read() is called.  The current step is 0.  The first available read is
// synchronous, so the call to Read() returns length.  The current step is
// now 1.  Next, Read() is called again.  The next available read can
// not be completed until step 2, so Read() returns ERR_IO_PENDING.  The current
// step is still 1.  Write is called().  The first available write is able to
// complete in this step, but is marked asynchronous.  Write() returns
// ERR_IO_PENDING.  The current step is still 1.  At this point RunFor(1) is
// called which will cause the write callback to be invoked, and will then
// stop.  The current state is now 2.  RunFor(1) is called again, which
// causes the read callback to be invoked, and will then stop.  Then current
// step is 2.  Write() is called again.  Then next available write is
// synchronous so the call to Write() returns length.
// For examples of how to use this class, see:
//   deterministic_socket_data_unittests.cc
class DeterministicSocketData : public StaticSocketDataProvider {
  // The Delegate is an abstract interface which handles the communication from
  // the DeterministicSocketData to the Deterministic MockSocket.  The
  // MockSockets directly store a pointer to the DeterministicSocketData,
  // whereas the DeterministicSocketData only stores a pointer to the
  // abstract Delegate interface.
  class Delegate {
    // Returns true if there is currently a write pending. That is to say, if
    // an asynchronous write has been started but the callback has not been
    // invoked.
    virtual bool WritePending() const = 0;
    // Returns true if there is currently a read pending. That is to say, if
    // an asynchronous read has been started but the callback has not been
    // invoked.
    virtual bool ReadPending() const = 0;
    // Called to complete an asynchronous write to execute the write callback.
    virtual void CompleteWrite() = 0;
    // Called to complete an asynchronous read to execute the read callback.
    virtual int CompleteRead() = 0;

    virtual ~Delegate() {}

  // |reads| the list of MockRead completions.
  // |writes| the list of MockWrite completions.
  DeterministicSocketData(MockRead* reads,
                          size_t reads_count,
                          MockWrite* writes,
                          size_t writes_count);
  virtual ~DeterministicSocketData();

  // Consume all the data up to the give stop point (via SetStop()).
  void Run();

  // Set the stop point to be |steps| from now, and then invoke Run().
  void RunFor(int steps);

  // Stop at step |seq|, which must be in the future.
  virtual void SetStop(int seq);

  // Stop |seq| steps after the current step.
  virtual void StopAfter(int seq);
  bool stopped() const { return stopped_; }
  void SetStopped(bool val) { stopped_ = val; }
  MockRead& current_read() { return current_read_; }
  MockWrite& current_write() { return current_write_; }
  int sequence_number() const { return sequence_number_; }
  void set_delegate(base::WeakPtr<Delegate> delegate) { delegate_ = delegate; }

  // StaticSocketDataProvider:

  // When the socket calls Read(), that calls GetNextRead(), and expects either
  // ERR_IO_PENDING or data.
  virtual MockRead GetNextRead() OVERRIDE;

  // When the socket calls Write(), it always completes synchronously. OnWrite()
  // checks to make sure the written data matches the expected data. The
  // callback will not be invoked until its sequence number is reached.
  virtual MockWriteResult OnWrite(const std::string& data) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void Reset() OVERRIDE;
  virtual void CompleteRead() OVERRIDE {}

  // Invoke the read and write callbacks, if the timing is appropriate.
  void InvokeCallbacks();

  void NextStep();

  void VerifyCorrectSequenceNumbers(MockRead* reads,
                                    size_t reads_count,
                                    MockWrite* writes,
                                    size_t writes_count);

  int sequence_number_;
  MockRead current_read_;
  MockWrite current_write_;
  int stopping_sequence_number_;
  bool stopped_;
  base::WeakPtr<Delegate> delegate_;
  bool print_debug_;
  bool is_running_;

// Holds an array of SocketDataProvider elements.  As Mock{TCP,SSL}StreamSocket
// objects get instantiated, they take their data from the i'th element of this
// array.
template <typename T>
class SocketDataProviderArray {
  SocketDataProviderArray() : next_index_(0) {}

  T* GetNext() {
    DCHECK_LT(next_index_, data_providers_.size());
    return data_providers_[next_index_++];

  void Add(T* data_provider) {

  size_t next_index() { return next_index_; }

  void ResetNextIndex() { next_index_ = 0; }

  // Index of the next |data_providers_| element to use. Not an iterator
  // because those are invalidated on vector reallocation.
  size_t next_index_;

  // SocketDataProviders to be returned.
  std::vector<T*> data_providers_;

class MockUDPClientSocket;
class MockTCPClientSocket;
class MockSSLClientSocket;

// ClientSocketFactory which contains arrays of sockets of each type.
// You should first fill the arrays using AddMock{SSL,}Socket. When the factory
// is asked to create a socket, it takes next entry from appropriate array.
// You can use ResetNextMockIndexes to reset that next entry index for all mock
// socket types.
class MockClientSocketFactory : public ClientSocketFactory {
  virtual ~MockClientSocketFactory();

  void AddSocketDataProvider(SocketDataProvider* socket);
  void AddSSLSocketDataProvider(SSLSocketDataProvider* socket);
  void ResetNextMockIndexes();

  SocketDataProviderArray<SocketDataProvider>& mock_data() {
    return mock_data_;

  // Note: this method is unsafe; the elements of the returned vector
  // are not necessarily valid.
  const std::vector<MockSSLClientSocket*>& ssl_client_sockets() const {
    return ssl_client_sockets_;

  // ClientSocketFactory
  virtual scoped_ptr<DatagramClientSocket> CreateDatagramClientSocket(
      DatagramSocket::BindType bind_type,
      const RandIntCallback& rand_int_cb,
      NetLog* net_log,
      const NetLog::Source& source) OVERRIDE;
  virtual scoped_ptr<StreamSocket> CreateTransportClientSocket(
      const AddressList& addresses,
      NetLog* net_log,
      const NetLog::Source& source) OVERRIDE;
  virtual scoped_ptr<SSLClientSocket> CreateSSLClientSocket(
      scoped_ptr<ClientSocketHandle> transport_socket,
      const HostPortPair& host_and_port,
      const SSLConfig& ssl_config,
      const SSLClientSocketContext& context) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void ClearSSLSessionCache() OVERRIDE;

  SocketDataProviderArray<SocketDataProvider> mock_data_;
  SocketDataProviderArray<SSLSocketDataProvider> mock_ssl_data_;
  std::vector<MockSSLClientSocket*> ssl_client_sockets_;

class MockClientSocket : public SSLClientSocket {
  // Value returned by GetTLSUniqueChannelBinding().
  static const char kTlsUnique[];

  // The BoundNetLog is needed to test LoadTimingInfo, which uses NetLog IDs as
  // unique socket IDs.
  explicit MockClientSocket(const BoundNetLog& net_log);

  // Socket implementation.
  virtual int Read(IOBuffer* buf,
                   int buf_len,
                   const CompletionCallback& callback) = 0;
  virtual int Write(IOBuffer* buf,
                    int buf_len,
                    const CompletionCallback& callback) = 0;
  virtual int SetReceiveBufferSize(int32 size) OVERRIDE;
  virtual int SetSendBufferSize(int32 size) OVERRIDE;

  // StreamSocket implementation.
  virtual int Connect(const CompletionCallback& callback) = 0;
  virtual void Disconnect() OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool IsConnected() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool IsConnectedAndIdle() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual int GetPeerAddress(IPEndPoint* address) const OVERRIDE;
  virtual int GetLocalAddress(IPEndPoint* address) const OVERRIDE;
  virtual const BoundNetLog& NetLog() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual void SetSubresourceSpeculation() OVERRIDE {}
  virtual void SetOmniboxSpeculation() OVERRIDE {}

  // SSLClientSocket implementation.
  virtual std::string GetSessionCacheKey() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool InSessionCache() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual void SetHandshakeCompletionCallback(const base::Closure& cb) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void GetSSLCertRequestInfo(SSLCertRequestInfo* cert_request_info)
  virtual int ExportKeyingMaterial(const base::StringPiece& label,
                                   bool has_context,
                                   const base::StringPiece& context,
                                   unsigned char* out,
                                   unsigned int outlen) OVERRIDE;
  virtual int GetTLSUniqueChannelBinding(std::string* out) OVERRIDE;
  virtual NextProtoStatus GetNextProto(std::string* proto) OVERRIDE;
  virtual ChannelIDService* GetChannelIDService() const OVERRIDE;

  virtual ~MockClientSocket();
  void RunCallbackAsync(const CompletionCallback& callback, int result);
  void RunCallback(const CompletionCallback& callback, int result);

  // SSLClientSocket implementation.
  virtual scoped_refptr<X509Certificate> GetUnverifiedServerCertificateChain()
      const OVERRIDE;

  // True if Connect completed successfully and Disconnect hasn't been called.
  bool connected_;

  // Address of the "remote" peer we're connected to.
  IPEndPoint peer_addr_;

  BoundNetLog net_log_;

  base::WeakPtrFactory<MockClientSocket> weak_factory_;


class MockTCPClientSocket : public MockClientSocket, public AsyncSocket {
  MockTCPClientSocket(const AddressList& addresses,
                      net::NetLog* net_log,
                      SocketDataProvider* socket);
  virtual ~MockTCPClientSocket();

  const AddressList& addresses() const { return addresses_; }

  // Socket implementation.
  virtual int Read(IOBuffer* buf,
                   int buf_len,
                   const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
  virtual int Write(IOBuffer* buf,
                    int buf_len,
                    const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;

  // StreamSocket implementation.
  virtual int Connect(const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void Disconnect() OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool IsConnected() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool IsConnectedAndIdle() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual int GetPeerAddress(IPEndPoint* address) const OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool WasEverUsed() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool UsingTCPFastOpen() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool WasNpnNegotiated() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool GetSSLInfo(SSLInfo* ssl_info) OVERRIDE;

  // AsyncSocket:
  virtual void OnReadComplete(const MockRead& data) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void OnConnectComplete(const MockConnect& data) OVERRIDE;

  int CompleteRead();

  AddressList addresses_;

  SocketDataProvider* data_;
  int read_offset_;
  MockRead read_data_;
  bool need_read_data_;

  // True if the peer has closed the connection.  This allows us to simulate
  // the recv(..., MSG_PEEK) call in the IsConnectedAndIdle method of the real
  // TCPClientSocket.
  bool peer_closed_connection_;

  // While an asynchronous IO is pending, we save our user-buffer state.
  scoped_refptr<IOBuffer> pending_buf_;
  int pending_buf_len_;
  CompletionCallback pending_callback_;
  bool was_used_to_convey_data_;


// DeterministicSocketHelper is a helper class that can be used
// to simulate net::Socket::Read() and net::Socket::Write()
// using deterministic |data|.
// Note: This is provided as a common helper class because
// of the inheritance hierarchy of DeterministicMock[UDP,TCP]ClientSocket and a
// desire not to introduce an additional common base class.
class DeterministicSocketHelper {
  DeterministicSocketHelper(net::NetLog* net_log,
                            DeterministicSocketData* data);
  virtual ~DeterministicSocketHelper();

  bool write_pending() const { return write_pending_; }
  bool read_pending() const { return read_pending_; }

  void CompleteWrite();
  int CompleteRead();

  int Write(IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len, const CompletionCallback& callback);
  int Read(IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len, const CompletionCallback& callback);

  const BoundNetLog& net_log() const { return net_log_; }

  bool was_used_to_convey_data() const { return was_used_to_convey_data_; }

  bool peer_closed_connection() const { return peer_closed_connection_; }

  DeterministicSocketData* data() const { return data_; }

  bool write_pending_;
  CompletionCallback write_callback_;
  int write_result_;

  MockRead read_data_;

  IOBuffer* read_buf_;
  int read_buf_len_;
  bool read_pending_;
  CompletionCallback read_callback_;
  DeterministicSocketData* data_;
  bool was_used_to_convey_data_;
  bool peer_closed_connection_;
  BoundNetLog net_log_;

// Mock UDP socket to be used in conjunction with DeterministicSocketData.
class DeterministicMockUDPClientSocket
    : public DatagramClientSocket,
      public AsyncSocket,
      public DeterministicSocketData::Delegate,
      public base::SupportsWeakPtr<DeterministicMockUDPClientSocket> {
  DeterministicMockUDPClientSocket(net::NetLog* net_log,
                                   DeterministicSocketData* data);
  virtual ~DeterministicMockUDPClientSocket();

  // DeterministicSocketData::Delegate:
  virtual bool WritePending() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool ReadPending() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual void CompleteWrite() OVERRIDE;
  virtual int CompleteRead() OVERRIDE;

  // Socket implementation.
  virtual int Read(IOBuffer* buf,
                   int buf_len,
                   const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
  virtual int Write(IOBuffer* buf,
                    int buf_len,
                    const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
  virtual int SetReceiveBufferSize(int32 size) OVERRIDE;
  virtual int SetSendBufferSize(int32 size) OVERRIDE;

  // DatagramSocket implementation.
  virtual void Close() OVERRIDE;
  virtual int GetPeerAddress(IPEndPoint* address) const OVERRIDE;
  virtual int GetLocalAddress(IPEndPoint* address) const OVERRIDE;
  virtual const BoundNetLog& NetLog() const OVERRIDE;

  // DatagramClientSocket implementation.
  virtual int Connect(const IPEndPoint& address) OVERRIDE;

  // AsyncSocket implementation.
  virtual void OnReadComplete(const MockRead& data) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void OnConnectComplete(const MockConnect& data) OVERRIDE;

  void set_source_port(int port) { source_port_ = port; }

  bool connected_;
  IPEndPoint peer_address_;
  DeterministicSocketHelper helper_;
  int source_port_;  // Ephemeral source port.


// Mock TCP socket to be used in conjunction with DeterministicSocketData.
class DeterministicMockTCPClientSocket
    : public MockClientSocket,
      public AsyncSocket,
      public DeterministicSocketData::Delegate,
      public base::SupportsWeakPtr<DeterministicMockTCPClientSocket> {
  DeterministicMockTCPClientSocket(net::NetLog* net_log,
                                   DeterministicSocketData* data);
  virtual ~DeterministicMockTCPClientSocket();

  // DeterministicSocketData::Delegate:
  virtual bool WritePending() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool ReadPending() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual void CompleteWrite() OVERRIDE;
  virtual int CompleteRead() OVERRIDE;

  // Socket:
  virtual int Write(IOBuffer* buf,
                    int buf_len,
                    const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
  virtual int Read(IOBuffer* buf,
                   int buf_len,
                   const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;

  // StreamSocket:
  virtual int Connect(const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void Disconnect() OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool IsConnected() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool IsConnectedAndIdle() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool WasEverUsed() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool UsingTCPFastOpen() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool WasNpnNegotiated() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool GetSSLInfo(SSLInfo* ssl_info) OVERRIDE;

  // AsyncSocket:
  virtual void OnReadComplete(const MockRead& data) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void OnConnectComplete(const MockConnect& data) OVERRIDE;

  DeterministicSocketHelper helper_;


class MockSSLClientSocket : public MockClientSocket, public AsyncSocket {
  MockSSLClientSocket(scoped_ptr<ClientSocketHandle> transport_socket,
                      const HostPortPair& host_and_port,
                      const SSLConfig& ssl_config,
                      SSLSocketDataProvider* socket);
  virtual ~MockSSLClientSocket();

  // Socket implementation.
  virtual int Read(IOBuffer* buf,
                   int buf_len,
                   const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
  virtual int Write(IOBuffer* buf,
                    int buf_len,
                    const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;

  // StreamSocket implementation.
  virtual int Connect(const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void Disconnect() OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool IsConnected() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool WasEverUsed() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool UsingTCPFastOpen() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual int GetPeerAddress(IPEndPoint* address) const OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool WasNpnNegotiated() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool GetSSLInfo(SSLInfo* ssl_info) OVERRIDE;

  // SSLClientSocket implementation.
  virtual std::string GetSessionCacheKey() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool InSessionCache() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual void SetHandshakeCompletionCallback(const base::Closure& cb) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void GetSSLCertRequestInfo(SSLCertRequestInfo* cert_request_info)
  virtual NextProtoStatus GetNextProto(std::string* proto) OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool set_was_npn_negotiated(bool negotiated) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void set_protocol_negotiated(NextProto protocol_negotiated) OVERRIDE;
  virtual NextProto GetNegotiatedProtocol() const OVERRIDE;

  // This MockSocket does not implement the manual async IO feature.
  virtual void OnReadComplete(const MockRead& data) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void OnConnectComplete(const MockConnect& data) OVERRIDE;

  virtual bool WasChannelIDSent() const OVERRIDE;
  virtual void set_channel_id_sent(bool channel_id_sent) OVERRIDE;
  virtual ChannelIDService* GetChannelIDService() const OVERRIDE;

  bool reached_connect() const { return reached_connect_; }

  // Resumes the connection of a socket that was paused for testing.
  // |connect_callback_| should be set before invoking this method.
  void RestartPausedConnect();

  enum ConnectState {

  void OnIOComplete(int result);

  // Runs the state transistion loop.
  int DoConnectLoop(int result);

  int DoSSLConnect();
  int DoSSLConnectComplete(int result);

  scoped_ptr<ClientSocketHandle> transport_;
  HostPortPair host_port_pair_;
  SSLSocketDataProvider* data_;
  bool is_npn_state_set_;
  bool new_npn_value_;
  bool is_protocol_negotiated_set_;
  NextProto protocol_negotiated_;

  CompletionCallback connect_callback_;
  // Indicates what state of Connect the socket should enter.
  ConnectState next_connect_state_;
  // True if the Connect method has been called on the socket.
  bool reached_connect_;

  base::Closure handshake_completion_callback_;

  base::WeakPtrFactory<MockSSLClientSocket> weak_factory_;


class MockUDPClientSocket : public DatagramClientSocket, public AsyncSocket {
  MockUDPClientSocket(SocketDataProvider* data, net::NetLog* net_log);
  virtual ~MockUDPClientSocket();

  // Socket implementation.
  virtual int Read(IOBuffer* buf,
                   int buf_len,
                   const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
  virtual int Write(IOBuffer* buf,
                    int buf_len,
                    const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
  virtual int SetReceiveBufferSize(int32 size) OVERRIDE;
  virtual int SetSendBufferSize(int32 size) OVERRIDE;

  // DatagramSocket implementation.
  virtual void Close() OVERRIDE;
  virtual int GetPeerAddress(IPEndPoint* address) const OVERRIDE;
  virtual int GetLocalAddress(IPEndPoint* address) const OVERRIDE;
  virtual const BoundNetLog& NetLog() const OVERRIDE;

  // DatagramClientSocket implementation.
  virtual int Connect(const IPEndPoint& address) OVERRIDE;

  // AsyncSocket implementation.
  virtual void OnReadComplete(const MockRead& data) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void OnConnectComplete(const MockConnect& data) OVERRIDE;

  void set_source_port(int port) { source_port_ = port;}

  int CompleteRead();

  void RunCallbackAsync(const CompletionCallback& callback, int result);
  void RunCallback(const CompletionCallback& callback, int result);

  bool connected_;
  SocketDataProvider* data_;
  int read_offset_;
  MockRead read_data_;
  bool need_read_data_;
  int source_port_;  // Ephemeral source port.

  // Address of the "remote" peer we're connected to.
  IPEndPoint peer_addr_;

  // While an asynchronous IO is pending, we save our user-buffer state.
  scoped_refptr<IOBuffer> pending_buf_;
  int pending_buf_len_;
  CompletionCallback pending_callback_;

  BoundNetLog net_log_;

  base::WeakPtrFactory<MockUDPClientSocket> weak_factory_;


class TestSocketRequest : public TestCompletionCallbackBase {
  TestSocketRequest(std::vector<TestSocketRequest*>* request_order,
                    size_t* completion_count);
  virtual ~TestSocketRequest();

  ClientSocketHandle* handle() { return &handle_; }

  const net::CompletionCallback& callback() const { return callback_; }

  void OnComplete(int result);

  ClientSocketHandle handle_;
  std::vector<TestSocketRequest*>* request_order_;
  size_t* completion_count_;
  CompletionCallback callback_;


class ClientSocketPoolTest {
  enum KeepAlive {

    // A socket will be disconnected in addition to handle being reset.

  static const int kIndexOutOfBounds;
  static const int kRequestNotFound;


  template <typename PoolType>
  int StartRequestUsingPool(
      PoolType* socket_pool,
      const std::string& group_name,
      RequestPriority priority,
      const scoped_refptr<typename PoolType::SocketParams>& socket_params) {
    TestSocketRequest* request =
        new TestSocketRequest(&request_order_, &completion_count_);
    int rv = request->handle()->Init(group_name,
    if (rv != ERR_IO_PENDING)
    return rv;

  // Provided there were n requests started, takes |index| in range 1..n
  // and returns order in which that request completed, in range 1..n,
  // or kIndexOutOfBounds if |index| is out of bounds, or kRequestNotFound
  // if that request did not complete (for example was canceled).
  int GetOrderOfRequest(size_t index) const;

  // Resets first initialized socket handle from |requests_|. If found such
  // a handle, returns true.
  bool ReleaseOneConnection(KeepAlive keep_alive);

  // Releases connections until there is nothing to release.
  void ReleaseAllConnections(KeepAlive keep_alive);

  // Note that this uses 0-based indices, while GetOrderOfRequest takes and
  // returns 0-based indices.
  TestSocketRequest* request(int i) { return requests_[i]; }

  size_t requests_size() const { return requests_.size(); }
  ScopedVector<TestSocketRequest>* requests() { return &requests_; }
  size_t completion_count() const { return completion_count_; }

  ScopedVector<TestSocketRequest> requests_;
  std::vector<TestSocketRequest*> request_order_;
  size_t completion_count_;


class MockTransportSocketParams
    : public base::RefCounted<MockTransportSocketParams> {
  friend class base::RefCounted<MockTransportSocketParams>;
  ~MockTransportSocketParams() {}


class MockTransportClientSocketPool : public TransportClientSocketPool {
  typedef MockTransportSocketParams SocketParams;

  class MockConnectJob {
    MockConnectJob(scoped_ptr<StreamSocket> socket,
                   ClientSocketHandle* handle,
                   const CompletionCallback& callback);

    int Connect();
    bool CancelHandle(const ClientSocketHandle* handle);

    void OnConnect(int rv);

    scoped_ptr<StreamSocket> socket_;
    ClientSocketHandle* handle_;
    CompletionCallback user_callback_;


  MockTransportClientSocketPool(int max_sockets,
                                int max_sockets_per_group,
                                ClientSocketPoolHistograms* histograms,
                                ClientSocketFactory* socket_factory);

  virtual ~MockTransportClientSocketPool();

  RequestPriority last_request_priority() const {
    return last_request_priority_;
  int release_count() const { return release_count_; }
  int cancel_count() const { return cancel_count_; }

  // TransportClientSocketPool implementation.
  virtual int RequestSocket(const std::string& group_name,
                            const void* socket_params,
                            RequestPriority priority,
                            ClientSocketHandle* handle,
                            const CompletionCallback& callback,
                            const BoundNetLog& net_log) OVERRIDE;

  virtual void CancelRequest(const std::string& group_name,
                             ClientSocketHandle* handle) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void ReleaseSocket(const std::string& group_name,
                             scoped_ptr<StreamSocket> socket,
                             int id) OVERRIDE;

  ClientSocketFactory* client_socket_factory_;
  ScopedVector<MockConnectJob> job_list_;
  RequestPriority last_request_priority_;
  int release_count_;
  int cancel_count_;


class DeterministicMockClientSocketFactory : public ClientSocketFactory {
  virtual ~DeterministicMockClientSocketFactory();

  void AddSocketDataProvider(DeterministicSocketData* socket);
  void AddSSLSocketDataProvider(SSLSocketDataProvider* socket);
  void ResetNextMockIndexes();

  // Return |index|-th MockSSLClientSocket (starting from 0) that the factory
  // created.
  MockSSLClientSocket* GetMockSSLClientSocket(size_t index) const;

  SocketDataProviderArray<DeterministicSocketData>& mock_data() {
    return mock_data_;
  std::vector<DeterministicMockTCPClientSocket*>& tcp_client_sockets() {
    return tcp_client_sockets_;
  std::vector<DeterministicMockUDPClientSocket*>& udp_client_sockets() {
    return udp_client_sockets_;

  // ClientSocketFactory
  virtual scoped_ptr<DatagramClientSocket> CreateDatagramClientSocket(
      DatagramSocket::BindType bind_type,
      const RandIntCallback& rand_int_cb,
      NetLog* net_log,
      const NetLog::Source& source) OVERRIDE;
  virtual scoped_ptr<StreamSocket> CreateTransportClientSocket(
      const AddressList& addresses,
      NetLog* net_log,
      const NetLog::Source& source) OVERRIDE;
  virtual scoped_ptr<SSLClientSocket> CreateSSLClientSocket(
      scoped_ptr<ClientSocketHandle> transport_socket,
      const HostPortPair& host_and_port,
      const SSLConfig& ssl_config,
      const SSLClientSocketContext& context) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void ClearSSLSessionCache() OVERRIDE;

  SocketDataProviderArray<DeterministicSocketData> mock_data_;
  SocketDataProviderArray<SSLSocketDataProvider> mock_ssl_data_;

  // Store pointers to handed out sockets in case the test wants to get them.
  std::vector<DeterministicMockTCPClientSocket*> tcp_client_sockets_;
  std::vector<DeterministicMockUDPClientSocket*> udp_client_sockets_;
  std::vector<MockSSLClientSocket*> ssl_client_sockets_;


class MockSOCKSClientSocketPool : public SOCKSClientSocketPool {
  MockSOCKSClientSocketPool(int max_sockets,
                            int max_sockets_per_group,
                            ClientSocketPoolHistograms* histograms,
                            TransportClientSocketPool* transport_pool);

  virtual ~MockSOCKSClientSocketPool();

  // SOCKSClientSocketPool implementation.
  virtual int RequestSocket(const std::string& group_name,
                            const void* socket_params,
                            RequestPriority priority,
                            ClientSocketHandle* handle,
                            const CompletionCallback& callback,
                            const BoundNetLog& net_log) OVERRIDE;

  virtual void CancelRequest(const std::string& group_name,
                             ClientSocketHandle* handle) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void ReleaseSocket(const std::string& group_name,
                             scoped_ptr<StreamSocket> socket,
                             int id) OVERRIDE;

  TransportClientSocketPool* const transport_pool_;


// Constants for a successful SOCKS v5 handshake.
extern const char kSOCKS5GreetRequest[];
extern const int kSOCKS5GreetRequestLength;

extern const char kSOCKS5GreetResponse[];
extern const int kSOCKS5GreetResponseLength;

extern const char kSOCKS5OkRequest[];
extern const int kSOCKS5OkRequestLength;

extern const char kSOCKS5OkResponse[];
extern const int kSOCKS5OkResponseLength;

}  // namespace net