// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/spdy/hpack_decoder.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "net/spdy/hpack_encoder.h"
#include "net/spdy/hpack_input_stream.h"
#include "net/spdy/hpack_output_stream.h"
#include "net/spdy/spdy_test_utils.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace net {
namespace test {
using base::StringPiece;
using std::string;
class HpackDecoderPeer {
explicit HpackDecoderPeer(HpackDecoder* decoder)
: decoder_(decoder) {}
void HandleHeaderRepresentation(StringPiece name, StringPiece value) {
decoder_->HandleHeaderRepresentation(name, value);
bool DecodeNextName(HpackInputStream* in, StringPiece* out) {
return decoder_->DecodeNextName(in, out);
HpackHeaderTable* header_table() {
return &decoder_->header_table_;
void set_cookie_value(string value) {
decoder_->cookie_value_ = value;
string cookie_value() {
return decoder_->cookie_value_;
const std::map<string, string>& decoded_block() const {
return decoder_->decoded_block_;
const string& headers_block_buffer() const {
return decoder_->headers_block_buffer_;
HpackDecoder* decoder_;
} // namespace test
namespace {
using base::StringPiece;
using std::string;
using test::a2b_hex;
using testing::ElementsAre;
using testing::Pair;
const size_t kLiteralBound = 1024;
class HpackDecoderTest : public ::testing::Test {
: decoder_(ObtainHpackHuffmanTable()),
decoder_peer_(&decoder_) {}
bool DecodeHeaderBlock(StringPiece str) {
return decoder_.HandleControlFrameHeadersData(0, str.data(), str.size()) &&
const std::map<string, string>& decoded_block() const {
// TODO(jgraettinger): HpackDecoderTest should implement
// SpdyHeadersHandlerInterface, and collect headers for examination.
return decoder_peer_.decoded_block();
const std::map<string, string>& DecodeBlockExpectingSuccess(StringPiece str) {
return decoded_block();
void expectEntry(size_t index, size_t size, const string& name,
const string& value) {
const HpackEntry* entry = decoder_peer_.header_table()->GetByIndex(index);
EXPECT_EQ(name, entry->name()) << "index " << index;
EXPECT_EQ(value, entry->value());
EXPECT_EQ(size, entry->Size());
EXPECT_EQ(index, decoder_peer_.header_table()->IndexOf(entry));
HpackDecoder decoder_;
test::HpackDecoderPeer decoder_peer_;
TEST_F(HpackDecoderTest, HandleControlFrameHeadersData) {
// Strings under threshold are concatenated in the buffer.
0, "small string one", 16));
0, "small string two", 16));
// A string which would push the buffer over the threshold is refused.
0, "fails", kMaxDecodeBufferSize - 32 + 1));
"small string onesmall string two");
TEST_F(HpackDecoderTest, HandleControlFrameHeadersComplete) {
// Incremental cookie buffer should be emitted and cleared.
decoder_.HandleControlFrameHeadersData(0, "\x82\x85", 2);
EXPECT_THAT(decoded_block(), ElementsAre(
Pair(":method", "GET"),
Pair(":path", "/index.html"),
Pair("cookie", "foobar=baz")));
EXPECT_EQ(decoder_peer_.cookie_value(), "");
TEST_F(HpackDecoderTest, HandleHeaderRepresentation) {
// All cookie crumbs are joined.
decoder_peer_.HandleHeaderRepresentation("cookie", " part 1");
decoder_peer_.HandleHeaderRepresentation("cookie", "part 2 ");
decoder_peer_.HandleHeaderRepresentation("cookie", "part3");
// Already-delimited headers are passed through.
string("foo\0baz", 7));
// Other headers are joined on \0. Case matters.
decoder_peer_.HandleHeaderRepresentation("joined", "not joined");
decoder_peer_.HandleHeaderRepresentation("joineD", "value 1");
decoder_peer_.HandleHeaderRepresentation("joineD", "value 2");
// Empty headers remain empty.
decoder_peer_.HandleHeaderRepresentation("empty", "");
// Joined empty headers work as expected.
decoder_peer_.HandleHeaderRepresentation("empty-joined", "");
decoder_peer_.HandleHeaderRepresentation("empty-joined", "foo");
decoder_peer_.HandleHeaderRepresentation("empty-joined", "");
decoder_peer_.HandleHeaderRepresentation("empty-joined", "");
// Non-contiguous cookie crumb.
decoder_peer_.HandleHeaderRepresentation("cookie", " fin!");
// Finish and emit all headers.
EXPECT_THAT(decoded_block(), ElementsAre(
Pair("cookie", " part 1; part 2 ; part3; fin!"),
Pair("empty", ""),
Pair("empty-joined", string("\0foo\0\0", 6)),
Pair("joineD", string("value 1\0value 2", 15)),
Pair("joined", "not joined"),
Pair("passed-through", string("foo\0baz", 7))));
// Decoding an encoded name with a valid string literal should work.
TEST_F(HpackDecoderTest, DecodeNextNameLiteral) {
HpackInputStream input_stream(kLiteralBound, StringPiece("\x00\x04name", 6));
StringPiece string_piece;
EXPECT_TRUE(decoder_peer_.DecodeNextName(&input_stream, &string_piece));
EXPECT_EQ("name", string_piece);
TEST_F(HpackDecoderTest, DecodeNextNameLiteralWithHuffmanEncoding) {
string input = a2b_hex("008825a849e95ba97d7f");
HpackInputStream input_stream(kLiteralBound, input);
StringPiece string_piece;
EXPECT_TRUE(decoder_peer_.DecodeNextName(&input_stream, &string_piece));
EXPECT_EQ("custom-key", string_piece);
// Decoding an encoded name with a valid index should work.
TEST_F(HpackDecoderTest, DecodeNextNameIndexed) {
HpackInputStream input_stream(kLiteralBound, "\x01");
StringPiece string_piece;
EXPECT_TRUE(decoder_peer_.DecodeNextName(&input_stream, &string_piece));
EXPECT_EQ(":authority", string_piece);
// Decoding an encoded name with an invalid index should fail.
TEST_F(HpackDecoderTest, DecodeNextNameInvalidIndex) {
// One more than the number of static table entries.
HpackInputStream input_stream(kLiteralBound, "\x3e");
StringPiece string_piece;
EXPECT_FALSE(decoder_peer_.DecodeNextName(&input_stream, &string_piece));
// Decoding indexed static table field should work.
TEST_F(HpackDecoderTest, IndexedHeaderStatic) {
// Reference static table entries #2 and #5.
std::map<string, string> header_set1 =
std::map<string, string> expected_header_set1;
expected_header_set1[":method"] = "GET";
expected_header_set1[":path"] = "/index.html";
EXPECT_EQ(expected_header_set1, header_set1);
// Reference static table entry #2.
std::map<string, string> header_set2 =
std::map<string, string> expected_header_set2;
expected_header_set2[":method"] = "GET";
EXPECT_EQ(expected_header_set2, header_set2);
TEST_F(HpackDecoderTest, IndexedHeaderDynamic) {
// First header block: add an entry to header table.
std::map<string, string> header_set1 =
DecodeBlockExpectingSuccess("\x40\x03" "foo" "\x03" "bar");
std::map<string, string> expected_header_set1;
expected_header_set1["foo"] = "bar";
EXPECT_EQ(expected_header_set1, header_set1);
// Second header block: add another entry to header table.
std::map<string, string> header_set2 =
DecodeBlockExpectingSuccess("\xbe\x40\x04" "spam" "\x04" "eggs");
std::map<string, string> expected_header_set2;
expected_header_set2["foo"] = "bar";
expected_header_set2["spam"] = "eggs";
EXPECT_EQ(expected_header_set2, header_set2);
// Third header block: refer to most recently added entry.
std::map<string, string> header_set3 =
std::map<string, string> expected_header_set3;
expected_header_set3["spam"] = "eggs";
EXPECT_EQ(expected_header_set3, header_set3);
// Test a too-large indexed header.
TEST_F(HpackDecoderTest, InvalidIndexedHeader) {
// High-bit set, and a prefix of one more than the number of static entries.
EXPECT_FALSE(DecodeHeaderBlock(StringPiece("\xbe", 1)));
// Test that a header block with a pseudo-header field following a regular one
// is treated as malformed. (HTTP2 draft-14, HPACK draft-09 3.1.)
TEST_F(HpackDecoderTest, InvalidPseudoHeaderPositionStatic) {
// Okay: ":path" (static entry 4) followed by "allow" (static entry 20).
// Malformed: "allow" (static entry 20) followed by ":path" (static entry 4).
TEST_F(HpackDecoderTest, InvalidPseudoHeaderPositionLiteral) {
// Okay: literal ":bar" followed by literal "foo".
// Malformed: literal "foo" followed by literal ":bar".
TEST_F(HpackDecoderTest, ContextUpdateMaximumSize) {
string input;
// Maximum-size update with size 126. Succeeds.
HpackOutputStream output_stream;
EXPECT_EQ(126u, decoder_peer_.header_table()->max_size());
// Maximum-size update with kDefaultHeaderTableSizeSetting. Succeeds.
HpackOutputStream output_stream;
// Maximum-size update with kDefaultHeaderTableSizeSetting + 1. Fails.
HpackOutputStream output_stream;
output_stream.AppendUint32(kDefaultHeaderTableSizeSetting + 1);
// Decoding two valid encoded literal headers with no indexing should
// work.
TEST_F(HpackDecoderTest, LiteralHeaderNoIndexing) {
// First header with indexed name, second header with string literal
// name.
const char input[] = "\x04\x0c/sample/path\x00\x06:path2\x0e/sample/path/2";
std::map<string, string> header_set =
DecodeBlockExpectingSuccess(StringPiece(input, arraysize(input) - 1));
std::map<string, string> expected_header_set;
expected_header_set[":path"] = "/sample/path";
expected_header_set[":path2"] = "/sample/path/2";
EXPECT_EQ(expected_header_set, header_set);
// Decoding two valid encoded literal headers with incremental
// indexing and string literal names should work.
TEST_F(HpackDecoderTest, LiteralHeaderIncrementalIndexing) {
const char input[] = "\x44\x0c/sample/path\x40\x06:path2\x0e/sample/path/2";
std::map<string, string> header_set =
DecodeBlockExpectingSuccess(StringPiece(input, arraysize(input) - 1));
std::map<string, string> expected_header_set;
expected_header_set[":path"] = "/sample/path";
expected_header_set[":path2"] = "/sample/path/2";
EXPECT_EQ(expected_header_set, header_set);
TEST_F(HpackDecoderTest, LiteralHeaderWithIndexingInvalidNameIndex) {
// Name is the last static index. Works.
// Name is one beyond the last static index. Fails.
TEST_F(HpackDecoderTest, LiteralHeaderNoIndexingInvalidNameIndex) {
// Name is the last static index. Works.
// Name is one beyond the last static index. Fails.
TEST_F(HpackDecoderTest, LiteralHeaderNeverIndexedInvalidNameIndex) {
// Name is the last static index. Works.
// Name is one beyond the last static index. Fails.
// Round-tripping the header set from E.2.1 should work.
TEST_F(HpackDecoderTest, BasicE21) {
HpackEncoder encoder(ObtainHpackHuffmanTable());
std::map<string, string> expected_header_set;
expected_header_set[":method"] = "GET";
expected_header_set[":scheme"] = "http";
expected_header_set[":path"] = "/";
expected_header_set[":authority"] = "www.example.com";
string encoded_header_set;
expected_header_set, &encoded_header_set));
EXPECT_EQ(expected_header_set, decoded_block());
TEST_F(HpackDecoderTest, SectionD4RequestHuffmanExamples) {
std::map<string, string> header_set;
// 82 | == Indexed - Add ==
// | idx = 2
// | -> :method: GET
// 86 | == Indexed - Add ==
// | idx = 6
// | -> :scheme: http
// 84 | == Indexed - Add ==
// | idx = 4
// | -> :path: /
// 41 | == Literal indexed ==
// | Indexed name (idx = 1)
// | :authority
// 8c | Literal value (len = 15)
// | Huffman encoded:
// f1e3 c2e5 f23a 6ba0 ab90 f4ff | .....:k.....
// | Decoded:
// | www.example.com
// | -> :authority: www.example.com
string first = a2b_hex("828684418cf1e3c2e5f23a6ba0ab90f4"
header_set = DecodeBlockExpectingSuccess(first);
EXPECT_THAT(header_set, ElementsAre(
Pair(":authority", "www.example.com"),
Pair(":method", "GET"),
Pair(":path", "/"),
Pair(":scheme", "http")));
expectEntry(62, 57, ":authority", "www.example.com");
EXPECT_EQ(57u, decoder_peer_.header_table()->size());
// 82 | == Indexed - Add ==
// | idx = 2
// | -> :method: GET
// 86 | == Indexed - Add ==
// | idx = 6
// | -> :scheme: http
// 84 | == Indexed - Add ==
// | idx = 4
// | -> :path: /
// be | == Indexed - Add ==
// | idx = 62
// | -> :authority: www.example.com
// 58 | == Literal indexed ==
// | Indexed name (idx = 24)
// | cache-control
// 86 | Literal value (len = 8)
// | Huffman encoded:
// a8eb 1064 9cbf | ...d..
// | Decoded:
// | no-cache
// | -> cache-control: no-cache
string second = a2b_hex("828684be5886a8eb10649cbf");
header_set = DecodeBlockExpectingSuccess(second);
EXPECT_THAT(header_set, ElementsAre(
Pair(":authority", "www.example.com"),
Pair(":method", "GET"),
Pair(":path", "/"),
Pair(":scheme", "http"),
Pair("cache-control", "no-cache")));
expectEntry(62, 53, "cache-control", "no-cache");
expectEntry(63, 57, ":authority", "www.example.com");
EXPECT_EQ(110u, decoder_peer_.header_table()->size());
// 82 | == Indexed - Add ==
// | idx = 2
// | -> :method: GET
// 87 | == Indexed - Add ==
// | idx = 7
// | -> :scheme: https
// 85 | == Indexed - Add ==
// | idx = 5
// | -> :path: /index.html
// bf | == Indexed - Add ==
// | idx = 63
// | -> :authority: www.example.com
// 40 | == Literal indexed ==
// 88 | Literal name (len = 10)
// | Huffman encoded:
// 25a8 49e9 5ba9 7d7f | %.I.[.}.
// | Decoded:
// | custom-key
// 89 | Literal value (len = 12)
// | Huffman encoded:
// 25a8 49e9 5bb8 e8b4 bf | %.I.[....
// | Decoded:
// | custom-value
// | -> custom-key: custom-value
string third = a2b_hex("828785bf408825a849e95ba97d7f89"
header_set = DecodeBlockExpectingSuccess(third);
EXPECT_THAT(header_set, ElementsAre(
Pair(":authority", "www.example.com"),
Pair(":method", "GET"),
Pair(":path", "/index.html"),
Pair(":scheme", "https"),
Pair("custom-key", "custom-value")));
expectEntry(62, 54, "custom-key", "custom-value");
expectEntry(63, 53, "cache-control", "no-cache");
expectEntry(64, 57, ":authority", "www.example.com");
EXPECT_EQ(164u, decoder_peer_.header_table()->size());
TEST_F(HpackDecoderTest, SectionD6ResponseHuffmanExamples) {
std::map<string, string> header_set;
// 48 | == Literal indexed ==
// | Indexed name (idx = 8)
// | :status
// 82 | Literal value (len = 3)
// | Huffman encoded:
// 6402 | d.
// | Decoded:
// | 302
// | -> :status: 302
// 58 | == Literal indexed ==
// | Indexed name (idx = 24)
// | cache-control
// 85 | Literal value (len = 7)
// | Huffman encoded:
// aec3 771a 4b | ..w.K
// | Decoded:
// | private
// | -> cache-control: private
// 61 | == Literal indexed ==
// | Indexed name (idx = 33)
// | date
// 96 | Literal value (len = 29)
// | Huffman encoded:
// d07a be94 1054 d444 a820 0595 040b 8166 | .z...T.D. .....f
// e082 a62d 1bff | ...-..
// | Decoded:
// | Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21
// | GMT
// | -> date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013
// | 20:13:21 GMT
// 6e | == Literal indexed ==
// | Indexed name (idx = 46)
// | location
// 91 | Literal value (len = 23)
// | Huffman encoded:
// 9d29 ad17 1863 c78f 0b97 c8e9 ae82 ae43 | .)...c.........C
// d3 | .
// | Decoded:
// | https://www.example.com
// | -> location: https://www.e
// | xample.com
string first = a2b_hex("488264025885aec3771a4b6196d07abe"
header_set = DecodeBlockExpectingSuccess(first);
EXPECT_THAT(header_set, ElementsAre(
Pair(":status", "302"),
Pair("cache-control", "private"),
Pair("date", "Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT"),
Pair("location", "https://www.example.com")));
expectEntry(62, 63, "location", "https://www.example.com");
expectEntry(63, 65, "date", "Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT");
expectEntry(64, 52, "cache-control", "private");
expectEntry(65, 42, ":status", "302");
EXPECT_EQ(222u, decoder_peer_.header_table()->size());
// 48 | == Literal indexed ==
// | Indexed name (idx = 8)
// | :status
// 83 | Literal value (len = 3)
// | Huffman encoded:
// 640e ff | d..
// | Decoded:
// | 307
// | - evict: :status: 302
// | -> :status: 307
// c1 | == Indexed - Add ==
// | idx = 65
// | -> cache-control: private
// c0 | == Indexed - Add ==
// | idx = 64
// | -> date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013
// | 20:13:21 GMT
// bf | == Indexed - Add ==
// | idx = 63
// | -> location:
// | https://www.example.com
string second = a2b_hex("4883640effc1c0bf");
header_set = DecodeBlockExpectingSuccess(second);
EXPECT_THAT(header_set, ElementsAre(
Pair(":status", "307"),
Pair("cache-control", "private"),
Pair("date", "Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT"),
Pair("location", "https://www.example.com")));
expectEntry(62, 42, ":status", "307");
expectEntry(63, 63, "location", "https://www.example.com");
expectEntry(64, 65, "date", "Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:21 GMT");
expectEntry(65, 52, "cache-control", "private");
EXPECT_EQ(222u, decoder_peer_.header_table()->size());
// 88 | == Indexed - Add ==
// | idx = 8
// | -> :status: 200
// c1 | == Indexed - Add ==
// | idx = 65
// | -> cache-control: private
// 61 | == Literal indexed ==
// | Indexed name (idx = 33)
// | date
// 96 | Literal value (len = 22)
// | Huffman encoded:
// d07a be94 1054 d444 a820 0595 040b 8166 | .z...T.D. .....f
// e084 a62d 1bff | ...-..
// | Decoded:
// | Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:22
// | GMT
// | - evict: cache-control:
// | private
// | -> date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013
// | 20:13:22 GMT
// c0 | == Indexed - Add ==
// | idx = 64
// | -> location:
// | https://www.example.com
// 5a | == Literal indexed ==
// | Indexed name (idx = 26)
// | content-encoding
// 83 | Literal value (len = 3)
// | Huffman encoded:
// 9bd9 ab | ...
// | Decoded:
// | gzip
// | - evict: date: Mon, 21 Oct
// | 2013 20:13:21 GMT
// | -> content-encoding: gzip
// 77 | == Literal indexed ==
// | Indexed name (idx = 55)
// | set-cookie
// ad | Literal value (len = 45)
// | Huffman encoded:
// 94e7 821d d7f2 e6c7 b335 dfdf cd5b 3960 | .........5...[9`
// d5af 2708 7f36 72c1 ab27 0fb5 291f 9587 | ..'..6r..'..)...
// 3160 65c0 03ed 4ee5 b106 3d50 07 | 1`e...N...=P.
// | Decoded:
// | WEOIU; max-age=3600; versi
// | on=1
// | - evict: location:
// | https://www.example.com
// | - evict: :status: 307
// | -> set-cookie: foo=ASDJKHQ
// | max-age=3600; version=1
string third = a2b_hex("88c16196d07abe941054d444a8200595"
header_set = DecodeBlockExpectingSuccess(third);
EXPECT_THAT(header_set, ElementsAre(
Pair(":status", "200"),
Pair("cache-control", "private"),
Pair("content-encoding", "gzip"),
Pair("date", "Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:22 GMT"),
Pair("location", "https://www.example.com"),
" max-age=3600; version=1")));
expectEntry(62, 98, "set-cookie", "foo=ASDJKHQKBZXOQWEOPIUAXQWEOIU;"
" max-age=3600; version=1");
expectEntry(63, 52, "content-encoding", "gzip");
expectEntry(64, 65, "date", "Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:13:22 GMT");
EXPECT_EQ(215u, decoder_peer_.header_table()->size());
} // namespace
} // namespace net