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// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "net/base/net_log.h"

namespace crypto {
class OpenSSLErrStackTracer;

namespace tracked_objects {
class Location;

namespace net {

// Puts a net error, |err|, on the error stack in OpenSSL. The file and line are
// extracted from |posted_from|. The function code of the error is left as 0.
void OpenSSLPutNetError(const tracked_objects::Location& posted_from, int err);

// Utility to construct the appropriate set & clear masks for use the OpenSSL
// options and mode configuration functions. (SSL_set_options etc)
struct SslSetClearMask {
  void ConfigureFlag(long flag, bool state);

  long set_mask;
  long clear_mask;

// Converts an OpenSSL error code into a net error code, walking the OpenSSL
// error stack if needed.
// Note that |tracer| is not currently used in the implementation, but is passed
// in anyway as this ensures the caller will clear any residual codes left on
// the error stack.
int MapOpenSSLError(int err, const crypto::OpenSSLErrStackTracer& tracer);

// Helper struct to store information about an OpenSSL error stack entry.
struct OpenSSLErrorInfo {
  OpenSSLErrorInfo() : error_code(0), file(NULL), line(0) {}

  uint32_t error_code;
  const char* file;
  int line;

// Converts an OpenSSL error code into a net error code, walking the OpenSSL
// error stack if needed. If a value on the stack is used, the error code and
// associated information are returned in |*out_error_info|. Otherwise its
// fields are set to 0 and NULL.
// Note that |tracer| is not currently used in the implementation, but is passed
// in anyway as this ensures the caller will clear any residual codes left on
// the error stack.
int MapOpenSSLErrorWithDetails(int err,
                               const crypto::OpenSSLErrStackTracer& tracer,
                               OpenSSLErrorInfo* out_error_info);

// Creates NetLog callback for an OpenSSL error.
NetLog::ParametersCallback CreateNetLogOpenSSLErrorCallback(
    int net_error,
    int ssl_error,
    const OpenSSLErrorInfo& error_info);

}  // namespace net