// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/tools/quic/spdy_utils.h"
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "net/spdy/spdy_frame_builder.h"
#include "net/spdy/spdy_framer.h"
#include "net/spdy/spdy_protocol.h"
#include "net/tools/balsa/balsa_headers.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
using base::StringPiece;
using std::pair;
using std::string;
namespace net {
namespace tools {
const char* const kV3Host = ":host";
const char* const kV3Path = ":path";
const char* const kV3Scheme = ":scheme";
const char* const kV3Status = ":status";
const char* const kV3Method = ":method";
const char* const kV3Version = ":version";
void PopulateSpdyHeaderBlock(const BalsaHeaders& headers,
SpdyHeaderBlock* block,
bool allow_empty_values) {
for (BalsaHeaders::const_header_lines_iterator hi =
hi != headers.header_lines_end();
++hi) {
if ((hi->second.length() == 0) && !allow_empty_values) {
DVLOG(1) << "Dropping empty header " << hi->first.as_string()
<< " from headers";
// This unfortunately involves loads of copying, but its the simplest way
// to sort the headers and leverage the framer.
string name = hi->first.as_string();
SpdyHeaderBlock::iterator it = block->find(name);
if (it != block->end()) {
it->second.reserve(it->second.size() + 1 + hi->second.size());
it->second.append("\0", 1);
it->second.append(hi->second.data(), hi->second.size());
} else {
block->insert(make_pair(name, hi->second.as_string()));
void PopulateSpdy3RequestHeaderBlock(const BalsaHeaders& headers,
const string& scheme,
const string& host_and_port,
const string& path,
SpdyHeaderBlock* block) {
PopulateSpdyHeaderBlock(headers, block, true);
StringPiece host_header = headers.GetHeader("Host");
if (!host_header.empty()) {
DCHECK(host_and_port.empty() || host_header == host_and_port);
block->insert(make_pair(kV3Host, host_header.as_string()));
} else {
block->insert(make_pair(kV3Host, host_and_port));
block->insert(make_pair(kV3Path, path));
block->insert(make_pair(kV3Scheme, scheme));
if (!headers.request_method().empty()) {
block->insert(make_pair(kV3Method, headers.request_method().as_string()));
if (!headers.request_version().empty()) {
(*block)[kV3Version] = headers.request_version().as_string();
void PopulateSpdyResponseHeaderBlock(const BalsaHeaders& headers,
SpdyHeaderBlock* block) {
string status = headers.response_code().as_string();
status.append(" ");
(*block)[kV3Status] = status;
(*block)[kV3Version] =
// Empty header values are only allowed because this is spdy3.
PopulateSpdyHeaderBlock(headers, block, true);
// static
SpdyHeaderBlock SpdyUtils::RequestHeadersToSpdyHeaders(
const BalsaHeaders& request_headers) {
string scheme;
string host_and_port;
string path;
string url = request_headers.request_uri().as_string();
if (url.empty() || url[0] == '/') {
path = url;
} else {
GURL request_uri(url);
if (request_headers.request_method() == "CONNECT") {
path = url;
} else {
path = request_uri.path();
if (!request_uri.query().empty()) {
path = path + "?" + request_uri.query();
host_and_port = request_uri.host();
scheme = request_uri.scheme();
SpdyHeaderBlock block;
request_headers, scheme, host_and_port, path, &block);
if (block.find("host") != block.end()) {
return block;
// static
string SpdyUtils::SerializeRequestHeaders(const BalsaHeaders& request_headers) {
SpdyHeaderBlock block = RequestHeadersToSpdyHeaders(request_headers);
return SerializeUncompressedHeaders(block);
// static
SpdyHeaderBlock SpdyUtils::ResponseHeadersToSpdyHeaders(
const BalsaHeaders& response_headers) {
SpdyHeaderBlock block;
PopulateSpdyResponseHeaderBlock(response_headers, &block);
return block;
// static
string SpdyUtils::SerializeResponseHeaders(
const BalsaHeaders& response_headers) {
SpdyHeaderBlock block = ResponseHeadersToSpdyHeaders(response_headers);
return SerializeUncompressedHeaders(block);
// static
string SpdyUtils::SerializeUncompressedHeaders(const SpdyHeaderBlock& headers) {
size_t length = SpdyFramer::GetSerializedLength(SPDY3, &headers);
SpdyFrameBuilder builder(length, SPDY3);
SpdyFramer::WriteHeaderBlock(&builder, SPDY3, &headers);
scoped_ptr<SpdyFrame> block(builder.take());
return string(block->data(), length);
bool IsSpecialSpdyHeader(SpdyHeaderBlock::const_iterator header,
BalsaHeaders* headers) {
if (header->first.empty() || header->second.empty()) {
return true;
const string& header_name = header->first;
return header_name.c_str()[0] == ':';
bool SpdyUtils::FillBalsaRequestHeaders(
const SpdyHeaderBlock& header_block,
BalsaHeaders* request_headers) {
typedef SpdyHeaderBlock::const_iterator BlockIt;
BlockIt host_it = header_block.find(kV3Host);
BlockIt path_it = header_block.find(kV3Path);
BlockIt scheme_it = header_block.find(kV3Scheme);
BlockIt method_it = header_block.find(kV3Method);
BlockIt end_it = header_block.end();
if (host_it == end_it || path_it == end_it || scheme_it == end_it ||
method_it == end_it) {
return false;
string url = scheme_it->second;
BlockIt cl_it = header_block.find("content-length");
if (cl_it != header_block.end()) {
int content_length;
if (!base::StringToInt(cl_it->second, &content_length)) {
return false;
for (BlockIt it = header_block.begin(); it != header_block.end(); ++it) {
if (!IsSpecialSpdyHeader(it, request_headers)) {
request_headers->AppendHeader(it->first, it->second);
return true;
// The reason phrase should match regexp [\d\d\d [^\r\n]+]. If not, we will
// fail to parse it.
bool ParseReasonAndStatus(StringPiece status_and_reason,
BalsaHeaders* headers) {
if (status_and_reason.size() < 5)
return false;
if (status_and_reason[3] != ' ')
return false;
const StringPiece status_str = StringPiece(status_and_reason.data(), 3);
int status;
if (!base::StringToInt(status_str, &status)) {
return false;
StringPiece reason(status_and_reason.data() + 4,
status_and_reason.length() - 4);
return true;
bool SpdyUtils::FillBalsaResponseHeaders(
const SpdyHeaderBlock& header_block,
BalsaHeaders* request_headers) {
typedef SpdyHeaderBlock::const_iterator BlockIt;
BlockIt status_it = header_block.find(kV3Status);
BlockIt version_it = header_block.find(kV3Version);
BlockIt end_it = header_block.end();
if (status_it == end_it || version_it == end_it) {
return false;
if (!ParseReasonAndStatus(status_it->second, request_headers)) {
return false;
for (BlockIt it = header_block.begin(); it != header_block.end(); ++it) {
if (!IsSpecialSpdyHeader(it, request_headers)) {
request_headers->AppendHeader(it->first, it->second);
return true;
} // namespace tools
} // namespace net