// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <qos2.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/threading/non_thread_safe.h"
#include "base/win/object_watcher.h"
#include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/base/rand_callback.h"
#include "net/base/ip_endpoint.h"
#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
#include "net/base/net_log.h"
#include "net/udp/datagram_socket.h"
namespace net {
class NET_EXPORT UDPSocketWin : NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public base::NonThreadSafe) {
UDPSocketWin(DatagramSocket::BindType bind_type,
const RandIntCallback& rand_int_cb,
net::NetLog* net_log,
const net::NetLog::Source& source);
virtual ~UDPSocketWin();
// Connect the socket to connect with a certain |address|.
// Returns a net error code.
int Connect(const IPEndPoint& address);
// Bind the address/port for this socket to |address|. This is generally
// only used on a server.
// Returns a net error code.
int Bind(const IPEndPoint& address);
// Close the socket.
void Close();
// Copy the remote udp address into |address| and return a network error code.
int GetPeerAddress(IPEndPoint* address) const;
// Copy the local udp address into |address| and return a network error code.
// (similar to getsockname)
int GetLocalAddress(IPEndPoint* address) const;
// IO:
// Multiple outstanding read requests are not supported.
// Full duplex mode (reading and writing at the same time) is supported
// Read from the socket.
// Only usable from the client-side of a UDP socket, after the socket
// has been connected.
int Read(IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len, const CompletionCallback& callback);
// Write to the socket.
// Only usable from the client-side of a UDP socket, after the socket
// has been connected.
int Write(IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len, const CompletionCallback& callback);
// Read from a socket and receive sender address information.
// |buf| is the buffer to read data into.
// |buf_len| is the maximum amount of data to read.
// |address| is a buffer provided by the caller for receiving the sender
// address information about the received data. This buffer must be kept
// alive by the caller until the callback is placed.
// |address_length| is a ptr to the length of the |address| buffer. This
// is an input parameter containing the maximum size |address| can hold
// and also an output parameter for the size of |address| upon completion.
// |callback| is the callback on completion of the RecvFrom.
// Returns a net error code, or ERR_IO_PENDING if the IO is in progress.
// If ERR_IO_PENDING is returned, the caller must keep |buf|, |address|,
// and |address_length| alive until the callback is called.
int RecvFrom(IOBuffer* buf,
int buf_len,
IPEndPoint* address,
const CompletionCallback& callback);
// Send to a socket with a particular destination.
// |buf| is the buffer to send
// |buf_len| is the number of bytes to send
// |address| is the recipient address.
// |address_length| is the size of the recipient address
// |callback| is the user callback function to call on complete.
// Returns a net error code, or ERR_IO_PENDING if the IO is in progress.
// If ERR_IO_PENDING is returned, the caller must keep |buf| and |address|
// alive until the callback is called.
int SendTo(IOBuffer* buf,
int buf_len,
const IPEndPoint& address,
const CompletionCallback& callback);
// Set the receive buffer size (in bytes) for the socket.
// Returns a net error code.
int SetReceiveBufferSize(int32 size);
// Set the send buffer size (in bytes) for the socket.
// Returns a net error code.
int SetSendBufferSize(int32 size);
// Returns true if the socket is already connected or bound.
bool is_connected() const { return socket_ != INVALID_SOCKET; }
const BoundNetLog& NetLog() const { return net_log_; }
// Sets corresponding flags in |socket_options_| to allow the socket
// to share the local address to which the socket will be bound with
// other processes. Should be called before Bind().
void AllowAddressReuse();
// Sets corresponding flags in |socket_options_| to allow sending
// and receiving packets to and from broadcast addresses. Should be
// called before Bind().
void AllowBroadcast();
// Join the multicast group.
// |group_address| is the group address to join, could be either
// an IPv4 or IPv6 address.
// Return a network error code.
int JoinGroup(const IPAddressNumber& group_address) const;
// Leave the multicast group.
// |group_address| is the group address to leave, could be either
// an IPv4 or IPv6 address. If the socket hasn't joined the group,
// it will be ignored.
// It's optional to leave the multicast group before destroying
// the socket. It will be done by the OS.
// Return a network error code.
int LeaveGroup(const IPAddressNumber& group_address) const;
// Set interface to use for multicast. If |interface_index| set to 0, default
// interface is used.
// Should be called before Bind().
// Returns a network error code.
int SetMulticastInterface(uint32 interface_index);
// Set the time-to-live option for UDP packets sent to the multicast
// group address. The default value of this option is 1.
// Cannot be negative or more than 255.
// Should be called before Bind().
int SetMulticastTimeToLive(int time_to_live);
// Set the loopback flag for UDP socket. If this flag is true, the host
// will receive packets sent to the joined group from itself.
// The default value of this option is true.
// Should be called before Bind().
// Note: the behavior of |SetMulticastLoopbackMode| is slightly
// different between Windows and Unix-like systems. The inconsistency only
// happens when there are more than one applications on the same host
// joined to the same multicast group while having different settings on
// multicast loopback mode. On Windows, the applications with loopback off
// will not RECEIVE the loopback packets; while on Unix-like systems, the
// applications with loopback off will not SEND the loopback packets to
// other applications on the same host. See MSDN: http://goo.gl/6vqbj
int SetMulticastLoopbackMode(bool loopback);
// Set the differentiated services flags on outgoing packets. May not
// do anything on some platforms.
int SetDiffServCodePoint(DiffServCodePoint dscp);
// Resets the thread to be used for thread-safety checks.
void DetachFromThread();
enum SocketOptions {
class Core;
void DoReadCallback(int rv);
void DoWriteCallback(int rv);
void DidCompleteRead();
void DidCompleteWrite();
// Handles stats and logging. |result| is the number of bytes transferred, on
// success, or the net error code on failure. LogRead retrieves the address
// from |recv_addr_storage_|, while LogWrite takes it as an optional argument.
void LogRead(int result, const char* bytes) const;
void LogWrite(int result, const char* bytes, const IPEndPoint* address) const;
// Returns the OS error code (or 0 on success).
int CreateSocket(int addr_family);
// Same as SendTo(), except that address is passed by pointer
// instead of by reference. It is called from Write() with |address|
// set to NULL.
int SendToOrWrite(IOBuffer* buf,
int buf_len,
const IPEndPoint* address,
const CompletionCallback& callback);
int InternalConnect(const IPEndPoint& address);
int InternalRecvFrom(IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len, IPEndPoint* address);
int InternalSendTo(IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len, const IPEndPoint* address);
// Applies |socket_options_| to |socket_|. Should be called before
// Bind().
int SetSocketOptions();
int DoBind(const IPEndPoint& address);
// Binds to a random port on |address|.
int RandomBind(const IPAddressNumber& address);
// Attempts to convert the data in |recv_addr_storage_| and |recv_addr_len_|
// to an IPEndPoint and writes it to |address|. Returns true on success.
bool ReceiveAddressToIPEndpoint(IPEndPoint* address) const;
SOCKET socket_;
int addr_family_;
// Bitwise-or'd combination of SocketOptions. Specifies the set of
// options that should be applied to |socket_| before Bind().
int socket_options_;
// Multicast interface.
uint32 multicast_interface_;
// Multicast socket options cached for SetSocketOption.
// Cannot be used after Bind().
int multicast_time_to_live_;
// How to do source port binding, used only when UDPSocket is part of
// UDPClientSocket, since UDPServerSocket provides Bind.
DatagramSocket::BindType bind_type_;
// PRNG function for generating port numbers.
RandIntCallback rand_int_cb_;
// These are mutable since they're just cached copies to make
// GetPeerAddress/GetLocalAddress smarter.
mutable scoped_ptr<IPEndPoint> local_address_;
mutable scoped_ptr<IPEndPoint> remote_address_;
// The core of the socket that can live longer than the socket itself. We pass
// resources to the Windows async IO functions and we have to make sure that
// they are not destroyed while the OS still references them.
scoped_refptr<Core> core_;
IPEndPoint* recv_from_address_;
// Cached copy of the current address we're sending to, if any. Used for
// logging.
scoped_ptr<IPEndPoint> send_to_address_;
// External callback; called when read is complete.
CompletionCallback read_callback_;
// External callback; called when write is complete.
CompletionCallback write_callback_;
BoundNetLog net_log_;
// QWAVE data. Used to set DSCP bits on outgoing packets.
HANDLE qos_handle_;
QOS_FLOWID qos_flow_id_;
// QWAVE (Quality Windows Audio/Video Experience) is the latest windows
// library for setting packet priorities (and other things). Unfortunately,
// Microsoft has decided that setting the DSCP bits with setsockopt() no
// longer works, so we have to use this API instead.
// This class is meant to be used as a singleton. It exposes a few dynamically
// loaded functions and a bool called "qwave_supported".
class NET_EXPORT QwaveAPI {
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *CloseHandleFn)(HANDLE);
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *AddSocketToFlowFn)(
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *RemoveSocketFromFlowFn)(
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *SetFlowFn)(
static QwaveAPI& Get();
bool qwave_supported() const;
BOOL CreateHandle(PQOS_VERSION version, PHANDLE handle);
BOOL CloseHandle(HANDLE handle);
BOOL AddSocketToFlow(HANDLE handle,
SOCKET socket,
QOS_TRAFFIC_TYPE traffic_type,
DWORD flags,
PQOS_FLOWID flow_id);
BOOL RemoveSocketFromFlow(HANDLE handle,
SOCKET socket,
QOS_FLOWID flow_id,
DWORD reserved);
BOOL SetFlow(HANDLE handle,
QOS_FLOWID flow_id,
ULONG size,
PVOID data,
DWORD reserved,
LPOVERLAPPED overlapped);
bool qwave_supported_;
CreateHandleFn create_handle_func_;
CloseHandleFn close_handle_func_;
AddSocketToFlowFn add_socket_to_flow_func_;
RemoveSocketFromFlowFn remove_socket_from_flow_func_;
SetFlowFn set_flow_func_;
} // namespace net