// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "ppapi/cpp/dev/scriptable_object_deprecated.h"
#include "ppapi/tests/test_case.h"
class TestInstance;
// ScriptableObject used by TestInstance.
class InstanceSO : public pp::deprecated::ScriptableObject {
explicit InstanceSO(TestInstance* i);
virtual ~InstanceSO();
// pp::deprecated::ScriptableObject overrides.
bool HasMethod(const pp::Var& name, pp::Var* exception);
pp::Var Call(const pp::Var& name,
const std::vector<pp::Var>& args,
pp::Var* exception);
// For out-of-process, the InstanceSO might be deleted after the instance was
// already destroyed, so we can't rely on test_instance_ being valid.
void clear_test_instance() { test_instance_ = NULL; }
TestInstance* test_instance_;
const PPB_Testing_Private* testing_interface_;
class TestInstance : public TestCase {
TestInstance(TestingInstance* instance);
virtual ~TestInstance();
// TestCase implementation.
virtual bool Init();
virtual void RunTests(const std::string& filter);
void set_string(const std::string& s) { string_ = s; }
// Leak a reference to the given var, but ignore the leak in the leak checking
// that happens at shutdown. This allows us to test the "ForceFree" that
// happens on instance shutdown.
void LeakReferenceAndIgnore(const pp::Var& leaked);
// This resets the scriptable object if it gets destroyed before the instance
// which should be the case for in-process tests.
void clear_instance_so() { instance_so_ = NULL; }
// Test case protected overrides.
virtual pp::deprecated::ScriptableObject* CreateTestObject();
std::string TestExecuteScript();
std::string TestRecursiveObjects();
std::string TestLeakedObjectDestructors();
std::string TestSetupExecuteScriptAtInstanceShutdown();
std::string TestExecuteScriptAtInstanceShutdown();
// Value written by set_string which is called by the ScriptableObject. This
// allows us to keep track of what was called.
std::string string_;
// The scriptable object for this test.
InstanceSO* instance_so_;