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// Copyright (c) 2002-2013 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Display.h: Defines the egl::Display class, representing the abstract
// display on which graphics are drawn. Implements EGLDisplay.
// [EGL 1.4] section 2.1.2 page 3.


#include <set>
#include <vector>

#include "libEGL/Config.h"

namespace gl
class Context;

namespace egl
class Surface;

class Display

    bool initialize();
    void terminate();

    static egl::Display *getDisplay(EGLNativeDisplayType displayId, EGLint displayType);

    static const char *getExtensionString(egl::Display *display);

    static bool supportsPlatformD3D();
    static bool supportsPlatformOpenGL();

    bool getConfigs(EGLConfig *configs, const EGLint *attribList, EGLint configSize, EGLint *numConfig);
    bool getConfigAttrib(EGLConfig config, EGLint attribute, EGLint *value);

    EGLSurface createWindowSurface(HWND window, EGLConfig config, const EGLint *attribList);
    EGLSurface createOffscreenSurface(EGLConfig config, HANDLE shareHandle, const EGLint *attribList);
    EGLContext createContext(EGLConfig configHandle, EGLint clientVersion, const gl::Context *shareContext, bool notifyResets, bool robustAccess);

    void destroySurface(egl::Surface *surface);
    void destroyContext(gl::Context *context);

    bool isInitialized() const;
    bool isValidConfig(EGLConfig config);
    bool isValidContext(gl::Context *context);
    bool isValidSurface(egl::Surface *surface);
    bool hasExistingWindowSurface(HWND window);

    rx::Renderer *getRenderer() { return mRenderer; };

    // exported methods must be virtual
    virtual void notifyDeviceLost();
    virtual void recreateSwapChains();

    const char *getExtensionString() const;
    const char *getVendorString() const;


    Display(EGLNativeDisplayType displayId, EGLint displayType);

    bool restoreLostDevice();

    EGLNativeDisplayType mDisplayId;
    EGLint mRequestedDisplayType;

    typedef std::set<Surface*> SurfaceSet;
    SurfaceSet mSurfaceSet;

    ConfigSet mConfigSet;

    typedef std::set<gl::Context*> ContextSet;
    ContextSet mContextSet;

    rx::Renderer *mRenderer;

    static std::string generateClientExtensionString();

    void initDisplayExtensionString();
    std::string mDisplayExtensionString;

    void initVendorString();
    std::string mVendorString;

#endif   // LIBEGL_DISPLAY_H_