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# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

"""Runs Closure compiler on a JavaScript file to check for errors."""

import argparse
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import processor

class Checker(object):
  """Runs the Closure compiler on a given source file and returns the

    # TODO(dbeam): happens when the same file is <include>d multiple times.


  _found_java = False

  def __init__(self, verbose=False):
    current_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    self._compiler_jar = os.path.join(current_dir, "lib", "compiler.jar")
    self._runner_jar = os.path.join(current_dir, "runner", "runner.jar")
    self._temp_files = []
    self._verbose = verbose

  def _clean_up(self):
    if not self._temp_files:

    self._debug("Deleting temporary files: %s" % ", ".join(self._temp_files))
    for f in self._temp_files:
    self._temp_files = []

  def _debug(self, msg, error=False):
    if self._verbose:
      print "(INFO) %s" % msg

  def _error(self, msg):
    print >> sys.stderr, "(ERROR) %s" % msg

  def _run_command(self, cmd):
    """Runs a shell command.

        cmd: A list of tokens to be joined into a shell command.

        True if the exit code was 0, else False.
    cmd_str = " ".join(cmd)
    self._debug("Running command: %s" % cmd_str)

    devnull = open(os.devnull, "w")
    return subprocess.Popen(
        cmd_str, stdout=devnull, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)

  def _check_java_path(self):
    """Checks that `java` is on the system path."""
    if not self._found_java:
      proc = self._run_command(["which", "java"])
      if proc.returncode == 0:
        self._found_java = True
        self._error("Cannot find java (`which java` => %s)" % proc.returncode)

    return self._found_java

  def _run_jar(self, jar, args=None):
    args = args or []
    return self._run_command(self._JAR_COMMAND + [jar] + args)

  def _fix_line_number(self, match):
    """Changes a line number from /tmp/file:300 to /orig/file:100.

        match: A re.MatchObject from matching against a line number regex.

        The fixed up /file and :line number.
    real_file = self._processor.get_file_from_line(match.group(1))
    return "%s:%d" % (os.path.abspath(real_file.file), real_file.line_number)

  def _fix_up_error(self, error):
    """Filter out irrelevant errors or fix line numbers.
        error: A Closure compiler error (2 line string with error and source).
        The fixed up erorr string (blank if it should be ignored).
    if " first declared in " in error:
      # Ignore "Variable x first declared in /same/file".
      return ""

    expanded_file = self._expanded_file
    fixed = re.sub("%s:(\d+)" % expanded_file, self._fix_line_number, error)
    return fixed.replace(expanded_file, os.path.abspath(self._file_arg))

  def _format_errors(self, errors):
    """Formats Closure compiler errors to easily spot compiler output."""
    errors = filter(None, errors)
    contents = "\n## ".join("\n\n".join(errors).splitlines())
    return "## %s" % contents if contents else ""

  def _create_temp_file(self, contents):
    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="wt", delete=False) as tmp_file:
    return tmp_file.name

  def check(self, source_file, depends=None, externs=None):
    """Closure compile a file and check for errors.

        source_file: A file to check.
        depends: Other files that would be included with a <script> earlier in
            the page.
        externs: @extern files that inform the compiler about custom globals.

        (exitcode, output) The exit code of the Closure compiler (as a number)
            and its output (as a string).
    depends = depends or []
    externs = externs or []

    if not self._check_java_path():
      return 1, ""

    self._debug("FILE: %s" % source_file)

    if source_file.endswith("_externs.js"):
      self._debug("Skipping externs: %s" % source_file)

    self._file_arg = source_file

    tmp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
    rel_path = lambda f: os.path.join(os.path.relpath(os.getcwd(), tmp_dir), f)

    includes = [rel_path(f) for f in depends + [source_file]]
    contents = ['<include src="%s">' % i for i in includes]
    meta_file = self._create_temp_file("\n".join(contents))
    self._debug("Meta file: %s" % meta_file)

    self._processor = processor.Processor(meta_file)
    self._expanded_file = self._create_temp_file(self._processor.contents)
    self._debug("Expanded file: %s" % self._expanded_file)

    args = ["--js=%s" % self._expanded_file]
    args += ["--externs=%s" % e for e in externs]
    args_file_content = " %s" % " ".join(self._COMMON_CLOSURE_ARGS + args)
    self._debug("Args: %s" % args_file_content.strip())

    args_file = self._create_temp_file(args_file_content)
    self._debug("Args file: %s" % args_file)

    runner_args = ["--compiler-args-file=%s" % args_file]
    runner_cmd = self._run_jar(self._runner_jar, args=runner_args)
    (_, stderr) = runner_cmd.communicate()

    errors = stderr.strip().split("\n\n")
    self._debug("Summary: %s" % errors.pop())

    output = self._format_errors(map(self._fix_up_error, errors))
    if runner_cmd.returncode:
      self._error("Error in: %s%s" % (source_file, "\n" + output if output else ""))
    elif output:
      self._debug("Output: %s" % output)


    return runner_cmd.returncode, output

if __name__ == "__main__":
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
      description="Typecheck JavaScript using Closure compiler")
  parser.add_argument("sources", nargs=argparse.ONE_OR_MORE,
                      help="Path to a source file to typecheck")
  parser.add_argument("-d", "--depends", nargs=argparse.ZERO_OR_MORE)
  parser.add_argument("-e", "--externs", nargs=argparse.ZERO_OR_MORE)
  parser.add_argument("-o", "--out_file", help="A place to output results")
  parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
                      help="Show more information as this script runs")
  opts = parser.parse_args()

  checker = Checker(verbose=opts.verbose)
  for source in opts.sources:
    exit, _ = checker.check(source, depends=opts.depends, externs=opts.externs)
    if exit != 0:

    if opts.out_file:
      out_dir = os.path.dirname(opts.out_file)
      if not os.path.exists(out_dir):
      # TODO(dbeam): write compiled file to |opts.out_file|.
      open(opts.out_file, "w").write("")