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# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

"""Process Chrome resources (HTML/CSS/JS) to handle <include> and <if> tags."""

from collections import defaultdict
import re
import os

class LineNumber(object):
  """A simple wrapper to hold line information (e.g. file.js:32).
    source_file: A file path.
    line_number: The line in |file|.
  def __init__(self, source_file, line_number):
    self.file = source_file
    self.line_number = int(line_number)

class FileCache(object):
  """An in-memory cache to speed up reading the same files over and over.

  _cache = defaultdict(str)

  def read(self, source_file):
    """Read a file and return it as a string.

        source_file: a file to read and return the contents of.

        |file| as a string.
    abs_file = os.path.abspath(source_file)
    self._cache[abs_file] = self._cache[abs_file] or open(abs_file, "r").read()
    return self._cache[abs_file]

class Processor(object):
  """Processes resource files, inlining the contents of <include> tags, removing
  <if> tags, and retaining original line info.

  For example

      1: /* blah.js */
      2: <if expr="is_win">
      3: <include src="win.js">
      4: </if>

  would be turned into:

      1: /* blah.js */
      3: /* win.js */
      4: alert('Ew; Windows.');

      source_file: A file to process.

      contents: Expanded contents after inlining <include>s and stripping <if>s.
      included_files: A list of files that were inlined via <include>.

  _IF_TAGS_REG = "</?if[^>]*?>"
  _INCLUDE_REG = "<include[^>]+src=['\"]([^>]*)['\"]>"

  def __init__(self, source_file):
    self._included_files = set()
    self._index = 0
    self._lines = self._get_file(source_file)

    while self._index < len(self._lines):
      current_line = self._lines[self._index]
      match = re.search(self._INCLUDE_REG, current_line[2])
      if match:
        file_dir = os.path.dirname(current_line[0])
        self._include_file(os.path.join(file_dir, match.group(1)))
        self._index += 1

    for i, line in enumerate(self._lines):
      self._lines[i] = line[:2] + (re.sub(self._IF_TAGS_REG, "", line[2]),)

    self.contents = "\n".join(l[2] for l in self._lines)

  # Returns a list of tuples in the format: (file, line number, line contents).
  def _get_file(self, source_file):
    lines = FileCache.read(source_file).splitlines()
    return [(source_file, lnum + 1, line) for lnum, line in enumerate(lines)]

  def _include_file(self, source_file):
    f = self._get_file(source_file)
    self._lines = self._lines[:self._index] + f + self._lines[self._index + 1:]

  def get_file_from_line(self, line_number):
    """Get the original file and line number for an expanded file's line number.

        line_number: A processed file's line number.
    line_number = int(line_number) - 1
    return LineNumber(self._lines[line_number][0], self._lines[line_number][1])

  def included_files(self):
    """A list of files that were inlined via <include>."""
    return self._included_files