// Copyright (C) 2009 The Libphonenumber Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Utility for international phone numbers.
// Author: Shaopeng Jia
// Open-sourced by: Philippe Liard
#include <stddef.h>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "phonenumbers/base/basictypes.h"
#include "phonenumbers/base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "phonenumbers/base/memory/singleton.h"
#include "phonenumbers/phonenumber.pb.h"
class TelephoneNumber;
namespace i18n {
namespace phonenumbers {
using std::list;
using std::map;
using std::pair;
using std::set;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField;
class AsYouTypeFormatter;
class Logger;
class NumberFormat;
class PhoneMetadata;
class PhoneNumberRegExpsAndMappings;
class RegExp;
// NOTE: A lot of methods in this class require Region Code strings. These must
// be provided using ISO 3166-1 two-letter country-code format. The list of the
// codes can be found here:
// http://www.iso.org/iso/english_country_names_and_code_elements
class PhoneNumberUtil : public Singleton<PhoneNumberUtil> {
friend class AsYouTypeFormatter;
friend class PhoneNumberMatcher;
friend class PhoneNumberMatcherRegExps;
friend class PhoneNumberMatcherTest;
friend class PhoneNumberRegExpsAndMappings;
friend class PhoneNumberUtilTest;
friend class ShortNumberInfo;
friend class ShortNumberInfoTest;
friend class Singleton<PhoneNumberUtil>;
static const char kRegionCodeForNonGeoEntity[];
// INTERNATIONAL and NATIONAL formats are consistent with the definition
// in ITU-T Recommendation E. 123. For example, the number of the Google
// Zürich office will be written as "+41 44 668 1800" in INTERNATIONAL
// format, and as "044 668 1800" in NATIONAL format. E164 format is as per
// INTERNATIONAL format but with no formatting applied e.g. "+41446681800".
// RFC3966 is as per INTERNATIONAL format, but with all spaces and other
// separating symbols replaced with a hyphen, and with any phone number
// extension appended with ";ext=". It also will have a prefix of "tel:"
// added, e.g. "tel:+41-44-668-1800".
enum PhoneNumberFormat {
// Type of phone numbers.
enum PhoneNumberType {
// In some regions (e.g. the USA), it is impossible to distinguish between
// fixed-line and mobile numbers by looking at the phone number itself.
// Freephone lines
// The cost of this call is shared between the caller and the recipient, and
// is hence typically less than PREMIUM_RATE calls. See
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shared_Cost_Service for more information.
// Voice over IP numbers. This includes TSoIP (Telephony Service over IP).
// A personal number is associated with a particular person, and may be
// routed to either a MOBILE or FIXED_LINE number. Some more information can
// be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_Numbers
// Used for "Universal Access Numbers" or "Company Numbers". They may be
// further routed to specific offices, but allow one number to be used for a
// company.
// Used for "Voice Mail Access Numbers".
// A phone number is of type UNKNOWN when it does not fit any of the known
// patterns for a specific region.
// Types of phone number matches. See detailed description beside the
// IsNumberMatch() method.
enum MatchType {
INVALID_NUMBER, // NOT_A_NUMBER in the java version.
enum ErrorType {
TOO_LONG_NSN, // TOO_LONG in the java version.
// Possible outcomes when testing if a PhoneNumber is possible.
enum ValidationResult {
// Convenience method to get a list of what regions the library has metadata
// for.
void GetSupportedRegions(set<string>* regions) const;
// Populates a list with the region codes that match the specific country
// calling code. For non-geographical country calling codes, the region code
// 001 is returned. Also, in the case of no region code being found, the list
// is left unchanged.
void GetRegionCodesForCountryCallingCode(
int country_calling_code,
list<string>* region_codes) const;
// Gets a PhoneNumberUtil instance to carry out international phone number
// formatting, parsing, or validation. The instance is loaded with phone
// number metadata for a number of most commonly used regions, as specified by
// The PhoneNumberUtil is implemented as a singleton. Therefore, calling
// GetInstance multiple times will only result in one instance being created.
static PhoneNumberUtil* GetInstance();
// Returns true if the number is a valid vanity (alpha) number such as 800
// MICROSOFT. A valid vanity number will start with at least 3 digits and will
// have three or more alpha characters. This does not do region-specific
// checks - to work out if this number is actually valid for a region, it
// should be parsed and methods such as IsPossibleNumberWithReason or
// IsValidNumber should be used.
bool IsAlphaNumber(const string& number) const;
// Converts all alpha characters in a number to their respective digits on
// a keypad, but retains existing formatting.
void ConvertAlphaCharactersInNumber(string* number) const;
// Normalizes a string of characters representing a phone number. This
// converts wide-ascii and arabic-indic numerals to European numerals, and
// strips punctuation and alpha characters.
void NormalizeDigitsOnly(string* number) const;
// Normalizes a string of characters representing a phone number. This strips
// all characters which are not diallable on a mobile phone keypad (including
// all non-ASCII digits).
void NormalizeDiallableCharsOnly(string* number) const;
// Gets the national significant number of a phone number. Note a national
// significant number doesn't contain a national prefix or any formatting.
void GetNationalSignificantNumber(const PhoneNumber& number,
string* national_significant_num) const;
// Gets the length of the geographical area code from the PhoneNumber object
// passed in, so that clients could use it to split a national significant
// number into geographical area code and subscriber number. It works in such
// a way that the resultant subscriber number should be diallable, at least on
// some devices. An example of how this could be used:
// const PhoneNumberUtil& phone_util(*PhoneNumberUtil::GetInstance());
// PhoneNumber number;
// phone_util.Parse("16502530000", "US", &number);
// string national_significant_number;
// phone_util.GetNationalSignificantNumber(number,
// &national_significant_number);
// string area_code;
// string subscriber_number;
// int area_code_length = phone_util.GetLengthOfGeographicalAreaCode(number);
// if (area_code_length > 0) {
// area_code = national_significant_number.substr(0, area_code_length);
// subscriber_number = national_significant_number.substr(
// area_code_length, string::npos);
// else {
// area_code = "";
// subscriber_number = national_significant_number;
// }
// N.B.: area code is a very ambiguous concept, so the authors generally
// recommend against using it for most purposes, but recommend using the
// more general national_number instead. Read the following carefully before
// deciding to use this method:
// - geographical area codes change over time, and this method honors those
// changes; therefore, it doesn't guarantee the stability of the result it
// produces.
// - subscriber numbers may not be diallable from all devices (notably mobile
// devices, which typically requires the full national_number to be dialled
// in most regions).
// - most non-geographical numbers have no area codes, including numbers
// from non-geographical entities.
// - some geographical numbers have no area codes.
int GetLengthOfGeographicalAreaCode(const PhoneNumber& number) const;
// Gets the length of the national destination code (NDC) from the PhoneNumber
// object passed in, so that clients could use it to split a national
// significant number into NDC and subscriber number. The NDC of a phone
// number is normally the first group of digit(s) right after the country
// calling code when the number is formatted in the international format, if
// there is a subscriber number part that follows. An example of how this
// could be used:
// const PhoneNumberUtil& phone_util(*PhoneNumberUtil::GetInstance());
// PhoneNumber number;
// phone_util.Parse("16502530000", "US", &number);
// string national_significant_number;
// phone_util.GetNationalSignificantNumber(number,
// &national_significant_number);
// string national_destination_code;
// string subscriber_number;
// int national_destination_code_length =
// phone_util.GetLengthOfGeographicalAreaCode(number);
// if (national_destination_code_length > 0) {
// national_destination_code = national_significant_number.substr(
// 0, national_destination_code_length);
// subscriber_number = national_significant_number.substr(
// national_destination_code_length, string::npos);
// else {
// national_destination_code = "";
// subscriber_number = national_significant_number;
// }
// Refer to the unittests to see the difference between this function and
// GetLengthOfGeographicalAreaCode().
int GetLengthOfNationalDestinationCode(const PhoneNumber& number) const;
// Returns the mobile token for the provided country calling code if it has
// one, otherwise returns an empty string. A mobile token is a number inserted
// before the area code when dialing a mobile number from that country from
// abroad.
void GetCountryMobileToken(int country_calling_code,
string* mobile_token) const;
// Formats a phone number in the specified format using default rules. Note
// that this does not promise to produce a phone number that the user can
// dial from where they are - although we do format in either NATIONAL or
// INTERNATIONAL format depending on what the client asks for, we do not
// currently support a more abbreviated format, such as for users in the
// same area who could potentially dial the number without area code.
void Format(const PhoneNumber& number,
PhoneNumberFormat number_format,
string* formatted_number) const;
// Formats a phone number in the specified format using client-defined
// formatting rules.
void FormatByPattern(
const PhoneNumber& number,
PhoneNumberFormat number_format,
const RepeatedPtrField<NumberFormat>& user_defined_formats,
string* formatted_number) const;
// Formats a phone number in national format for dialing using the carrier as
// specified in the carrier_code. The carrier_code will always be used
// regardless of whether the phone number already has a preferred domestic
// carrier code stored. If carrier_code contains an empty string, return the
// number in national format without any carrier code.
void FormatNationalNumberWithCarrierCode(const PhoneNumber& number,
const string& carrier_code,
string* formatted_number) const;
// Formats a phone number in national format for dialing using the carrier as
// specified in the preferred_domestic_carrier_code field of the PhoneNumber
// object passed in. If that is missing, use the fallback_carrier_code passed
// in instead. If there is no preferred_domestic_carrier_code, and the
// fallback_carrier_code contains an empty string, return the number in
// national format without any carrier code.
// Use FormatNationalNumberWithCarrierCode instead if the carrier code passed
// in should take precedence over the number's preferred_domestic_carrier_code
// when formatting.
void FormatNationalNumberWithPreferredCarrierCode(
const PhoneNumber& number,
const string& fallback_carrier_code,
string* formatted_number) const;
// Returns a number formatted in such a way that it can be dialed from a
// mobile phone in a specific region. If the number cannot be reached from
// the region (e.g. some countries block toll-free numbers from being called
// outside of the country), the method returns an empty string.
void FormatNumberForMobileDialing(
const PhoneNumber& number,
const string& region_calling_from,
bool with_formatting,
string* formatted_number) const;
// Formats a phone number for out-of-country dialing purposes.
// Note this function takes care of the case for calling inside of NANPA
// and between Russia and Kazakhstan (who share the same country calling
// code). In those cases, no international prefix is used. For regions which
// have multiple international prefixes, the number in its INTERNATIONAL
// format will be returned instead.
void FormatOutOfCountryCallingNumber(
const PhoneNumber& number,
const string& calling_from,
string* formatted_number) const;
// Formats a phone number using the original phone number format that the
// number is parsed from. The original format is embedded in the
// country_code_source field of the PhoneNumber object passed in. If such
// information is missing, the number will be formatted into the NATIONAL
// format by default. When the number is an invalid number, the method returns
// the raw input when it is available.
void FormatInOriginalFormat(const PhoneNumber& number,
const string& region_calling_from,
string* formatted_number) const;
// Formats a phone number for out-of-country dialing purposes.
// Note that in this version, if the number was entered originally using alpha
// characters and this version of the number is stored in raw_input, this
// representation of the number will be used rather than the digit
// representation. Grouping information, as specified by characters such as
// "-" and " ", will be retained.
// Caveats:
// 1) This will not produce good results if the country calling code is both
// present in the raw input _and_ is the start of the national number. This
// is not a problem in the regions which typically use alpha numbers.
// 2) This will also not produce good results if the raw input has any
// grouping information within the first three digits of the national number,
// and if the function needs to strip preceding digits/words in the raw input
// before these digits. Normally people group the first three digits together
// so this is not a huge problem - and will be fixed if it proves to be so.
void FormatOutOfCountryKeepingAlphaChars(
const PhoneNumber& number,
const string& calling_from,
string* formatted_number) const;
// Attempts to extract a valid number from a phone number that is too long to
// be valid, and resets the PhoneNumber object passed in to that valid
// version. If no valid number could be extracted, the PhoneNumber object
// passed in will not be modified. It returns true if a valid phone number can
// be successfully extracted.
bool TruncateTooLongNumber(PhoneNumber* number) const;
// Gets the type of a phone number.
PhoneNumberType GetNumberType(const PhoneNumber& number) const;
// Tests whether a phone number matches a valid pattern. Note this doesn't
// verify the number is actually in use, which is impossible to tell by just
// looking at a number itself.
bool IsValidNumber(const PhoneNumber& number) const;
// Tests whether a phone number is valid for a certain region. Note this
// doesn't verify the number is actually in use, which is impossible to tell
// by just looking at a number itself. If the country calling code is not the
// same as the country calling code for the region, this immediately exits
// with false. After this, the specific number pattern rules for the region
// are examined.
// This is useful for determining for example whether a particular number is
// valid for Canada, rather than just a valid NANPA number.
// Warning: In most cases, you want to use IsValidNumber instead. For
// example, this method will mark numbers from British Crown dependencies
// such as the Isle of Man as invalid for the region "GB" (United Kingdom),
// since it has its own region code, "IM", which may be undesirable.
bool IsValidNumberForRegion(
const PhoneNumber& number,
const string& region_code) const;
// Returns the region where a phone number is from. This could be used for
// geo-coding at the region level.
void GetRegionCodeForNumber(const PhoneNumber& number,
string* region_code) const;
// Returns the country calling code for a specific region. For example,
// this would be 1 for the United States, and 64 for New Zealand.
int GetCountryCodeForRegion(const string& region_code) const;
// Returns the region code that matches the specific country code. Note that
// it is possible that several regions share the same country calling code
// (e.g. US and Canada), and in that case, only one of the regions (normally
// the one with the largest population) is returned.
void GetRegionCodeForCountryCode(int country_code, string* region_code) const;
// Checks if this is a region under the North American Numbering Plan
// Administration (NANPA).
bool IsNANPACountry(const string& region_code) const;
// Returns the national dialling prefix for a specific region. For example,
// this would be 1 for the United States, and 0 for New Zealand. Set
// strip_non_digits to true to strip symbols like "~" (which indicates a wait
// for a dialling tone) from the prefix returned. If no national prefix is
// present, we return an empty string.
void GetNddPrefixForRegion(const string& region_code,
bool strip_non_digits,
string* national_prefix) const;
// Checks whether a phone number is a possible number. It provides a more
// lenient check than IsValidNumber() in the following sense:
// 1. It only checks the length of phone numbers. In particular, it doesn't
// check starting digits of the number.
// 2. It doesn't attempt to figure out the type of the number, but uses
// general rules which applies to all types of phone numbers in a
// region. Therefore, it is much faster than IsValidNumber().
// 3. For fixed line numbers, many regions have the concept of area code,
// which together with subscriber number constitute the national
// significant number. It is sometimes okay to dial the subscriber
// number only when dialing in the same area. This function will return
// true if the subscriber-number-only version is passed in. On the other
// hand, because IsValidNumber() validates using information on both
// starting digits (for fixed line numbers, that would most likely be
// area codes) and length (obviously includes the length of area codes
// for fixed line numbers), it will return false for the
// subscriber-number-only version.
ValidationResult IsPossibleNumberWithReason(const PhoneNumber& number) const;
// Convenience wrapper around IsPossibleNumberWithReason. Instead of returning
// the reason for failure, this method returns a boolean value.
bool IsPossibleNumber(const PhoneNumber& number) const;
// Checks whether a phone number is a possible number given a number in the
// form of a string, and the country where the number could be dialed from.
// It provides a more lenient check than IsValidNumber(). See
// IsPossibleNumber(const PhoneNumber& number) for details.
// This method first parses the number, then invokes
// IsPossibleNumber(const PhoneNumber& number) with the resultant PhoneNumber
// object.
// region_dialing_from represents the region that we are expecting the number
// to be dialed from. Note this is different from the region where the number
// belongs. For example, the number +1 650 253 0000 is a number that belongs
// to US. When written in this form, it could be dialed from any region. When
// it is written as 00 1 650 253 0000, it could be dialed from any region
// which uses an international dialling prefix of 00. When it is written as
// 650 253 0000, it could only be dialed from within the US, and when written
// as 253 0000, it could only be dialed from within a smaller area in the US
// (Mountain View, CA, to be more specific).
bool IsPossibleNumberForString(
const string& number,
const string& region_dialing_from) const;
// Gets a valid fixed-line number for the specified region. Returns false if
// the region was unknown, or the region 001 is passed in. For 001
// (representing non-geographical numbers), call
// GetExampleNumberForNonGeoEntity instead.
bool GetExampleNumber(const string& region_code,
PhoneNumber* number) const;
// Gets a valid number of the specified type for the specified region.
// Returns false if the region was unknown or 001, or if no example number of
// that type could be found. For 001 (representing non-geographical numbers),
// call GetExampleNumberForNonGeoEntity instead.
bool GetExampleNumberForType(const string& region_code,
PhoneNumberType type,
PhoneNumber* number) const;
// Gets a valid number for the specified country calling code for a
// non-geographical entity. Returns false if the metadata does not contain
// such information, or the country calling code passed in does not belong to
// a non-geographical entity.
bool GetExampleNumberForNonGeoEntity(
int country_calling_code, PhoneNumber* number) const;
// Parses a string and returns it in proto buffer format. This method will
// return an error like INVALID_COUNTRY_CODE if the number is not considered
// to be a possible number, and NO_PARSING_ERROR if it parsed correctly. Note
// that validation of whether the number is actually a valid number for a
// particular region is not performed. This can be done separately with
// IsValidNumber().
// number_to_parse can also be provided in RFC3966 format.
// default_region represents the country that we are expecting the number to
// be from. This is only used if the number being parsed is not written in
// international format. The country_code for the number in this case would be
// stored as that of the default country supplied. If the number is guaranteed
// to start with a '+' followed by the country calling code, then
// "ZZ" can be supplied.
ErrorType Parse(const string& number_to_parse,
const string& default_region,
PhoneNumber* number) const;
// Parses a string and returns it in proto buffer format. This method differs
// from Parse() in that it always populates the raw_input field of the
// protocol buffer with number_to_parse as well as the country_code_source
// field.
ErrorType ParseAndKeepRawInput(const string& number_to_parse,
const string& default_region,
PhoneNumber* number) const;
// Takes two phone numbers and compares them for equality.
// Returns EXACT_MATCH if the country calling code, NSN, presence of a leading
// zero for Italian numbers and any extension present are the same.
// Returns NSN_MATCH if either or both has no country calling code specified,
// and the NSNs and extensions are the same.
// Returns SHORT_NSN_MATCH if either or both has no country calling code
// specified, or the country calling code specified is the same, and one NSN
// could be a shorter version of the other number. This includes the case
// where one has an extension specified, and the other does not.
// Returns NO_MATCH otherwise.
// For example, the numbers +1 345 657 1234 and 657 1234 are a
// SHORT_NSN_MATCH. The numbers +1 345 657 1234 and 345 657 are a NO_MATCH.
MatchType IsNumberMatch(const PhoneNumber& first_number,
const PhoneNumber& second_number) const;
// Takes two phone numbers as strings and compares them for equality. This
// is a convenience wrapper for IsNumberMatch(PhoneNumber firstNumber,
// PhoneNumber secondNumber). No default region is known.
// Returns INVALID_NUMBER if either number cannot be parsed into a phone
// number.
MatchType IsNumberMatchWithTwoStrings(const string& first_number,
const string& second_number) const;
// Takes two phone numbers and compares them for equality. This is a
// convenience wrapper for IsNumberMatch(PhoneNumber firstNumber,
// PhoneNumber secondNumber). No default region is known.
// Returns INVALID_NUMBER if second_number cannot be parsed into a phone
// number.
MatchType IsNumberMatchWithOneString(const PhoneNumber& first_number,
const string& second_number) const;
// Overrides the default logging system. This takes ownership of the provided
// logger.
void SetLogger(Logger* logger);
// Gets an AsYouTypeFormatter for the specific region.
// Returns an AsYouTypeFormatter object, which could be used to format phone
// numbers in the specific region "as you type".
// The deletion of the returned instance is under the responsibility of the
// caller.
AsYouTypeFormatter* GetAsYouTypeFormatter(const string& region_code) const;
friend bool ConvertFromTelephoneNumberProto(
const TelephoneNumber& proto_to_convert,
PhoneNumber* new_proto);
friend bool ConvertToTelephoneNumberProto(const PhoneNumber& proto_to_convert,
TelephoneNumber* resulting_proto);
// Check whether the country_calling_code is from a country whose national
// significant number could contain a leading zero. An example of such a
// country is Italy.
bool IsLeadingZeroPossible(int country_calling_code) const;
scoped_ptr<Logger> logger_;
typedef pair<int, list<string>*> IntRegionsPair;
// The minimum and maximum length of the national significant number.
static const size_t kMinLengthForNsn = 2;
// The ITU says the maximum length should be 15, but we have found longer
// numbers in Germany.
static const size_t kMaxLengthForNsn = 16;
// The maximum length of the country calling code.
static const size_t kMaxLengthCountryCode = 3;
static const char kPlusChars[];
// Regular expression of acceptable punctuation found in phone numbers. This
// excludes punctuation found as a leading character only. This consists of
// dash characters, white space characters, full stops, slashes, square
// brackets, parentheses and tildes. It also includes the letter 'x' as that
// is found as a placeholder for carrier information in some phone numbers.
// Full-width variants are also present.
static const char kValidPunctuation[];
// Regular expression of characters typically used to start a second phone
// number for the purposes of parsing. This allows us to strip off parts of
// the number that are actually the start of another number, such as for:
// (530) 583-6985 x302/x2303 -> the second extension here makes this actually
// two phone numbers, (530) 583-6985 x302 and (530) 583-6985 x2303. We remove
// the second extension so that the first number is parsed correctly. The
// string preceding this is captured.
// This corresponds to SECOND_NUMBER_START in the java version.
static const char kCaptureUpToSecondNumberStart[];
// Helper class holding useful regular expressions and character mappings.
scoped_ptr<PhoneNumberRegExpsAndMappings> reg_exps_;
// A mapping from a country calling code to a RegionCode object which denotes
// the region represented by that country calling code. Note regions under
// NANPA share the country calling code 1 and Russia and Kazakhstan share the
// country calling code 7. Under this map, 1 is mapped to region code "US" and
// 7 is mapped to region code "RU". This is implemented as a sorted vector to
// achieve better performance.
scoped_ptr<vector<IntRegionsPair> > country_calling_code_to_region_code_map_;
// The set of regions that share country calling code 1.
scoped_ptr<set<string> > nanpa_regions_;
static const int kNanpaCountryCode = 1;
// A mapping from a region code to a PhoneMetadata for that region.
scoped_ptr<map<string, PhoneMetadata> > region_to_metadata_map_;
// A mapping from a country calling code for a non-geographical entity to the
// PhoneMetadata for that country calling code. Examples of the country
// calling codes include 800 (International Toll Free Service) and 808
// (International Shared Cost Service).
scoped_ptr<map<int, PhoneMetadata> >
// Returns a regular expression for the possible extensions that may be found
// in a number, for use when matching.
const string& GetExtnPatternsForMatching() const;
// Checks if a number matches the plus chars pattern.
bool StartsWithPlusCharsPattern(const string& number) const;
// Checks whether a string contains only valid digits.
bool ContainsOnlyValidDigits(const string& s) const;
// Checks if a format is eligible to be used by the AsYouTypeFormatter. This
// method is here rather than in asyoutypeformatter.h since it depends on the
// valid punctuation declared by the phone number util.
bool IsFormatEligibleForAsYouTypeFormatter(const string& format) const;
// Helper function to check if the national prefix formatting rule has the
// first group only, i.e., does not start with the national prefix.
bool FormattingRuleHasFirstGroupOnly(
const string& national_prefix_formatting_rule) const;
// Trims unwanted end characters from a phone number string.
void TrimUnwantedEndChars(string* number) const;
// Tests whether a phone number has a geographical association. It checks if
// the number is associated to a certain region in the country where it
// belongs to. Note that this doesn't verify if the number is actually in use.
bool IsNumberGeographical(const PhoneNumber& phone_number) const;
// Helper function to check region code is not unknown or null.
bool IsValidRegionCode(const string& region_code) const;
// Helper function to check the country calling code is valid.
bool HasValidCountryCallingCode(int country_calling_code) const;
const i18n::phonenumbers::PhoneMetadata* GetMetadataForRegion(
const string& region_code) const;
const i18n::phonenumbers::PhoneMetadata* GetMetadataForNonGeographicalRegion(
int country_calling_code) const;
const i18n::phonenumbers::PhoneMetadata* GetMetadataForRegionOrCallingCode(
int country_calling_code,
const string& region_code) const;
// As per GetCountryCodeForRegion, but assumes the validity of the region_code
// has already been checked.
int GetCountryCodeForValidRegion(const string& region_code) const;
const NumberFormat* ChooseFormattingPatternForNumber(
const RepeatedPtrField<NumberFormat>& available_formats,
const string& national_number) const;
void FormatNsnUsingPatternWithCarrier(
const string& national_number,
const NumberFormat& formatting_pattern,
PhoneNumberUtil::PhoneNumberFormat number_format,
const string& carrier_code,
string* formatted_number) const;
void FormatNsnUsingPattern(
const string& national_number,
const NumberFormat& formatting_pattern,
PhoneNumberUtil::PhoneNumberFormat number_format,
string* formatted_number) const;
// Check if raw_input, which is assumed to be in the national format, has a
// national prefix. The national prefix is assumed to be in digits-only form.
bool RawInputContainsNationalPrefix(
const string& raw_input,
const string& national_prefix,
const string& region_code) const;
// Returns true if a number is from a region whose national significant number
// couldn't contain a leading zero, but has the italian_leading_zero field set
// to true.
bool HasUnexpectedItalianLeadingZero(const PhoneNumber& number) const;
bool HasFormattingPatternForNumber(const PhoneNumber& number) const;
// Simple wrapper of FormatNsnWithCarrier for the common case of
// no carrier code.
void FormatNsn(const string& number,
const PhoneMetadata& metadata,
PhoneNumberFormat number_format,
string* formatted_number) const;
void FormatNsnWithCarrier(const string& number,
const PhoneMetadata& metadata,
PhoneNumberFormat number_format,
const string& carrier_code,
string* formatted_number) const;
void MaybeAppendFormattedExtension(
const PhoneNumber& number,
const PhoneMetadata& metadata,
PhoneNumberFormat number_format,
string* extension) const;
void GetRegionCodeForNumberFromRegionList(
const PhoneNumber& number,
const list<string>& region_codes,
string* region_code) const;
// Strips the IDD from the start of the number if present. Helper function
// used by MaybeStripInternationalPrefixAndNormalize.
bool ParsePrefixAsIdd(const RegExp& idd_pattern, string* number) const;
void Normalize(string* number) const;
PhoneNumber::CountryCodeSource MaybeStripInternationalPrefixAndNormalize(
const string& possible_idd_prefix,
string* number) const;
bool MaybeStripNationalPrefixAndCarrierCode(
const PhoneMetadata& metadata,
string* number,
string* carrier_code) const;
void ExtractPossibleNumber(const string& number,
string* extracted_number) const;
bool IsViablePhoneNumber(const string& number) const;
bool MaybeStripExtension(string* number, string* extension) const;
int ExtractCountryCode(string* national_number) const;
ErrorType MaybeExtractCountryCode(
const PhoneMetadata* default_region_metadata,
bool keepRawInput,
string* national_number,
PhoneNumber* phone_number) const;
bool CheckRegionForParsing(
const string& number_to_parse,
const string& default_region) const;
ErrorType ParseHelper(const string& number_to_parse,
const string& default_region,
bool keep_raw_input,
bool check_region,
PhoneNumber* phone_number) const;
void BuildNationalNumberForParsing(const string& number_to_parse,
string* national_number) const;
// Returns true if the number can be dialled from outside the region, or
// unknown. If the number can only be dialled from within the region, returns
// false. Does not check the number is a valid number.
bool CanBeInternationallyDialled(const PhoneNumber& number) const;
} // namespace phonenumbers
} // namespace i18n