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@group Paper Elements

`paper-item` is a list-item object for use in menus. It may contain and icon and/or
a text label.


        <paper-item icon="refresh" label="Refresh"></paper-item>
        <paper-item label="Help"></paper-item>
        <paper-item label="Sign Out"></paper-item>

To use as a link, put an `&lt;a&gt;` element in the item.


    <paper-item icon="home" label="Home">
        <a href=""></a>

@class paper-item

<link href="../polymer/polymer.html" rel="import">
<link href="../core-icon/core-icon.html" rel="import">
<link href="../paper-ripple/paper-ripple.html" rel="import">

<link href="paper-item.css" rel="stylesheet" shim-shadowdom>

<polymer-element name="paper-item" attributes="label iconSrc icon" center horizontal layout>


    <paper-ripple id="ripple"></paper-ripple>

    <core-icon id="icon" hidden?="{{!iconSrc && !icon}}" src="{{iconSrc}}" icon="{{icon}}"></core-icon>
    <div id="label">{{label}}</div>

    Polymer('paper-item', {

      publish: {

         * The label for the item.
         * @attribute label
         * @type string
         * @default ''
        label: '',

         * (optional) The URL of an image for an icon to use in the button.
         * Should not use `icon` property if you are using this property.
         * @attribute iconSrc
         * @type string
         * @default ''
        iconSrc: '',

         * (optional) Specifies the icon name or index in the set of icons
         * available in the icon set. If using this property, load the icon
         * set separately where the icon is used. Should not use `src`
         * if you are using this property.
         * @attribute icon
         * @type string
         * @default ''
        icon: ''


      eventDelegates: {
        'down': 'downAction',
        'up': 'upAction'

      downAction: function(e) {

      upAction: function(e) {