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 * Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file.


#include "SkCanvas.h"
#include "SkCanvasWidget.h"
#include "SkDebugger.h"
#include "SkGLWidget.h"
#include "SkListWidget.h"
#include "SkInspectorWidget.h"
#include "SkRasterWidget.h"
#include "SkImageWidget.h"
#include "SkSettingsWidget.h"
#include <QtCore/QVariant>
#include <QtGui/QAction>
#include <QtGui/QApplication>
#include <QtGui/QButtonGroup>
#include <QtGui/QHBoxLayout>
#include <QtGui/QHeaderView>
#include <QtGui/QListView>
#include <QtGui/QListWidget>
#include <QtGui/QMainWindow>
#include <QtGui/QSplitter>
#include <QtGui/QStatusBar>
#include <QtGui/QToolBar>
#include <QtGui/QVBoxLayout>
#include <QtGui/QWidget>
#include <QtGui/QMenu>
#include <QtGui/QMenuBar>
#include <vector>

class SkTimedPicture;
namespace sk_tools {
    class PictureRenderer;

/** \class SkDebuggerGUI

    Container for the UI and it's functions.
class SkDebuggerGUI : public QMainWindow {

        Constructs the view of the application.
        @param parent  The parent container of this widget.
    SkDebuggerGUI(QWidget *parent = 0);


        Updates the directory widget with the latest directory path stored in
        the global class variable fPath.
    void setupDirectoryWidget(const QString& path);

        Loads the specified file.
    void openFile(const QString& filename);

    void commandChanged(int command);

private slots:
        Toggles breakpoint view in the list widget.
    void actionBreakpoints();

        Toggles between count and offset style of command indexing in GUI
    void actionToggleIndexStyle();

        Profile the commands
    void actionProfile();

        Cancels the command filter in the list widget.
    void actionCancel();

        Clears the breakpoint state off of all commands marked as breakpoints.
    void actionClearBreakpoints();

        Clears the deleted state off of all commands marked as deleted.
    void actionClearDeletes();

        Applies a visible filter to all drawing commands other than the previous.
    void actionCommandFilter();

        Closes the application.
    void actionClose();

        Deletes the command in question.
    void actionDelete();

        Updates the visibility of the GL canvas widget and sample count of the GL surface.
    void actionGLWidget();

        Toggles the visibility of the inspector widget.
    void actionInspector();

        Plays from the current step to the next breakpoint if it exists, otherwise
        executes all remaining draw commands.
    void actionPlay();

        Toggles the visibility of the raster canvas widget.
    void actionRasterWidget(bool isToggled);

        Toggles the the overdraw visualization on and off
    void actionOverdrawVizWidget(bool isToggled);

        Toggles the the mega visualization on and off
    void actionMegaVizWidget(bool isToggled);

        Toggles using path ops to simplify the clip stack
    void actionPathOpsWidget(bool );

        Applies the new texture filter override
    void actionTextureFilter();

        Rewinds from the current step back to the start of the commands.
    void actionRewind();

        Saves the current SKP with all modifications.
    void actionSave();

        Saves the current SKP under a different name and/or location.
    void actionSaveAs();

        Sends the scale factor information to the settings widget.
    void actionScale(float scaleFactor);

        Toggles the settings widget visibility.
    void actionSettings();

        Steps forward to the next draw command.
    void actionStepBack();

        Steps backwards to the next draw command.
    void actionStepForward();

        Called when the canvas is done being drawn to by SkCanvasWidget.
    void drawComplete();

        Loads an skpicture selected from the directory.
    void loadFile(QListWidgetItem *item);

        Toggles a dialog with a file browser for navigating to a skpicture. Loads
        the selected file.
    void openFile();

        Toggles whether drawing to a new command requires a double click
        or simple focus.
    void pauseDrawing(bool isPaused = true);

        Executes draw commands up to the selected command
    void registerListClick(QListWidgetItem *item);

        Sets the command to active in the list widget.
    void selectCommand(int command);

        Toggles the exclusive listing of commands set as deleted.
    void showDeletes();

        Toggles a breakpoint on the current step in the list widget.
    void toggleBreakpoint();

        Toggles the visibility of the directory widget.
    void toggleDirectory();

        Filters the list widgets command visibility based on the currently
        active selection.
    void toggleFilter(QString string);

    QSplitter fCentralSplitter;
    QStatusBar fStatusBar;
    QToolBar fToolBar;

    QAction fActionOpen;
    QAction fActionBreakpoint;
    QAction fActionToggleIndexStyle;
    QAction fActionProfile;
    QAction fActionCancel;
    QAction fActionClearBreakpoints;
    QAction fActionClearDeletes;
    QAction fActionClose;
    QAction fActionCreateBreakpoint;
    QAction fActionDelete;
    QAction fActionDirectory;
    QAction fActionGoToLine;
    QAction fActionInspector;
    QAction fActionSettings;
    QAction fActionPlay;
    QAction fActionPause;
    QAction fActionRewind;
    QAction fActionSave;
    QAction fActionSaveAs;
    QAction fActionShowDeletes;
    QAction fActionStepBack;
    QAction fActionStepForward;
    QAction fActionZoomIn;
    QAction fActionZoomOut;
    QSignalMapper fMapper;

    QWidget fSpacer;
    QComboBox fFilter;

    QSplitter fLeftColumnSplitter;
    QWidget fMainAndRightColumnWidget;
    QVBoxLayout fMainAndRightColumnLayout;
    QHBoxLayout fCanvasSettingsAndImageLayout;
    QVBoxLayout fSettingsAndImageLayout;

    QListWidget fListWidget;
    QListWidget fDirectoryWidget;

    SkDebugger fDebugger;
    SkCanvasWidget fCanvasWidget;
    SkImageWidget fImageWidget;
    SkInspectorWidget fInspectorWidget;
    SkSettingsWidget fSettingsWidget;

    QString fPath;
    SkString fFileName;
    SkTDArray<bool> fSkipCommands; // has a specific command been deleted?
    bool fDirectoryWidgetActive;

    QMenuBar fMenuBar;
    QMenu fMenuFile;
    QMenu fMenuEdit;
    QMenu fMenuNavigate;
    QMenu fMenuView;
    QMenu fMenuWindows;

    bool fBreakpointsActivated;
    bool fIndexStyleToggle;
    bool fDeletesActivated;
    bool fPause;
    bool fLoading;
    int fPausedRow;

        Creates the entire UI.
    void setupUi(QMainWindow *SkDebuggerGUI);

        Pipes a QString in with the location of the filename, proceeds to updating
        the listwidget, combowidget and inspectorwidget.
    void loadPicture(const SkString& fileName);

        Creates a picture of the current canvas.
    void saveToFile(const SkString& filename);

        Populates the list widget with the vector of strings passed in.
    void setupListWidget(SkTArray<SkString>* commands, SkTDArray<size_t>* offsets);

        Populates the combo box widget with the vector of strings passed in.
    void setupComboBox(SkTArray<SkString>* command);

        Fills in the overview pane with text
    void setupOverviewText(const SkTDArray<double>* typeTimes, double totTime, int numRuns);

        Fills in the clip stack pane with text
    void setupClipStackText();

        Render the supplied picture several times tracking the time consumed
        by each command.
    void run(const SkPicture* pict,
             sk_tools::PictureRenderer* renderer,
             int repeats);