* Copyright 2004 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/libjingle/xmllite/xmlnsstack.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "webrtc/libjingle/xmllite/xmlconstants.h"
#include "webrtc/libjingle/xmllite/xmlelement.h"
namespace buzz {
XmlnsStack::XmlnsStack() :
pxmlnsStack_(new std::vector<std::string>),
pxmlnsDepthStack_(new std::vector<size_t>) {
XmlnsStack::~XmlnsStack() {}
void XmlnsStack::PushFrame() {
void XmlnsStack::PopFrame() {
size_t prev_size = pxmlnsDepthStack_->back();
if (prev_size < pxmlnsStack_->size()) {
pxmlnsStack_->erase(pxmlnsStack_->begin() + prev_size,
std::pair<std::string, bool> XmlnsStack::NsForPrefix(
const std::string& prefix) {
if (prefix.length() >= 3 &&
(prefix[0] == 'x' || prefix[0] == 'X') &&
(prefix[1] == 'm' || prefix[1] == 'M') &&
(prefix[2] == 'l' || prefix[2] == 'L')) {
if (prefix == "xml")
return std::make_pair(NS_XML, true);
if (prefix == "xmlns")
return std::make_pair(NS_XMLNS, true);
// Other names with xml prefix are illegal.
return std::make_pair(STR_EMPTY, false);
std::vector<std::string>::iterator pos;
for (pos = pxmlnsStack_->end(); pos > pxmlnsStack_->begin(); ) {
pos -= 2;
if (*pos == prefix)
return std::make_pair(*(pos + 1), true);
if (prefix == STR_EMPTY)
return std::make_pair(STR_EMPTY, true); // default namespace
return std::make_pair(STR_EMPTY, false); // none found
bool XmlnsStack::PrefixMatchesNs(const std::string& prefix,
const std::string& ns) {
const std::pair<std::string, bool> match = NsForPrefix(prefix);
return match.second && (match.first == ns);
std::pair<std::string, bool> XmlnsStack::PrefixForNs(const std::string& ns,
bool isattr) {
if (ns == NS_XML)
return std::make_pair(std::string("xml"), true);
if (ns == NS_XMLNS)
return std::make_pair(std::string("xmlns"), true);
if (isattr ? ns == STR_EMPTY : PrefixMatchesNs(STR_EMPTY, ns))
return std::make_pair(STR_EMPTY, true);
std::vector<std::string>::iterator pos;
for (pos = pxmlnsStack_->end(); pos > pxmlnsStack_->begin(); ) {
pos -= 2;
if (*(pos + 1) == ns &&
(!isattr || !pos->empty()) && PrefixMatchesNs(*pos, ns))
return std::make_pair(*pos, true);
return std::make_pair(STR_EMPTY, false); // none found
std::string XmlnsStack::FormatQName(const QName& name, bool isAttr) {
std::string prefix(PrefixForNs(name.Namespace(), isAttr).first);
if (prefix == STR_EMPTY)
return name.LocalPart();
return prefix + ':' + name.LocalPart();
void XmlnsStack::AddXmlns(const std::string & prefix, const std::string & ns) {
void XmlnsStack::RemoveXmlns() {
static bool IsAsciiLetter(char ch) {
return ((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') ||
(ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z'));
static std::string AsciiLower(const std::string & s) {
std::string result(s);
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < result.length(); i++) {
if (result[i] >= 'A' && result[i] <= 'Z')
result[i] += 'a' - 'A';
return result;
static std::string SuggestPrefix(const std::string & ns) {
size_t len = ns.length();
size_t i = ns.find_last_of('.');
if (i != std::string::npos && len - i <= 4 + 1)
len = i; // chop off ".html" or ".xsd" or ".?{0,4}"
size_t last = len;
while (last > 0) {
last -= 1;
if (IsAsciiLetter(ns[last])) {
size_t first = last;
last += 1;
while (first > 0) {
if (!IsAsciiLetter(ns[first - 1]))
first -= 1;
if (last - first > 4)
last = first + 3;
std::string candidate(AsciiLower(ns.substr(first, last - first)));
if (candidate.find("xml") != 0)
return candidate;
return "ns";
std::pair<std::string, bool> XmlnsStack::AddNewPrefix(const std::string& ns,
bool isAttr) {
if (PrefixForNs(ns, isAttr).second)
return std::make_pair(STR_EMPTY, false);
std::string base(SuggestPrefix(ns));
std::string result(base);
int i = 2;
while (NsForPrefix(result).second) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << base;
ss << (i++);
ss >> result;
AddXmlns(result, ns);
return std::make_pair(result, true);
void XmlnsStack::Reset() {