* Copyright 2004 The WebRTC Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/sound/pulseaudiosymboltable.h"
#include "webrtc/sound/soundsysteminterface.h"
#include "webrtc/base/constructormagic.h"
namespace rtc {
class PulseAudioInputStream;
class PulseAudioOutputStream;
class PulseAudioStream;
// Sound system implementation for PulseAudio, a cross-platform sound server
// (but commonly used only on Linux, which is the only platform we support
// it on).
// Init(), Terminate(), and the destructor should never be invoked concurrently,
// but all other methods are thread-safe.
class PulseAudioSoundSystem : public SoundSystemInterface {
friend class PulseAudioInputStream;
friend class PulseAudioOutputStream;
friend class PulseAudioStream;
static SoundSystemInterface *Create() {
return new PulseAudioSoundSystem();
virtual ~PulseAudioSoundSystem();
virtual bool Init();
virtual void Terminate();
virtual bool EnumeratePlaybackDevices(SoundDeviceLocatorList *devices);
virtual bool EnumerateCaptureDevices(SoundDeviceLocatorList *devices);
virtual bool GetDefaultPlaybackDevice(SoundDeviceLocator **device);
virtual bool GetDefaultCaptureDevice(SoundDeviceLocator **device);
virtual SoundOutputStreamInterface *OpenPlaybackDevice(
const SoundDeviceLocator *device,
const OpenParams ¶ms);
virtual SoundInputStreamInterface *OpenCaptureDevice(
const SoundDeviceLocator *device,
const OpenParams ¶ms);
virtual const char *GetName() const;
bool IsInitialized();
static void ConnectToPulseCallbackThunk(pa_context *context, void *userdata);
void OnConnectToPulseCallback(pa_context *context, bool *connect_done);
bool ConnectToPulse(pa_context *context);
pa_context *CreateNewConnection();
template <typename InfoStruct>
bool EnumerateDevices(SoundDeviceLocatorList *devices,
pa_operation *(*enumerate_fn)(
pa_context *c,
void (*callback_fn)(
pa_context *c,
const InfoStruct *i,
int eol,
void *userdata),
void *userdata),
void (*callback_fn)(
pa_context *c,
const InfoStruct *i,
int eol,
void *userdata));
static void EnumeratePlaybackDevicesCallbackThunk(pa_context *unused,
const pa_sink_info *info,
int eol,
void *userdata);
static void EnumerateCaptureDevicesCallbackThunk(pa_context *unused,
const pa_source_info *info,
int eol,
void *userdata);
void OnEnumeratePlaybackDevicesCallback(
SoundDeviceLocatorList *devices,
const pa_sink_info *info,
int eol);
void OnEnumerateCaptureDevicesCallback(
SoundDeviceLocatorList *devices,
const pa_source_info *info,
int eol);
template <const char *(pa_server_info::*field)>
static void GetDefaultDeviceCallbackThunk(
pa_context *unused,
const pa_server_info *info,
void *userdata);
template <const char *(pa_server_info::*field)>
void OnGetDefaultDeviceCallback(
const pa_server_info *info,
SoundDeviceLocator **device);
template <const char *(pa_server_info::*field)>
bool GetDefaultDevice(SoundDeviceLocator **device);
static void StreamStateChangedCallbackThunk(pa_stream *stream,
void *userdata);
void OnStreamStateChangedCallback(pa_stream *stream);
template <typename StreamInterface>
StreamInterface *OpenDevice(
const SoundDeviceLocator *device,
const OpenParams ¶ms,
const char *stream_name,
StreamInterface *(PulseAudioSoundSystem::*connect_fn)(
pa_stream *stream,
const char *dev,
int flags,
pa_stream_flags_t pa_flags,
int latency,
const pa_sample_spec &spec));
SoundOutputStreamInterface *ConnectOutputStream(
pa_stream *stream,
const char *dev,
int flags,
pa_stream_flags_t pa_flags,
int latency,
const pa_sample_spec &spec);
SoundInputStreamInterface *ConnectInputStream(
pa_stream *stream,
const char *dev,
int flags,
pa_stream_flags_t pa_flags,
int latency,
const pa_sample_spec &spec);
bool FinishOperation(pa_operation *op);
void Lock();
void Unlock();
void Wait();
void Signal();
const char *LastError();
pa_threaded_mainloop *mainloop_;
pa_context *context_;
PulseAudioSymbolTable symbol_table_;
} // namespace rtc