# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import commands
import os
import sys
orderfile = sys.argv[1]
uninstrumented_shlib = sys.argv[2]
nmlines_uninstrumented = commands.getoutput ('nm -S -n ' +
uninstrumented_shlib + ' | egrep "( t )|( W )|( T )"').split('\n')
nmlines = []
for nmline in nmlines_uninstrumented:
if (len(nmline.split()) == 4):
# Map addresses to list of functions at that address. There are multiple
# functions at an address because of aliasing.
nm_index = 0
uniqueAddrs = []
addressMap = {}
while nm_index < len(nmlines):
if (len(nmlines[nm_index].split()) == 4):
nm_int = int (nmlines[nm_index].split()[0], 16)
size = int (nmlines[nm_index].split()[1], 16)
fnames = [nmlines[nm_index].split()[3]]
nm_index = nm_index + 1
while nm_index < len(nmlines) and nm_int == int (
nmlines[nm_index].split()[0], 16):
nm_index = nm_index + 1
addressMap[nm_int] = fnames
uniqueAddrs.append((nm_int, size))
nm_index = nm_index + 1
def binary_search (addr, start, end):
if start >= end or start == end - 1:
(nm_addr, size) = uniqueAddrs[start]
if not (addr >= nm_addr and addr < nm_addr + size):
sys.stderr.write ("ERROR: did not find function in binary: addr: " +
hex(addr) + " nm_addr: " + str(nm_addr) + " start: " + str(start) +
" end: " + str(end) + "\n")
raise Error("error")
return (addressMap[nm_addr], size)
halfway = start + ((end - start) / 2)
(nm_addr, size) = uniqueAddrs[halfway]
if (addr >= nm_addr and addr < nm_addr + size):
return (addressMap[nm_addr], size)
elif (addr < nm_addr):
return binary_search (addr, start, halfway)
elif (addr >= nm_addr + size):
return binary_search (addr, halfway, end)
raise "ERROR: did not expect this case"
f = open (orderfile)
lines = f.readlines()
profiled_list = []
for line in lines:
if (line.strip() == ''):
functionName = line.replace('.text.', '').split('.clone.')[0].strip()
profiled_list.append (functionName)
# Symbol names are not unique. Since the order file uses symbol names, the
# patched order file pulls in all symbols with the same name. Multiple function
# addresses for the same function name may also be due to ".clone" symbols,
# since the substring is stripped.
functions = []
functionAddressMap = {}
for line in nmlines:
functionName = line.split()[3]
functionName = line.split()[2]
functionName = functionName.split('.clone.')[0]
functionAddress = int (line.split()[0].strip(), 16)
functionAddressMap[functionName] = [functionAddress]
sys.stderr.write ("profiled list size: " + str(len(profiled_list)) + "\n")
addresses = []
symbols_found = 0
for function in profiled_list:
addrs = functionAddressMap[function]
symbols_found = symbols_found + 1
addrs = []
# sys.stderr.write ("WARNING: could not find symbol " + function + "\n")
for addr in addrs:
if not (addr in addresses):
sys.stderr.write ("symbols found: " + str(symbols_found) + "\n")
sys.stderr.write ("number of addresses: " + str(len(addresses)) + "\n")
total_size = 0
for addr in addresses:
(functions, size) = binary_search (addr, 0, len(uniqueAddrs))
total_size = total_size + size
prefixes = ['.text.', '.text.startup.', '.text.hot.', '.text.unlikely.']
for function in functions:
for prefix in prefixes:
print prefix + function
# The following is needed otherwise Gold only applies a partial sort.
print '.text.*'
sys.stderr.write ("total_size: " + str(total_size) + "\n")