// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Return the range of intersection between the two lists. Ranges are sets of
* CLs, so it's inclusive on both ends.
function rangeIntersection(a, b) {
if (a[0] > b[1])
return null;
if (a[1] < b[0])
return null;
// We know they intersect, result is the larger lower bound to the smaller
// upper bound.
return [Math.max(a[0], b[0]), Math.min(a[1], b[1])];
* Finds the intersections between the blamelists.
* Input is a object mapping botname => [low, high].
* Result:
* [
* [ low0, high0 ], [ bot1, bot2, bot3 ],
* [ low1, high1 ], [ bot4, ... ],
* ...,
* ]
function findIntersections(testData) {
var keys = Object.keys(testData);
var intersections = [];
var botName = keys[0];
var range = testData[botName];
intersections.push([range, [botName]]);
for (var i = 1; i < keys.length; ++i) {
botName = keys[i];
range = testData[botName];
var intersectedSome = false;
for (var j = 0; j < intersections.length; ++j) {
var intersect = rangeIntersection(intersections[j][0], range);
if (intersect) {
intersections[j][0] = intersect;
intersectedSome = true;
if (!intersectedSome) {
intersections.push([range, [botName]]);
return intersections;
/** Flatten out the list of tests and sort them by the binary/test name. */
function flattenAndSortTests(rangesByTest) {
var rangesByTestNames = Object.keys(rangesByTest);
var flat = [];
for (var i = 0; i < rangesByTestNames.length; ++i) {
var name = rangesByTestNames[i];
flat.push([name, rangesByTest[name]]);
flat.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a[0] < b[0]) return -1;
if (a[0] > b[0]) return 1;
return 0;
return flat;
* Build the HTML table row for a test failure. |test| is [ name, testData ].
* |testData| contains ranges suitable for input to |findIntersections|.
function buildTestFailureTableRowHTML(test) {
var row = document.createElement('tr');
var binaryCell = row.insertCell(-1);
var nameParts = test[0].split('-');
binaryCell.innerHTML = nameParts[0];
binaryCell.className = 'category';
var flakinessLink = document.createElement('a');
flakinessLink.href =
'http://test-results.appspot.com/dashboards/' +
'flakiness_dashboard.html#testType=' +
nameParts[0] + '&tests=' + nameParts[1];
flakinessLink.innerHTML = nameParts[1];
var intersections = findIntersections(test[1]);
for (var j = 0; j < intersections.length; ++j) {
var intersection = intersections[j];
var range = row.insertCell(-1);
range.className = 'failure-range';
var low = intersection[0][0];
var high = intersection[0][1];
var url =
'http://build.chromium.org/f/chromium/perf/dashboard/ui/' +
'changelog.html?url=%2Ftrunk%2Fsrc&range=' +
low + '%3A' + high + '&mode=html';
range.innerHTML = '<a href="' + url + '">' + low + ' - ' + high + '</a>: ' +
truncateStatusText(intersection[1].join(', '));
return row;
/** Updates the correlations contents. */
function updateCorrelationsHTML() {
// The logic here is to try to narrow blamelists by using information across
// bots. If a particular test has failed on multiple different
// configurations, there's a good chance that it has the same root cause, so
// calculate the intersection of blamelists of the first time it failed on
// each builder.
var allFailures = [];
for (var i = 0; i < gWaterfallData.length; ++i) {
var waterfallInfo = gWaterfallData[i];
var botInfo = waterfallInfo.botInfo;
var allBotNames = Object.keys(botInfo);
for (var j = 0; j < allBotNames.length; ++j) {
var botName = allBotNames[j];
if (botInfo[botName].isSteadyGreen)
var builds = botInfo[botName].builds;
var buildNames = Object.keys(builds);
for (var k = 0; k < buildNames.length; ++k) {
var build = builds[buildNames[k]];
if (build.failures) {
for (var l = 0; l < build.failures.length; ++l) {
// allFailures is now a list of lists, each containing:
// [ botname, binaryname, testname, [low_rev, high_rev] ].
var rangesByTest = {};
for (var i = 0; i < allFailures.length; ++i) {
var failure = allFailures[i];
var botName = failure[0];
var binaryName = failure[1];
var testName = failure[2];
var range = failure[3];
if (binaryName.indexOf('steps') != -1)
if (testName.indexOf('preamble') != -1)
var key = binaryName + '-' + testName;
if (!rangesByTest.hasOwnProperty(key))
rangesByTest[key] = {};
// If there's no range, that's all we know.
if (!rangesByTest[key].hasOwnProperty([botName])) {
rangesByTest[key][botName] = range;
} else {
// Otherwise, track only the lowest range for this bot (we only want
// when it turned red, not the whole range that it's been red for).
if (range[0] < rangesByTest[key][botName][0]) {
rangesByTest[key][botName] = range;
var table = document.getElementById('failure-info');
while (table.rows.length > 0) {
var headerCell = document.createElement('td');
headerCell.colSpan = 15;
headerCell.innerHTML =
'test failures (ranges are blamelist intersections of first failure on ' +
'each bot of retrieved data. so, if a test has been failing for a ' +
'while, the range may be incorrect)';
headerCell.className = 'section-header';
var headerRow = table.insertRow(-1);
var flat = flattenAndSortTests(rangesByTest);
for (var i = 0; i < flat.length; ++i) {