// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree_source.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree_update.h"
namespace ui {
struct ClientTreeNode;
// AXTreeSerializer is a helper class that serializes incremental
// updates to an AXTreeSource as a AXTreeUpdate struct.
// These structs can be unserialized by a client object such as an
// AXTree. An AXTreeSerializer keeps track of the tree of node ids that its
// client is aware of so that it will never generate an AXTreeUpdate that
// results in an invalid tree.
// Every node in the source tree must have an id that's a unique positive
// integer, the same node must not appear twice.
// Usage:
// You must call SerializeChanges() every time a node in the tree changes,
// and send the generated AXTreeUpdate to the client.
// If a node is added, call SerializeChanges on its parent.
// If a node is removed, call SerializeChanges on its parent.
// If a whole new subtree is added, just call SerializeChanges on its root.
// If the root of the tree changes, call SerializeChanges on the new root.
// AXTreeSerializer will avoid re-serializing nodes that do not change.
// For example, if node 1 has children 2, 3, 4, 5 and then child 2 is
// removed and a new child 6 is added, the AXTreeSerializer will only
// update nodes 1 and 6 (and any children of node 6 recursively). It will
// assume that nodes 3, 4, and 5 are not modified unless you explicitly
// call SerializeChanges() on them.
// As long as the source tree has unique ids for every node and no loops,
// and as long as every update is applied to the client tree, AXTreeSerializer
// will continue to work. If the source tree makes a change but fails to
// call SerializeChanges properly, the trees may get out of sync - but
// because AXTreeSerializer always keeps track of what updates it's sent,
// it will never send an invalid update and the client tree will not break,
// it just may not contain all of the changes.
template<typename AXSourceNode>
class AXTreeSerializer {
explicit AXTreeSerializer(AXTreeSource<AXSourceNode>* tree);
// Throw out the internal state that keeps track of the nodes the client
// knows about. This has the effect that the next update will send the
// entire tree over because it assumes the client knows nothing.
void Reset();
// Serialize all changes to |node| and append them to |out_update|.
void SerializeChanges(AXSourceNode node,
AXTreeUpdate* out_update);
// Delete the client subtree for this node, ensuring that the subtree
// is re-serialized.
void DeleteClientSubtree(AXSourceNode node);
// Only for unit testing. Normally this class relies on getting a call
// to SerializeChanges() every time the source tree changes. For unit
// testing, it's convenient to create a static AXTree for the initial
// state and then call ChangeTreeSourceForTesting and then SerializeChanges
// to simulate the changes you'd get if a tree changed from the initial
// state to the second tree's state.
void ChangeTreeSourceForTesting(AXTreeSource<AXSourceNode>* new_tree);
// Return the least common ancestor of a node in the source tree
// and a node in the client tree, or NULL if there is no such node.
// The least common ancestor is the closest ancestor to |node| (which
// may be |node| itself) that's in both the source tree and client tree,
// and for which both the source and client tree agree on their ancestor
// chain up to the root.
// Example 1:
// Client Tree Source tree |
// 1 1 |
// / \ / \ |
// 2 3 2 4 |
// LCA(source node 2, client node 2) is node 2.
// LCA(source node 3, client node 4) is node 1.
// Example 2:
// Client Tree Source tree |
// 1 1 |
// / \ / \ |
// 2 3 2 3 |
// / \ / / |
// 4 7 8 4 |
// / \ / \ |
// 5 6 5 6 |
// LCA(source node 8, client node 7) is node 2.
// LCA(source node 5, client node 5) is node 1.
// It's not node 5, because the two trees disagree on the parent of
// node 4, so the LCA is the first ancestor both trees agree on.
AXSourceNode LeastCommonAncestor(AXSourceNode node,
ClientTreeNode* client_node);
// Return the least common ancestor of |node| that's in the client tree.
// This just walks up the ancestors of |node| until it finds a node that's
// also in the client tree, and then calls LeastCommonAncestor on the
// source node and client node.
AXSourceNode LeastCommonAncestor(AXSourceNode node);
// Walk the subtree rooted at |node| and return true if any nodes that
// would be updated are being reparented. If so, update |out_lca| to point
// to the least common ancestor of the previous LCA and the previous
// parent of the node being reparented.
bool AnyDescendantWasReparented(AXSourceNode node,
AXSourceNode* out_lca);
ClientTreeNode* ClientTreeNodeById(int32 id);
// Delete the given client tree node and recursively delete all of its
// descendants.
void DeleteClientSubtree(ClientTreeNode* client_node);
// Helper function, called recursively with each new node to serialize.
void SerializeChangedNodes(AXSourceNode node,
AXTreeUpdate* out_update);
// The tree source.
AXTreeSource<AXSourceNode>* tree_;
// Our representation of the client tree.
ClientTreeNode* client_root_;
// A map from IDs to nodes in the client tree.
base::hash_map<int32, ClientTreeNode*> client_id_map_;
// In order to keep track of what nodes the client knows about, we keep a
// representation of the client tree - just IDs and parent/child
// relationships.
struct AX_EXPORT ClientTreeNode {
virtual ~ClientTreeNode();
int32 id;
ClientTreeNode* parent;
std::vector<ClientTreeNode*> children;
template<typename AXSourceNode>
AXTreeSource<AXSourceNode>* tree)
: tree_(tree),
client_root_(NULL) {
template<typename AXSourceNode>
AXTreeSerializer<AXSourceNode>::~AXTreeSerializer() {
template<typename AXSourceNode>
void AXTreeSerializer<AXSourceNode>::Reset() {
if (!client_root_)
delete client_root_;
client_root_ = NULL;
template<typename AXSourceNode>
void AXTreeSerializer<AXSourceNode>::ChangeTreeSourceForTesting(
AXTreeSource<AXSourceNode>* new_tree) {
tree_ = new_tree;
template<typename AXSourceNode>
AXSourceNode AXTreeSerializer<AXSourceNode>::LeastCommonAncestor(
AXSourceNode node, ClientTreeNode* client_node) {
if (!tree_->IsValid(node) || client_node == NULL)
return tree_->GetNull();
std::vector<AXSourceNode> ancestors;
while (tree_->IsValid(node)) {
node = tree_->GetParent(node);
std::vector<ClientTreeNode*> client_ancestors;
while (client_node) {
client_node = client_node->parent;
// Start at the root. Keep going until the source ancestor chain and
// client ancestor chain disagree. The last node before they disagree
// is the LCA.
AXSourceNode lca = tree_->GetNull();
int source_index = static_cast<int>(ancestors.size() - 1);
int client_index = static_cast<int>(client_ancestors.size() - 1);
while (source_index >= 0 && client_index >= 0) {
if (tree_->GetId(ancestors[source_index]) !=
client_ancestors[client_index]->id) {
return lca;
lca = ancestors[source_index];
return lca;
template<typename AXSourceNode>
AXSourceNode AXTreeSerializer<AXSourceNode>::LeastCommonAncestor(
AXSourceNode node) {
// Walk up the tree until the source node's id also exists in the
// client tree, then call LeastCommonAncestor on those two nodes.
ClientTreeNode* client_node = ClientTreeNodeById(tree_->GetId(node));
while (tree_->IsValid(node) && !client_node) {
node = tree_->GetParent(node);
if (tree_->IsValid(node))
client_node = ClientTreeNodeById(tree_->GetId(node));
return LeastCommonAncestor(node, client_node);
template<typename AXSourceNode>
bool AXTreeSerializer<AXSourceNode>::AnyDescendantWasReparented(
AXSourceNode node, AXSourceNode* out_lca) {
bool result = false;
int id = tree_->GetId(node);
std::vector<AXSourceNode> children;
tree_->GetChildren(node, &children);
for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) {
AXSourceNode& child = children[i];
int child_id = tree_->GetId(child);
ClientTreeNode* client_child = ClientTreeNodeById(child_id);
if (client_child) {
if (!client_child->parent) {
// If the client child has no parent, it must have been the
// previous root node, so there is no LCA and we can exit early.
*out_lca = tree_->GetNull();
return true;
} else if (client_child->parent->id != id) {
// If the client child's parent is not this node, update the LCA
// and return true (reparenting was found).
*out_lca = LeastCommonAncestor(*out_lca, client_child);
result = true;
} else {
// This child is already in the client tree, we won't
// recursively serialize it so we don't need to check this
// subtree recursively for reparenting.
// This is a new child or reparented child, check it recursively.
if (AnyDescendantWasReparented(child, out_lca))
result = true;
return result;
template<typename AXSourceNode>
ClientTreeNode* AXTreeSerializer<AXSourceNode>::ClientTreeNodeById(int32 id) {
base::hash_map<int32, ClientTreeNode*>::iterator iter =
if (iter != client_id_map_.end())
return iter->second;
return NULL;
template<typename AXSourceNode>
void AXTreeSerializer<AXSourceNode>::SerializeChanges(
AXSourceNode node,
AXTreeUpdate* out_update) {
// If the node isn't in the client tree, we need to serialize starting
// with the LCA.
AXSourceNode lca = LeastCommonAncestor(node);
if (client_root_) {
bool need_delete = false;
if (tree_->IsValid(lca)) {
// Check for any reparenting within this subtree - if there is
// any, we need to delete and reserialize the whole subtree
// that contains the old and new parents of the reparented node.
if (AnyDescendantWasReparented(lca, &lca))
need_delete = true;
if (!tree_->IsValid(lca)) {
// If there's no LCA, just tell the client to destroy the whole
// tree and then we'll serialize everything from the new root.
out_update->node_id_to_clear = client_root_->id;
} else if (need_delete) {
// Otherwise, if we need to reserialize a subtree, first we need
// to delete those nodes in our client tree so that
// SerializeChangedNodes() will be sure to send them again.
out_update->node_id_to_clear = tree_->GetId(lca);
ClientTreeNode* client_lca = ClientTreeNodeById(tree_->GetId(lca));
for (size_t i = 0; i < client_lca->children.size(); ++i) {
delete client_lca->children[i];
// Serialize from the LCA, or from the root if there isn't one.
if (!tree_->IsValid(lca))
lca = tree_->GetRoot();
SerializeChangedNodes(lca, out_update);
template<typename AXSourceNode>
void AXTreeSerializer<AXSourceNode>::DeleteClientSubtree(AXSourceNode node) {
ClientTreeNode* client_node = ClientTreeNodeById(tree_->GetId(node));
if (client_node)
template<typename AXSourceNode>
void AXTreeSerializer<AXSourceNode>::DeleteClientSubtree(
ClientTreeNode* client_node) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < client_node->children.size(); ++i) {
delete client_node->children[i];
template<typename AXSourceNode>
void AXTreeSerializer<AXSourceNode>::SerializeChangedNodes(
AXSourceNode node,
AXTreeUpdate* out_update) {
// This method has three responsibilities:
// 1. Serialize |node| into an AXNodeData, and append it to
// the AXTreeUpdate to be sent to the client.
// 2. Determine if |node| has any new children that the client doesn't
// know about yet, and call SerializeChangedNodes recursively on those.
// 3. Update our internal data structure that keeps track of what nodes
// the client knows about.
// First, find the ClientTreeNode for this id in our data structure where
// we keep track of what accessibility objects the client already knows
// about. If we don't find it, then this must be the new root of the
// accessibility tree.
int id = tree_->GetId(node);
ClientTreeNode* client_node = ClientTreeNodeById(id);
if (!client_node) {
client_root_ = new ClientTreeNode();
client_node = client_root_;
client_node->id = id;
client_node->parent = NULL;
client_id_map_[client_node->id] = client_node;
// Iterate over the ids of the children of |node|.
// Create a set of the child ids so we can quickly look
// up which children are new and which ones were there before.
base::hash_set<int32> new_child_ids;
std::vector<AXSourceNode> children;
tree_->GetChildren(node, &children);
for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) {
AXSourceNode& child = children[i];
int new_child_id = tree_->GetId(child);
// This is a sanity check - there shouldn't be any reparenting
// because we've already handled it above.
ClientTreeNode* client_child = client_id_map_[new_child_id];
CHECK(!client_child || client_child->parent == client_node);
// Go through the old children and delete subtrees for child
// ids that are no longer present, and create a map from
// id to ClientTreeNode for the rest. It's important to delete
// first in a separate pass so that nodes that are reparented
// don't end up children of two different parents in the middle
// of an update, which can lead to a double-free.
base::hash_map<int32, ClientTreeNode*> client_child_id_map;
std::vector<ClientTreeNode*> old_children;
for (size_t i = 0; i < old_children.size(); ++i) {
ClientTreeNode* old_child = old_children[i];
int old_child_id = old_child->id;
if (new_child_ids.find(old_child_id) == new_child_ids.end()) {
delete old_child;
} else {
client_child_id_map[old_child_id] = old_child;
// Serialize this node. This fills in all of the fields in
// AXNodeData except child_ids, which we handle below.
AXNodeData* serialized_node = &out_update->nodes.back();
tree_->SerializeNode(node, serialized_node);
// TODO(dmazzoni/dtseng): Make the serializer not depend on roles to identify
// the root.
if (serialized_node->id == client_root_->id &&
(serialized_node->role != AX_ROLE_ROOT_WEB_AREA &&
serialized_node->role != AX_ROLE_DESKTOP)) {
serialized_node->role = AX_ROLE_ROOT_WEB_AREA;
// Iterate over the children, make note of the ones that are new
// and need to be serialized, and update the ClientTreeNode
// data structure to reflect the new tree.
std::vector<AXSourceNode> children_to_serialize;
for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) {
AXSourceNode& child = children[i];
int child_id = tree_->GetId(child);
// No need to do anything more with children that aren't new;
// the client will reuse its existing object.
if (new_child_ids.find(child_id) == new_child_ids.end())
if (client_child_id_map.find(child_id) != client_child_id_map.end()) {
ClientTreeNode* reused_child = client_child_id_map[child_id];
} else {
ClientTreeNode* new_child = new ClientTreeNode();
new_child->id = child_id;
new_child->parent = client_node;
client_id_map_[child_id] = new_child;
// Serialize all of the new children, recursively.
for (size_t i = 0; i < children_to_serialize.size(); ++i)
SerializeChangedNodes(children_to_serialize[i], out_update);
} // namespace ui