// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "ui/base/view_prop.h"
namespace {
const char kKey1[] = "key_1";
const char kKey2[] = "key_2";
} // namespace
namespace ui {
// Test a handful of viewprop assertions.
TEST(ViewPropTest, Basic) {
gfx::AcceleratedWidget nv1 = reinterpret_cast<gfx::AcceleratedWidget>(1);
gfx::AcceleratedWidget nv2 = reinterpret_cast<gfx::AcceleratedWidget>(2);
void* data1 = reinterpret_cast<void*>(11);
void* data2 = reinterpret_cast<void*>(12);
// Initial value for a new view/key pair should be NULL.
EXPECT_EQ(NULL, ViewProp::GetValue(nv1, kKey1));
// Register a value for a view/key pair.
ViewProp prop(nv1, kKey1, data1);
EXPECT_EQ(data1, ViewProp::GetValue(nv1, kKey1));
// The property fell out of scope, so the value should now be NULL.
EXPECT_EQ(NULL, ViewProp::GetValue(nv1, kKey1));
// Register a value for a view/key pair.
scoped_ptr<ViewProp> v1(new ViewProp(nv1, kKey1, data1));
EXPECT_EQ(data1, ViewProp::GetValue(nv1, kKey1));
// Register a value for the same view/key pair.
scoped_ptr<ViewProp> v2(new ViewProp(nv1, kKey1, data2));
// The new value should take over.
EXPECT_EQ(data2, ViewProp::GetValue(nv1, kKey1));
// Null out the first ViewProp, which should NULL out the value.
EXPECT_EQ(NULL, ViewProp::GetValue(nv1, kKey1));
// The property fell out of scope, so the value should now be NULL.
EXPECT_EQ(NULL, ViewProp::GetValue(nv1, kKey1));
// Register a value for a view/key pair.
scoped_ptr<ViewProp> v1(new ViewProp(nv1, kKey1, data1));
scoped_ptr<ViewProp> v2(new ViewProp(nv2, kKey2, data2));
EXPECT_EQ(data1, ViewProp::GetValue(nv1, kKey1));
EXPECT_EQ(data2, ViewProp::GetValue(nv2, kKey2));
EXPECT_EQ(NULL, ViewProp::GetValue(nv1, kKey1));
EXPECT_EQ(data2, ViewProp::GetValue(nv2, kKey2));
EXPECT_EQ(NULL, ViewProp::GetValue(nv1, kKey1));
EXPECT_EQ(NULL, ViewProp::GetValue(nv2, kKey2));
} // namespace ui