普通文本  |  151行  |  4.48 KB

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "ui/gfx/font_list.h"

#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font_list_impl.h"

namespace {

// Font description of the default font set.
base::LazyInstance<std::string>::Leaky g_default_font_description =

// The default instance of gfx::FontListImpl.
base::LazyInstance<scoped_refptr<gfx::FontListImpl> >::Leaky g_default_impl =
bool g_default_impl_initialized = false;

}  // namespace

namespace gfx {

FontList::FontList() : impl_(GetDefaultImpl()) {}

FontList::FontList(const FontList& other) : impl_(other.impl_) {}

FontList::FontList(const std::string& font_description_string)
    : impl_(new FontListImpl(font_description_string)) {}

FontList::FontList(const std::vector<std::string>& font_names,
                   int font_style,
                   int font_size)
    : impl_(new FontListImpl(font_names, font_style, font_size)) {}

FontList::FontList(const std::vector<Font>& fonts)
    : impl_(new FontListImpl(fonts)) {}

FontList::FontList(const Font& font) : impl_(new FontListImpl(font)) {}

FontList::~FontList() {}

FontList& FontList::operator=(const FontList& other) {
  impl_ = other.impl_;
  return *this;

// static
void FontList::SetDefaultFontDescription(const std::string& font_description) {
  // The description string must end with "px" for size in pixel, or must be
  // the empty string, which specifies to use a single default font.
  DCHECK(font_description.empty() ||
         EndsWith(font_description, "px", true));

  g_default_font_description.Get() = font_description;
  g_default_impl_initialized = false;

FontList FontList::Derive(int size_delta, int font_style) const {
  return FontList(impl_->Derive(size_delta, font_style));

FontList FontList::DeriveWithSizeDelta(int size_delta) const {
  return Derive(size_delta, GetFontStyle());

FontList FontList::DeriveWithStyle(int font_style) const {
  return Derive(0, font_style);

gfx::FontList FontList::DeriveWithHeightUpperBound(int height) const {
  gfx::FontList font_list(*this);
  for (int font_size = font_list.GetFontSize(); font_size > 1; --font_size) {
    const int internal_leading =
        font_list.GetBaseline() - font_list.GetCapHeight();
    // Some platforms don't support getting the cap height, and simply return
    // the entire font ascent from GetCapHeight().  Centering the ascent makes
    // the font look too low, so if GetCapHeight() returns the ascent, center
    // the entire font height instead.
    const int space =
        height - ((internal_leading != 0) ?
                  font_list.GetCapHeight() : font_list.GetHeight());
    const int y_offset = space / 2 - internal_leading;
    const int space_at_bottom = height - (y_offset + font_list.GetHeight());
    if ((y_offset >= 0) && (space_at_bottom >= 0))
    font_list = font_list.DeriveWithSizeDelta(-1);
  return font_list;

int FontList::GetHeight() const {
  return impl_->GetHeight();

int FontList::GetBaseline() const {
  return impl_->GetBaseline();

int FontList::GetCapHeight() const {
  return impl_->GetCapHeight();

int FontList::GetExpectedTextWidth(int length) const {
  return impl_->GetExpectedTextWidth(length);

int FontList::GetFontStyle() const {
  return impl_->GetFontStyle();

const std::string& FontList::GetFontDescriptionString() const {
  return impl_->GetFontDescriptionString();

int FontList::GetFontSize() const {
  return impl_->GetFontSize();

const std::vector<Font>& FontList::GetFonts() const {
  return impl_->GetFonts();

const Font& FontList::GetPrimaryFont() const {
  return impl_->GetPrimaryFont();

FontList::FontList(FontListImpl* impl) : impl_(impl) {}

// static
const scoped_refptr<FontListImpl>& FontList::GetDefaultImpl() {
  // SetDefaultFontDescription() must be called and the default font description
  // must be set earlier than any call of this function.
  DCHECK(!(g_default_font_description == NULL))  // != is not overloaded.
      << "SetDefaultFontDescription has not been called.";

  if (!g_default_impl_initialized) {
    g_default_impl.Get() =
        g_default_font_description.Get().empty() ?
            new FontListImpl(Font()) :
            new FontListImpl(g_default_font_description.Get());
    g_default_impl_initialized = true;

  return g_default_impl.Get();

}  // namespace gfx