// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef UI_GFX_DPI_WIN_H_
#define UI_GFX_DPI_WIN_H_
#include "ui/gfx/gfx_export.h"
#include "ui/gfx/point.h"
#include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/size.h"
namespace gfx {
// Initialization of the scale factor that should be applied for rendering
// in this process. Must be called before attempts to call any of the getter
// methods below in this file, e.g. in the early toolkit/resource bundle setup.
// This can be called multiple times during various tests, but subsequent calls
// have no effect.
GFX_EXPORT void InitDeviceScaleFactor(float scale);
// Gets the scale factor of the display. For example, if the display DPI is
// 96 then the scale factor is 1.0.
GFX_EXPORT float GetDPIScale();
// Tests to see if the command line flag "--high-dpi-support" is set.
GFX_EXPORT bool IsHighDPIEnabled();
GFX_EXPORT bool IsInHighDPIMode();
GFX_EXPORT void EnableHighDPISupport();
GFX_EXPORT void ForceHighDPISupportForTesting(float scale);
// TODO(kevers|girard): Move above methods into win namespace.
namespace win {
GFX_EXPORT float GetDeviceScaleFactor();
GFX_EXPORT Point ScreenToDIPPoint(const Point& pixel_point);
GFX_EXPORT Point DIPToScreenPoint(const Point& dip_point);
// WARNING: there is no right way to scale sizes and rects. The implementation
// of these strives to maintain a constant size by scaling the size independent
// of the origin. An alternative is to get the enclosing rect, which is the
// right way for some situations. Understand which you need before blindly
// assuming this is the right way.
GFX_EXPORT Rect ScreenToDIPRect(const Rect& pixel_bounds);
GFX_EXPORT Rect DIPToScreenRect(const Rect& dip_bounds);
GFX_EXPORT Size ScreenToDIPSize(const Size& size_in_pixels);
GFX_EXPORT Size DIPToScreenSize(const Size& dip_size);
// Win32's GetSystemMetrics uses pixel measures. This function calls
// GetSystemMetrics for the given |metric|, then converts the result to DIP.
GFX_EXPORT int GetSystemMetricsInDIP(int metric);
// Returns true if the global device scale factor has been explicitly set for
// the process.
GFX_EXPORT bool IsDeviceScaleFactorSet();
GFX_EXPORT extern const wchar_t kRegistryProfilePath[];
GFX_EXPORT extern const wchar_t kHighDPISupportW[];
} // namespace win
} // namespace gfx
#endif // UI_GFX_DPI_WIN_H_