// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/event_types.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "ui/aura/window_observer.h"
#include "ui/base/ime/input_method_observer.h"
#include "ui/base/ime/text_input_type.h"
#include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
#include "ui/keyboard/keyboard_export.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace aura {
class Window;
namespace ui {
class InputMethod;
class TextInputClient;
namespace keyboard {
class CallbackAnimationObserver;
class WindowBoundsChangeObserver;
class KeyboardControllerObserver;
class KeyboardControllerProxy;
// Animation distance.
const int kAnimationDistance = 30;
// Provides control of the virtual keyboard, including providing a container
// and controlling visibility.
class KEYBOARD_EXPORT KeyboardController : public ui::InputMethodObserver,
public aura::WindowObserver {
// Different ways to hide the keyboard.
enum HideReason {
// System initiated.
// User initiated.
// Takes ownership of |proxy|.
explicit KeyboardController(KeyboardControllerProxy* proxy);
virtual ~KeyboardController();
// Returns the container for the keyboard, which is owned by
// KeyboardController.
aura::Window* GetContainerWindow();
// Whether the container window for the keyboard has been initialized.
bool keyboard_container_initialized() const {
return container_.get() != NULL;
// Reloads the content of the keyboard. No-op if the keyboard content is not
// loaded yet.
void Reload();
// Hides virtual keyboard and notifies observer bounds change.
// This function should be called with a delay to avoid layout flicker
// when the focus of input field quickly change. |automatic| is true when the
// call is made by the system rather than initiated by the user.
void HideKeyboard(HideReason reason);
// Notifies the keyboard observer for keyboard bounds changed.
void NotifyKeyboardBoundsChanging(const gfx::Rect& new_bounds);
// Management of the observer list.
virtual void AddObserver(KeyboardControllerObserver* observer);
virtual void RemoveObserver(KeyboardControllerObserver* observer);
KeyboardControllerProxy* proxy() { return proxy_.get(); }
void set_lock_keyboard(bool lock) { lock_keyboard_ = lock; }
// Force the keyboard to show up if not showing and lock the keyboard if
// |lock| is true.
void ShowKeyboard(bool lock);
// Sets the active keyboard controller. KeyboardController takes ownership of
// the instance. Calling ResetIntance with a new instance destroys the
// previous one. May be called with NULL to clear the instance.
static void ResetInstance(KeyboardController* controller);
// Retrieve the active keyboard controller.
static KeyboardController* GetInstance();
// Returns true if keyboard is currently visible.
bool keyboard_visible() { return keyboard_visible_; }
bool show_on_resize() { return show_on_resize_; }
// Returns the current keyboard bounds. When the keyboard is not shown,
// an empty rectangle will get returned.
const gfx::Rect& current_keyboard_bounds() {
return current_keyboard_bounds_;
// Determines whether a particular window should have insets for overscroll.
bool ShouldEnableInsets(aura::Window* window);
// Updates insets on web content window
void UpdateWindowInsets(aura::Window* window);
// For access to Observer methods for simulation.
friend class KeyboardControllerTest;
// aura::WindowObserver overrides
virtual void OnWindowHierarchyChanged(
const HierarchyChangeParams& params) OVERRIDE;
// InputMethodObserver overrides
virtual void OnTextInputTypeChanged(
const ui::TextInputClient* client) OVERRIDE {}
virtual void OnFocus() OVERRIDE {}
virtual void OnBlur() OVERRIDE {}
virtual void OnCaretBoundsChanged(
const ui::TextInputClient* client) OVERRIDE {}
virtual void OnTextInputStateChanged(
const ui::TextInputClient* client) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnInputMethodDestroyed(
const ui::InputMethod* input_method) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnShowImeIfNeeded() OVERRIDE;
// Show virtual keyboard immediately with animation.
void ShowKeyboardInternal();
// Clears any insets on web content windows.
void ResetWindowInsets();
// Returns true if keyboard is scheduled to hide.
bool WillHideKeyboard() const;
// Called when show and hide animation finished successfully. If the animation
// is aborted, it won't be called.
void ShowAnimationFinished();
void HideAnimationFinished();
// Adds an observer for tracking changes to a window size or
// position while the keyboard is displayed. Any window repositioning
// invalidates insets for overscrolling.
void AddBoundsChangedObserver(aura::Window* window);
scoped_ptr<KeyboardControllerProxy> proxy_;
scoped_ptr<aura::Window> container_;
// CallbackAnimationObserver should destructed before container_ because it
// uses container_'s animator.
scoped_ptr<CallbackAnimationObserver> animation_observer_;
scoped_ptr<WindowBoundsChangeObserver> window_bounds_observer_;
ui::InputMethod* input_method_;
bool keyboard_visible_;
bool show_on_resize_;
bool lock_keyboard_;
ui::TextInputType type_;
ObserverList<KeyboardControllerObserver> observer_list_;
// The currently used keyboard position.
gfx::Rect current_keyboard_bounds_;
static KeyboardController* instance_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<KeyboardController> weak_factory_;
} // namespace keyboard